a linear list of about 30 links can be found here, beside the road ~!~
Introducing me: "a" white privileged, Christian, son of Montana, and,
which equals in plain speech: "an asshole know-it-all egghead",following in the tradition of Rudolf Steiner, the Magical/Sage of Anthroposophy,
by: mastering both prophecy and story telling ...
try zydeco dancing, the consciousness of our past avatars ....
i'nI AM a Citizen & poet, word artist writer thinker tarot-reading mystic / warrior & NERD
a kind of mad-man, who just happens to be learned in the secrets of antiquity
***"And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;" Acts 2:17
barriers removedthe Now is constantly being re-imagined, recreated = woe&joy always capable of
balance&harmony, ... there being one basic rule by which to measure our personal freedom ...
everyone has to have the right to choose their own form of self-medication,
because only they know their real state of mind&soul, .... ~!~!~!~ ...
meanwhile watch out for ganja based pot holes in The Below
special treat for those who fell this far
the Gate to the Mother