from the failing institutional Roman
- through
deepening our understanding
of the Third Fatima Prophecy -
~!~ JOY - by Joel A. Wendt
Everything lives and dies - everything, even God.
Remember, the Son came to Earth, became human and then
Remember too what He said: I and the Father are
one; and, no one gets to the
Father except by me.
Dying is
not an end, but rather a transformation from one state to
another state, so we could say with truth that everything
lives and then transforms into something new.
Dying is not an end. The
poet-scientist Goethe called this: dying and becoming, and we know the general idea as: metamorphosis. As nothing is beyond God, then God
too can become. Knowing the
truth of this explains the creation of human beings - a
vehicle for God's becoming.
In the light
these ideas
now recall the words of the Third
Fatima Prophecy:
"I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.
the two parts which I have already explained,
at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we
saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left
hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked
as though they would set the world on fire;
but they died out in contact with the splendor
that Our Lady radiated towards him from her
right hand: pointing to the earth with his
right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud
voice: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. And we
saw in an immense light that is God:
'something similar to how people appear in a
mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop
dressed in White 'we had the impression that
it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops,
Priests, men and women Religious going up a
steep mountain, at the top of which there was
a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a
cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there
the Holy Father passed through a big city half
in ruins and half trembling with halting step,
afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for
the souls of the corpses he met on his way;
having reached the top of the mountain, on his
knees at the foot of the big Cross he was
killed by a group of soldiers who fired
bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way
there died one after another the other
Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and
various lay people of different ranks and
positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross
there were two Angels each with a crystal
aspersorium in his hand, in which they
gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with
it sprinkled the souls that were making their
way to God.
cork tree, missing some bark actually a really good version aspersorium Oh? hummm? Which "church"? The laity's? The Priests, Bishops
How about Christ's
Church, ... where is that One? Perhaps,
right where it has always been ... in the
~!~individual~!~ human heart.
said: I
come not to bring peace, but a sword ... Are we then not to be surprised when the
first image above is of an Angel wielding a sword? But
even this action, by the Son, is moderated by the Forces of
the Divine Mother. Are we not ready now to say it is
past time for the Mother to take her rightful place in the
Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion? Not off
to the side, in a small chapel, but right in front of the
whole congregation. Is it not time for women, who were
in the beginning of the Christian Religion leaders and
Bishops, to once more be the equal of men in the Catholic
(universal&Christian) Religion, if not in the Roman
Who then, on Earth, is being exhorted to give Penance? Certainly not just the laity, the women, and the nuns and the religious. Who has most demonstrated their disdain for authentic morality but the male hierarchy of the Church, again and again and again over the Centuries? Who leads the parade through the ruins of the City and up the Mountain? What does this image teach, but that death is to come to the patriarchal structure of the Roman Church so that new life may come to the Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion - blessed with the blood - with the life essence of the all to often martyred faithful - to be sprinkled over the souls, who in following the Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion are making their way thereby to God.
Art of God: an actual theory of Everything
written for
true believers in scientific theories
And the first shall be last and the
last shall be first.
Those who lead may not always be rightful leaders, but
rather with their ambition and their arrogance instead be of
a lessor moral stature and nature. And those who are
humble, and go last by choice and inclination, they will be
first in their moral nature. The order of the parade in the Prophecy is not without its own
City half in ruins is modern times, where Western
Civilization itself is undergoing a dying and becoming - a
metamorphosis to something new. Within that
broader conflagration lies another, the death and
transformation of the Church itself, where all from Pope to
the laity pass through the fiery baptism of Christ (as John
the Baptist said: the one coming after me will baptize you with fire and holy breath),
which fire is the times in which we live. The
castigation of any current Pope is part of his personal
biographical fire, as no one of any religious rank or
accomplishment is to escape this Baptism.
Catholic Religion is foremost a Christian Religion. The Roman Church is a religious institution, arising in connection with political power
and compromise, which by that means was founded on sand
about 1600 years ago. When certain (but not all) of
the bishops of various early Christian sects united their
efforts with the dying Roman Empire, the resulting earthly
institution could not but be defective - it was a house
build not upon the truth, but upon sand. Recall the
last words of the Sermon on the Mount.
"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." Matthew 7: 24-27
its founding the Roman Church soon fell to earth,
and became corrupt. At every crucial
stage of its history, this religious institution
failed to practice: that is, to follow In His Steps, but instead made political and
social compromises in order to preserve its growing
patriarchal authority and the earthly
wealth and privileges of its all male popes, cardinals and
bishops. These sought not to follow Christ, but to seek
earthly power and position. We forgive them
because they are human, but we cannot continue to support
anymore their continuing confusion, and its ever
more deadly effects.
that the rule of celibacy came to be because of concerns
that the children of church leaders might seek to inherit
Church property, even though Christ taught voluntary
poverty, not the seeking wealth.
the history of the Church, sainted individuals, both men and
women, having engaged in the practice of the true teachings of Christ, went on to
found religious orders where practice was the core rule. Within the
Church hierarchy, knowledge of the moral life was at
the same time gradually lost, as those within it became
more and more tempted to protect the structure
of the Church itself. The egotism of the
Church leaders became confused, and thinking that Christian
Religion was identical with the dogmas of the institutional
Church, the preservation of the Church was assumed a higher
moral value than the practice of
the religion - the practice of the moral
life. A code of obedience to earthly fallen men became
more important to Church authorities than obedience to the
teachings of Christ.
in fact did not teach obedience to men (or to Himself),
but humility and service through beginning with the
gesture of the Washing of the Feet. How often,
however, in spite of Christ's clear teachings did these
voices of asserted patriarchal authority and power speak
to us of the Church? The Church, the Church - we
must protect the Church - meaning there not the Religion,
but the seats of their institutional power and privilege.
Recall as well the stories of what St. Francis did
Rules. We choose, consequences follow.
Next comes a slow-down-sequence of Nows, as the Genius of
- via His Arts of Karma, upends Western
Civilization, ...
this results in many messes, the quality of maleness not
wanting to pick up its toys,
but mom is there, wielding the brooms we call earthquakes,
hurricanes, famine, ... the Four Horseman & and all
their cousins,
yet / but still most crucially: She Always Be catching us
when we surrender to death after death after death,
until we stop wanting to come
back&down&incarnate-again ...
See, that's the heart of existence:
Children are to be indulged, and to have a lot of room to
play and color outside the lines.
The Earth exists because we want it to exist.
The serious question is, however: who the fuck are we?~!~?
the present day scandals, regarding the abuse of
children by priests (and others higher up as well), we
see clearly how for generations the hierarchical
structures of the institutional Church sought to
maintain itself against any loss of authority, which
might have resulted from having to confess that the male
priesthood had become horribly dysfunctional, and that
celibacy itself (something not at all a part the
beginning) was asking too much of human beings.
Certainly voluntary celibacy is a wonderful virtue
to practice, but as a compulsion it should never have
been asked, for then it is no longer a virtue but a
human imposed trial.
The real
question here, however, is not so much concerned with
recognizing the true defective history of the Church, but
rather in making it clear that the institutional
Church is a failure, and continues to lead
the faithful - the Body of Christ - into error,
not into truth. What else is the Third
Fatima prophecy telling us, gently to be sure for it is
after all a message from the Mother, but still showing us the
coming and now present end of something that is
necessary in order for new life to arise. When
the prophecy was first opened and read in 1960, we are told
that the then Pope was so ashamed at the recognition of his
own guilty role that he fell into a swoon, and the Prophecy
withheld from the faithful for decades beyond the time it
was supposed to have been released. Who
knows what additional folly was born in that failure?
the earthly institutional Church is fallen (too earthly),
the life of prayer and other aspects of religious practice are not. When,
for example, the Mass is practiced
(even if the state of soul of the celebrating priest is
flawed), Christ does unite this earthy Church with
His True Church that remains in Heaven.
The heavenly Church is perfect, and while the
earthly Church is fallen, Christ has not abandoned His
children, so that when they call to Him in prayer and through
ritual, He Comes. He is there in the Mass and will be
there in the Mass on into the limitless future, just as He is
there, with the Father, whenever we pray in secret as He
taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:6) Did
He not say: I will be with
you unto the ends of time?
now becomes necessary to add to the sad and already tragic
aspect of the many errors over the Centuries of the fallen
institutional Church an even greater spiritual crime,
although yet unknown. But first some
background, for this crime only delayed the arrival
among the faithful of the knowledge of something wondrous
- it did not stop it from Coming at its appointed time.
a spiritual crime:?: Mark
3:28-30: "Truly I tell you, all sins and blasphemes will
be forgiven for the sons of men.
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will
never be forgiven, but is guilty of an eternal
many of the correctives, to the continuously errant course
of the Roman Church, were offered over the Centuries by
the lives of the saints and by the founding of the various
orders, another stream of Christian wisdom was at the same
time intensely excluded right from the beginning.
This was the stream of the Kings, the
representatives of the ancient mysteries, who with the
Shepherds had also attended the Birth. The stream of
the Shepherds became the disciples and then became the
bishops of the early Church - that is: they reflected the
pastoral impulse which uses the image, as given to us by
Christ, of the shepherd and his flock. But the magi
- the teachers of the ancient mysteries who too had knelt
before Christ - their wisdom became lost for a time.
Even in
the creation of the New Testament, Roman Church
authorities excluded many other Gospels
and sources besides the usual four, in particular that which
was connected to the stream of wisdom of the Kings, such as
the Gospel of Thomas. While it was maintained that there
was justification for this, this exclusion mostly
existed as a way of defeating competing ideas and views.
In drawing to itself earthly social power, the early
Roman Church grossly edited the possible knowledge and
understanding of the meaning of the Christ Event, to accord
with its human and flawed determination to make its own
limited views simple and clearly under institutional control.
The early Church murdered - as heretics - many speakers of truth, and destroyed libraries and other centers of spiritual learning, all in order to dominate. This attitude toward the destruction of seemingly competing views continued for centuries, and it wasn't until secular society and the various kings and queens of the late middle ages no longer instantly obeyed the Church's claim of absolute authority, that the murder of the holders of heretical views began to wane. Finally with the arrival of the Reformation and then of the Romantics in Europe and the Transcendentalists in America, did the male dominated Church become sufficiently powerless to enforce widely in social life its rigidly held views through violence.
Of course
most know that the Church has routinely silenced independent
thinkers within its own ranks for centuries, and the recent
Pope: Benedict the 16th - before assuming that office was in
fact the dominant authority over what were to be the right
ideas of the Church through his former position, which is
called: Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith.
In a sense we need to see the institutional Church as trying to maintain its power, first through the destruction of competing thought, and the killing and silencing of heretics (including the founders of Natural Science), both within and without the structures of the Church itself. Then as time passed, the Church lost more and more its prior public authority as the various Nation States no longer supported it as the official religion, with the result that tighter became its grip on ideas within the Body of Christ. The still too Roman Church even now strangles much needed ideas, such as the ordination of women, with the same deadly intent it once burned heretics at the stake.
the Body of Christ, the laity and the religious orders,
are more and more less inclined to accept that Rome should
have such authority. This should not be a wonder,
because Christ said: I am Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Church has never had
anything to fear from the Truth - never,
although every act of repression and control was a
demonstration of this fear.
reality is that the strangulation of ideas is evidence of
an absence of real Faith. True Faith,
which is essentially trust, has nothing to fear from science,
for example, and never has had to fear knowledge, or other
Ways, including the ancient Ways and Traditions of the wisdom
of the Kings. Yet, in its efforts to dominate ideas, to
compel what is allowed to be thought by its members, whether
in terms of moral teachings or doctrine, the Church itself has
become the opponent of Christ. To oppose the Truth is to
oppose Christ.
describe as totalitarian a political State which wants
to control thoughts and ideas. How then should we
describe the institutional Roman Church?
One way to
understand this fall from Grace into corruption and
totalitarian thought control, is to appreciate that social
forms (such as an institutional religion) can begin in a state
of alive-ness and then over time become sclerotic or hardened,
the same way the human body can become hardened over
time. Everything needs to die in order
to become.
can also happen to religious orders within the Church,
after their founder has crossed over.
For example, the at one time
independence of the Jesuits was lost, and they became
essentially an intellectual war-like arm of the Pope.
Results were more important than means, and the true
significance of the practices of the Ignatius meditations, or
essence of the Rules of the Order, becomes confused. The
history of the Roman Church is littered with such ruins.
Fortunately, some will keep the
practices of the various religious orders alive, so there are
always pockets where hardening and dogmatic fundamentalism is
kept out.
with this background we can begin to consider the even
greater, though yet mostly unknown, spiritual
crime that the Church recently committed
(in the 20th Century). Let me first put
this forward as a sequence of hypotheses - as several "suppose
that as natural science began to dominate
the thinking of the world, in its conclusion that all was
matter and that there was no spirit, natural science
became what in John I would have been called: an aspect of
the spirit of the anti-Christ. In that
long ago language, we can still today find the right modern
idea if we do not make too exaggerated our approach.
What does that language in John I say, but that the
anti-Christ spirit will deny the existence of the Son
and of the Father.
This is what natural science does today, in that it teaches that there is only matter, never spirit. Do not be confused by those zealots who think the anti-Christ is a person who will bring destruction and end times. This is not so. The anti-Christ spirit simply penetrates human consciousness in the absence of Christian(In His Steps~!~}practices, and then denies the Son and the Father, as the writer of John I understood through the examples he saw in his time. It (this anti-Christ spirit) expresses itself as an idea contrary to the Truth.
Christ is the Truth, as our Faith would tell us. If
then science denies the Father and the Son, then somehow
it has failed to find the truth. It may know a great
deal, but something must be missing. Let
me repeat this in another way.
is the Truth. Science denying spirit and saying
all is only matter, denies the Father and the Son.
Our Faith then tells us this kind of science must
be flawed. But where do we find a science that
knows the spirit? He promised to be with us to the
ends of time - is He with us in this dilemma now?
Most religious institutions believe the situation is one of debate, say between a scientific thinker such as Sam Harris, and between someone of a more religious persuasion. It is argued by some religious that religion has as its proper territory the question of morals, and they are willing to leave to science the question of facts. But Mr. Harris is relentless, and now asserts that this flawed science not only should dominate the question of facts, but can give us morals as well.
Mr. Harris
If we look to the leaders of the institutional Church, we don't get much of a moral example, so what can be done? Well, ... Faith would suggest that Christ would act and not leave us alone in this failed situation - would not leave us bound to the materialism (all is matter, there is no spirit) of present day science.
Suppose He did. Suppose during the early parts of the 20th Century Christ found a voice for New Revelation. That not only did Christ find such a voice crying in the wilderness of scientific materialism (all matter, no spirit), suppose the exercise of that voice predicted Christ's true spiritual Second Coming (just as the first John the Baptist predicted Christ physical Incarnation). Further, suppose that all this happened in a way in which the problems that might face such acts of Christ could be meet with the standards of inquiry common today to natural science. Suppose that in this 2nd voice crying in the wilderness, existed the capacity to unite science and religion, without damage to the true nature of either Way of being in the world.
In addition, suppose that the true
Second Coming began its principle effects upon the world,
during the darkest horrors of the 12 years between the
burning of the Reichstag (1933) and the exploding of the
Atomic Bomb (1945) - the time when millions of
Jews and Russians and Germans, and hundreds of thousands
others, were murdered in war. And suppose that
true to what Christ had predicted, that He would come
again in a certain form or way, this He actually did:
Jesus replied, "You have said it.
And in the future you will see the Son of Man seated in
the place of power at God's right hand and coming on the
clouds of heaven." Matthew 26: 64
author - Joel A. Wendt, professional heretic
that the stream of ancient wisdom - the Kings of the
Gospel stories - are at work again today.
Given the opportunity to give birth into life a new
revelation - new spiritual truth belonging to the age of
science - something
happens in the world right in front of the male
dominating hierarchies of the fallen Roman Church, and
they ignore it, just as they ignored the priests who
steal innocence, and just as they ignored the holocaust,
and just as they ignored the countless other crimes
within the Roman Church, in order to preserve the
institutional Church at the expense of the practice of
the Religion.
suppose that this true Second Coming is not the End Times
Second Coming, but something else, something more needed
and wanted by the Faithful. Those
who want to judge all matters of Christian Religion by
reference to the Bible, want essentially to confine the
Divine to words in a book, and in particular words as
interpreted by fallen human beings. The Divine
cannot be so confined, but is free to speak in any way
and in any how It chooses.
does it mean: to unite science and religion? How
could we know about this so-called true Second Coming in
the spirit - in clouds of heaven? What can be made of facts and
morals that combines into something both and neither -
something beyond the limits of each?
more crucially: What has this to do with Saving
the Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion from
the dying institutional Roman Church?
story ... ~!~!~!~!~
1861 was born a man in Central Europe, by the name of
Rudolf Steiner.
He was to become the voice crying in the
wilderness of scientific materialism, and those who he
had Baptized with the true scientific spirit (the one
that does not deny the Father and the Son) prepared
themselves for the true Second Coming of Christ, not
in the material physical body, and/but in a spiritual
body. In the age where science
mistakenly assumes all is matter and there is no spirit,
where else would Christ - the Truth - come again in this
Now, but in the spirit - in the
future you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of
power at God's right hand and coming on the clouds of
true second coming then happens in the
20th Century - to a degree all over
the world -
although the announcement of this event was right in
Central Europe and right under the noses of the Roman
Church, with its vast intellectual prowess via the Society
of Jesus. New Revelation of how it
is that behind matter lies spirit, and not only the idea
of that, but how to go about reconstructing science itself
so that this can be known without ever violating the best
that already justly lives in natural science.
Nor is
this Revelation dependent upon mere belief. All the
work of this Revelation points to facts, which can be
sought and discovered and which lead ever and again toward
not only a true scientific practice of Religion, but toward a truly religious practice of Science. Right under the noses of
the self-serving male dominated hierarchical structures of
the Roman Catholic Church, New Revelation was/is given and then
criminally ignored.
would medicine, education, social science, natural
science, agriculture, art, philosophy, theology, - how
would all the vast fields of human knowledge change, if
real scientific knowledge of the spirit were joined to
the already huge scope of the scientific knowledge of
This is how seeds of the New Revelation can look: flowers of art&thought, scientifically rigorous&religious ....
The Nature
,,, .......
a novel
painting by Robert
There are here a thousand stories, as this
transformation of New Revelation into practical Arts has
been slowly begun (we are only in the beginning
of the Second Coming
- the Copernican revolution took
almost 400 years to dominate human thinking, and now its
counter-revolution - the true Second Coming, will as well
take Centuries to emerge into full flowering). Here
let me tell just one such story (there are far too many),
with a small preliminary introduction.
am not my brain, the map is not the territory";
and, "Sacramental
Thinking"; and, "waltzing and
weeping by the rivers of the holy grail"; and,
Paths to the Spirit"]
order for the scientific spirit to enter into the already
centuries long scientific age and participate in some kind
of extension of the arts of science so as to include the
spirit, the crucial subject of inquiry first has to be the
human mind. It is the human mind that is the
primary tool out of which materialistic science has been
given birth, and it is through the human mind that the New
Revelation and the true Second Coming are to be perceived.
The Fundamentals of Anthroposophy: [my understanding of what Steiner wished for future humanity: a spiritual-science of the mind]
Images for "mind" ~!~!~!~!~ Google
Images for "brain"
Anthroposophy is not Christianity AND Christianity is not what is calling itself Christianity. In My Father's House Are Many Mansions
Creation and the Creator Beings are known by many names,
and each name is as valid as any other.
Anthroposophy means to serve the scientific spirit in the
investigatiaon of all aspects of spirit, as seen in all
cultures, for each culture is rich in their languages with
amazing wisdoms ... manifesting love having no limits at
all, where is in the Many as well as in the One
who aspire to elevate rational thinking are on the right
track, but they are mistaken in their assumption that
our instinctive thinking is all that mind can manifest.
Yes, we do think, but we sleep
inwardly through the real processes of thinking, and
it is out of the renewed Kings wisdom
that the real nature and understanding of the full
spiritual potential of thinking has been born.
Let me repeat: has been born.
Riders ~!~ the human being in maturity"; and, "Sex, Porn,
and the Return of the Divine Feminine"; and, "Medicine
Woman is Here"
The Holy Mother, having never left ~!~ but yet not fully
recognized, ...
is back to obvious manifestations of Her
counter-revolution has begun, and
Christ-Creator-Love-as-a-One ... a singularity of the
Creator, becoming human and dying, falling inward the
same as asked of all the others-of-the-many: dying
into new becomings ... HE?SHE/IT has come again.
To the consciously developed and fully willed
thinking, Christ is perceivable. Mind is
spirit in action, and this personal spirit in action
that lives potential in our thinking can be brought to
a condition where it perceives Christ in the All,
through self-chosen co-participation - abstract
knowledge un-ensouled the world (we do not see/know
the consciousness of the ALL), and we have to
decide/choose to re-ensoul it. To Want to be
One&ManyTogether @#>.... ... .. .
"Think on it:
how the point becomes a sphere and yet remains
Hast thou understood how the infinite sphere may be only
a point,
and then come again,
then the Infinite will shine forth for thee in the
Rudolf Steiner.
In his religious role (among many other roles) as the John the
Baptist of the true Second Coming, Rudolf Steiner first
elaborated in three books, at the end of the 19th Century,
precisely how to give birth to this spiritualized thinking.
Not only how, but he explained exactly in what ways this
spiritual revolution in thinking fit within the existing
stream of philosophical and scientific thought. In the
third of these books: called The Philosophy of
Spiritual Activity, the subtitle was: some results of
introspection following the methods of natural science.
become baptized by the second John in preparation for our
true full baptism by Christ during His Second Coming means
only to become fully awake a bit ahead of something that
will arise over time in all human beings who seek it,
which yet is available already today for those willing to
undertake the practices.
is, however, the real-singularity of the individual
heart which/that is the only true guide.
at one time falsely declared heretical wisdom of the Kings
has now returned unfettered, and presently
makes possible the metamorphosis of thinking itself.
There are many ways to approach this transformation,
some more instinctive and some more conscious. In all
cases where some degree of the new thinking mystery arises,
human knowledge is extended in such a way that the reality of
spirit is added to our understanding of matter.
What happened in Central Europe in the 20th Century, right under the noses of the Catholic institutional hierarchies, and its scholars in the Society of Jesus, was nothing less than the beginning glory of a Christ centered spiritualization of all human knowledge. Those who took up this new understanding of the potential of the human mind, inspired by (baptized by) Rudolf Steiner, gave birth to knowledge very much needed by present day humanity. One can not overstate how much this knowledge is needed, and what a crime it was then (and continues today and into the future) for the institutional Roman Church to deny the truths the live right in front of them, and of which they were and are aware.
example: and:
,,... ~!~!~!~
called his work Anthroposophy, and as a Kings wisdom he
expressly differentiated it from the Christian Religion.
Anthroposophy was simply the science of the
new thinking cognition, and like any such
science it was meant to live in service to human needs - not
itself become another competing religious impulse. Pope
John Paul II knew of this work during his early years in
Poland, and as Karol Jozef Wojtlya, he participated in
anthroposophical work. On the Internet one can find a
picture of him as Pope with a book on his desk by a former
student of Steiner's.
Steiner wrote
over 30 books, was quite famous in Central Europe at the
beginning of the 20th Century, giving over 6000 lectures,
while often during his last years these lectures were attended
by thousands. There was no way the Church was
unaware of this voice crying in the wilderness of scientific
Christ is the Truth and we have nothing to fear from
seeking it.
In the Third Fatima vision, the City is in Ruins ... in
what way can a civilized humanity be saved in times the
Hopi Prophecy called: The Day of
He's Here Is/As: not peace but a sword, and spiced
with baptism by fire and holy breath ... so what is going
on ????????????????
me now take up some small details/examples of this ongoing
work, which are related to each other although sometimes
separated as if involving different fields. Just as
modern science often over emphasizes the distinction
between disciplines, their reality is only truly
understood when they are integrated.
So we
have as a ripening fruit of the new thinking, what are
called in separation: Biodynamic Agriculture,
Anthroposophical Medicine and Goethean Science.
All three of these are joined in their contributions to
the health of the human being, and are filled from within by
knowledge of the spirit which has now been added to knowledge
of matter. The human being, while on the Earth
between birth and death, is both matter and spirit, and many
problems of humanity today cannot be solved without first
understanding and then realizing in practice the integration
of the relevant spiritual facts with the relevant material
I can only skip across the surface of this knowledge like
a flat rock thrown horizontally onto the surface of a pond
or a lake. The details are too vast,
which is why those who take up this work make for themselves
new religious-like careers. What was formerly heretical
thinking is no longer to be confined to the monastery or the
convent, but comes now full born into the light of day.
more general of these inner related disciplines is called
Goethean Science, and one can find excellent examples of
its practice on the website: The Nature
Institute. The new thinking
mysteries begin with the metamorphosis of ordinary cause and
effect abstract thinking into what is best called organic
thinking (and sometimes called Goetheanism, after the
poet-scientist Goethe who was among the first who
instinctively practiced it). This organic
thinking naturally grows into pure thinking, which is similar
in a way to the high level concentrated thinking of the pure
mathematician, but which is a more conscious type of pure
thinking because it is filled from within by a fully intended
moral impulse.
the Nature Institute website, one can come upon many
works, and here is just a good example: by Stephen Talbot:
On Making the Genome Whole, were current advances in the investigation of
the nature of the cell reveal more and more that the natural
scientist can no longer hold to the view the DNA is the cause
of living processes, but that if we honestly view what goes on
in the cell (as understood today), the part does
not determine the whole, but rather the whole
determines/is - the inside of - the part ...
idea is significant for all human knowledge, particular
that concerning our health&well-being. On a
social level too, if we think it through. Yet,
healing the social a much larger/complex problem, which
can only be done by us, singly. Alone. If
you contemplate this "situation", then our Age
identifies itself. For the social, makes a
difference where you live ... have to clean up our own
doorstep first ...
As well, the
human being needs food in order to live. We are all
aware today how poorly run is the social system that delivers
food to our tables. Nutrition is a core aspect of
health, particularly of the physical body. A doctor
acquaintance of mine, deeply familiar with biodynamic
agriculture and anthroposophical medicine has made the
following statements in conversation (I've highlighted these
in italics), concerning which I will then offer my own
1) The chief cause
of death in America is the American doctor. This is not
meant to morally blame, but to point out the fact that the
ignorance of the relationship between spirit and matter
that so pervades modern medicine - this ignorance kills.
The modern doctor frequently mis-diagnoses, and then
compounds that error by using a sledge-hammer when a
butterfly kiss is more therapeutic. All we
have to do is listen to the ads for modern medicines and
all their deadly side-effects to realize that whatever the
understanding of medical science is today, it actually
knows a great deal less than it pretends.
Because this
ignorance is a culture-wide - that is most everyone assumes
that it is the best understanding - scientific materialism
lives inside modern medicine as a kind of religion, and just
like the Catholic Church in the 16th century, when its beliefs
were challenged by the early natural scientists, modern
science will brand all spiritual views as heretical and seek
to punish those who disagree. But the practice of anthroposophical
medicine is more art than science, and the true
practice of healing requires more than arid facts, numbers and
countless tests with machines.
2) The reason people
are obese is not because they eat too much, but because
they are starving.
The physical body is a work of wonder,
about which we still have a great deal to learn (see the
essays one the Genome mentioned above, where if you want to
get at the core of this drastically incomplete knowledge, just
consider that at the cutting edge of cell biology the idea
that DNA in the cell is the chief cause of bodily function and form is not longer
recognized. Rather researchers into cell biology now
recognize that the parts do not determine the whole, but
rather that the whole clearly determines the parts. This
confounds them, for it makes of the living once again a
In the light of this, from the side of a spirit oriented understanding of nutrition, my doctor acquaintance was pointing out that the body knows that there is almost no real nutrition in the foods agribusiness provides through our grocery stores. As a consequence, the wisdom of the body is always telling us to eat more and eat more and eat more, because we are nutritionally starving. All of us eat food with little nutrition, but the obviously obese are just those with a body type and typical internal chemistry that more readily transforms sugars into stored fats. Everyone, whatever body type, can't get real nutritious food in the regular grocery store, and this is a cause of a great many illness, both physical and mental.
Essentials of Nutrition
Dynamics of Nutrition
foods, which are too often agricultural waste transformed into
profit making highly advertised junk (with a lot of sugar
added so we get the illusion of renewed energy and a lot of
salt added so we get the illusion that these things taste
good) are killing us in the same way the doctor is killing us
- through greed and and arrogant ignorance.
Food grown on
farms is meant to keep us alive, not kill us. To keep us
alive, it has itself to contain life - the food has to be
itself alive. Modern farming practices, as the organic
movement fully knows, produce foods that look good (with a lot
of help from added fake color and surface oiling). but which
don't deliver actual nutrition. The materialist will
argue that there is no proof of this, but his idea of proof is
confused. The real experiment is being done on a massive
world-wide scale on all human beings, and while we may not yet
fully appreciate the exact causal mechanism (what the
materialist demands as proof), the history of last 150 years
reveals clearly the arriving of all kinds of illnesses in
connection with changes in the growth of food and the
simultaneous creation of the picture of the human being as a
mechanism - as only matter.
can't see what you don't look for and having assumed away
spiritual concepts of the human being, it is no wonder
that today this is hard to find.
Earth, and Nutrition: The Biodynamic Approach to
Biodynamics the situation is developed further than in
organic practices, for the agricultural processes (modern
huge farms) of today actually are killing the soil and the
body inheritance characteristics of the animals we eat as
well. The living Earth, on which we depend as a
fully integrated organism in its totality, is dying, and
we are killing it. The arrogant and ignorant child
is killing its Mother.
In order to return life to the Earth, we have to recognize that it is itself integrated into the Cosmos, into the extra-telluric fullness of the whole Solar System. Nothing is separate from anything else, and it is only the over-use of the presently limited thinking processes of analysis (without wise synthesis) by natural science that has led to this false perception of independence (parts unrelated to wholes). The moon and the planets do influence plant and animal growth, and we need to include these realities (out of a scientifically oriented new discipline of observation and thinking - Goethean Science) in our understanding of the underlying nature of living agricultural processes. This is Biodynamic Agriculture.
produce has now become the sought after prize of many gourmet
chefs, and as well biodynamic wines are seen as exceptional.
Why - because those who know foods and wines
know taste, and nothing - nothing - tastes quite as lively
(as full of life) as biodynamic foods and wines, to the
carefully developed and cultivated senses of a gourmet.
In a
similar fashion as to farms and food, the human
organization is not merely physical, but spiritual as
well. We have in fact four bodies, not
one: a physical body; an ethereal or life body; a soul or
psychological or astral body; and, a warmth or ego or spirit
body. A properly disciplined thinking can learn to
perceive these less visible elements of our reality and
nature, and while each part is healed in a subtly different
way, all are yet interdependent.
doctor acquaintance has produced the book noted above,
which I recommend as an excellent practical and pragmatic
doorway into this realm of the union of knowledge of
spirit and matter. He doesn't know everything, but
he will be a good start, on a valuable subject for all, to
coming to the appreciation of the facts of which I have
been writing here: New Revelation is making its way into
the world, and the true Second Coming is upon us.
These changes leave traces in human cultural
developments - fingerprints as it were, and in Dr. Cowen's
book: The Four-Fold Path to Healing, we have one quite outstanding
For example, he describes how with good nutrition, we heal the physical body. With good therapeutics (butterfly kisses instead of sledge-hammers) we heal the ethereal or life body. With good movement exercise we heal the soul or psychic/emotional or astral body, and with meditation (good mental exercises) we heal the spirit body.
are just a few, by the way, of thousands
of books and works and human activities that have
begun to come into the world through the New Revelation
and as part of the true Second Coming in the spiritual.
Education is being transformed, as is Art and Psychology
and Science and Social Science and beyond. The presence
of these fingerprints is far greater in Central Europe, and
has been going on there longer than in America. The
ignoring of this Christ presence, and its offerings to
humanity's deepest needs, is the ultimate spiritual crime of
the now very much needs to be dying institutional Roman
it will not die an easy death and with that theme I will next
approach a way to understand how to save the Catholic (or
Christian) Religion from the no longer viable patriarchal
dominance of old Christian religious institutions, for all
institutional hierarchical structures must eventually undergo
the dying and becoming described in the Third Fatima Prophecy.
question that may arise, in those who hear or read these
words, is: what about me? If Christ has come again, how am
I to know this? If He promised to be with me until
the ends of time, how I am to see Him in the spirit today?
Doesn't HE&She make Themselves available
to All?
The Way of the Fool
The Art
of God
As an
aspect of the true Second Coming in the spirit - in the
clouds of heaven - in the inwardness of the human being -
there has also come to be a Second and purely spiritual
Eucharist. In Luke Christ says: the kingdom of
heaven is inside you. So, look inside yourself and
you will find Him there. This second
Eucharist does not eliminate the Original, which has to do
with the transubstantiation of matter, but does add to that of
matter the transubstantiation of thought. This is the
essence of the new Mystery of Thinking.
The Original
Eucharist is communal and requires thereby guiding hands,
which no longer needs to be a priest, however. It is
simply a practical problem. To celebrate the
transubstantiation of matter - its respiritualization as it
were - as a community, requires many hands. We do not
feed ourselves, but each other.
The Second
Eucharist in the Ethereal (in the clouds of heaven - in the
inwardness of our own Life Body) is entirely personal and
takes place between our own spirit (our own I-am) and the
Divine, within the temple of the soul or mind. The
practice of the transubstantiation of thought is religious in
intention (that is an aspect of our will) and scientific in
perception (that is an aspect of our introspective thinking) and artistic
in practice (that is an aspect of the contribution of the
heart or of feeling). Some will call it thinking with the
heart, although that is an oversimplification.
potential for the Second Eucharist was known from the
beginning of Christianity, and the disciples in Acts
called it: Holy Breath. Recall John the Baptist: the one coming
after me, I cannot even carry His sandals; He will baptize
you in holy breath and fire.
and weeping by the rivers of the holy grail
Recent efforts by the Holy Mother, in HER aspect of Earth
Mother&Goddess of weather and fate, causes troubles
for folks {fires in California, floods in Houston}, ...
If we assume the Mother's Arts&Crafts, weaving
Death&Karma and shocks to the system, begin and end
with the storms and fires, we are blind to the
after-effects, by which we are given the opportunity to
forget old feuds&race, and just get busy with the
obvious jobs of helping other folks pass through the
trials - individualism falls before common human empathy
and caring - baptism by fire (troubles) and holy breath
(support to find in yourself what to you is the right
thing to do).
The practice is fairly straightforward, and was described by Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, although since that time it has fallen into confusion and earthly excesses.
When Christ
gave the Our Father, He said to pray it in secret. "But when you
pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your
Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in
secret will reward you." Matthew 6:6
This is
the true spiritual mystery of prayer - to pray in secret,
not in public. The practice of public prayer is the
practice of institutional coercion and religious
totalitarianism. We are meant to be shamed by this,
and its chief fruit is the further empowerment of the priest
as a necessary intermediary between us and the Divine.
That time is over.
this prayer in secret, be all the same bold: say it out
loud. There is no need to be so loud as
to be heard in the next room, but it is more a matter of
authenticity. You are in secret, but not hiding.
Speak it with your normal voice. Let
this spoken tone
carry the truth of how you actually feel in the moment,
even if filled with doubt and despair. Prayer is
about truth. Speak truly, and
then listen inwardly.
inwardly can be difficult, especially if we have had
little practice. It is, after all, an art of sorts -
first a skill, then a craft and then an art. Holy
Breath does not shout, for it is of Life, just as the
prologue to the John Gospel describes: "In Him was Life
and the Life was the Light of men"
Contrary to doctrine and ancient ideas, neither the Son or the Father (or the Mother) is about obedience. Their love grants us full freedom as its highest currently expressed meaning. In our time, however, there has arisen, because of the flaws and fallen nature of institutional and patriarchal religious practices, the idea that there are absolute moral principles to which everyone must be obedient. One can even understand that there may have been in the past some degree of necessity for this approach, because the human being was not fully developed - did not possess entirely what is potential (and this remains true to a degree - we can yet be more). For that reason a religious culture urging obedience to high moral ideas may have been in the past a bit justified.
the timing of the true Second Coming in the spiritual is
about acknowledging that we are now capable of becoming
morally free. The whole point of Christ's present
day Baptism of human beings, by fire and holy breath,
concerns this moral freedom. This idea too is found
in the images of the Third Fatima Prophecy which we have
been studying.
City is in ruins - Western Civilization is undergoing
dramatic metamorphosis. What could be more clear
from the hand-writing on the wall of/from contemporary
events we see on the evening News?
Institutional religion must as well
transform. The mostly
Christianized West needs to understand: The Holy Father
leads the procession up the Hill to the foot of the Cross,
there to die in violence not unlike what is being visited
all over the world. The spiritual essence released
by this act - the blood - is to be saved by Angels and
then offered to us in the future as we continue to
struggle to make our way toward God.
Rudolf Steiner,
out of the Kings wisdom, taught us in detail how to have a
practical relationship to the dead - to those that have
crossed over. They remain interested in our lives, and
available to help. At the same time, nothing that we
need is to be hidden from us, if we but rightly understand
what Christ tried to teach us about prayer. Again, the
path/roads of the dead are not the same, even tho' the Mother
is the All~in~all ....
we pray the All >Our: Fathers {whose glory is
remembered each night in the Heavens - our star~home's
dancing} in secret, we have made of the mind and soul a
temple for our immortal spirit. This mood of
prayer, and the seven petitions of the Our Father, when practiced (remember what the Cosmic
Creator>coagulated into matter as/given the name:
Christ said about building our house upon rock) leads us
further. In this temple and in secret we now say
whatever is on our mind, out loud and authentically giving
voice to our true feeling nature as we are at that time.
We hide nothing.
Ask, seek and
He said.
If we have a question spoken aloud, and the more modest the question (the more humble), we will receive an answer in the inward silence of our own mind/soul temple. A voice, like in form and texture our own inner voice, yet so so soft, will reply in the clouds of heaven inside us. The reply will be nearly instantaneous, and almost simultaneous, because even before we speak out loud, the question has lived first in our hearts, and its in our hearts that we are known ("...but then I will perceive the same way that I was perceived all along." St. Paul, 1 Corinthians 13).
Because we live in the time of Fire, the time of the ruination of the City, where the Angel with the Sword is acting (remember He said: ...I come not to bring peace but a sword), and because we strive to walk up the Hill - up the Mountain - to the Cross - that is because we strive to be moral - Christ's Baptism of us by Fire is that struggle to walk up that Hill - to be moral in a time of great troubles - that is in this time - this present. If we wish to follow In His Steps, we will not be able to hide from moral trials.
Real Choices, and each biography its own Path to the Holy Grail.
social life does not yet realize this aspect of human
meaning, although in other-Mansions enlightenment, satori,
shamanism, initiation, wizardry, yoga, endless whatevers
becoming whatever....
of us inspired by the works of Rudolf Steiner, with
Tomberg's book having become well known among the
religious of the Church ... a kind of guilty pleasure well
and humble (thinking on your knees and
sacramentally) questions take the form of
how may I help this other person. How may I love
them. These good questions are other-directed.
Self-directed questions, such as get me out of
jail or what is the right number for the lottery - these
questions we already know in our hearts the Divine
should not answer. But if we alter/altar them
in the right way, so that we ask (to continue the example)
how do I live with being in jail or how do I live with
being poor - these questions can be answered.
if we put among the many possible questions a
straightforward moral question into the intimacy of prayer
something rather remarkable and powerful, and initially
frightening, happens. If we ask, as did the
character in the movie Million Dollar Baby, should I help
this person who wants to die, die? We do not get an
answer, but Silence.
Silence speaks thus: you already
know what the right thing to do is. There is
in the Silence no abandonment, but rather a gift of
freedom and most remarkably - the gift of trust.
You know, you decide, you act, says the
Silence. The same Faith we have in God, God
has in us.
Silence also says: you cannot hide here by making the
Divine responsible for what life and the baptism by fire
of your own biography has already made you responsible.
Don't in prayer come to shift the blame to the
Divine, or to a book or to another person in the form of a
priest or a bishop or a pope. Its your life, and you
decide. This is what it means to be Baptized by
Fire, and to walk up the Hill, or Mountain of moral
trials, through the ruination of the City and toward the
what then about Baptism by Holy Breath? What is
that about?
- in prayer - we share what we have decided to do.
We take responsibility, and we let the Father
know. We accept the Cup, and with gratefulness.
This Christ lived and taught by example.
comes the miracle - now comes the reward - now comes Holy Breath.
He Does Have the Whole World of Life&Light ... in
His Hands,
with each breath we take
will find that we are stronger - that our course once
chosen is joined by Another, who walks beside us.
We walk up the Hill following our self chosen
course, and we do not walk alone. Remember: I will
be with you until the ends of time. Even if we
drop the Cross for a while, Another picks us both up.
This is true for everyone, whether Catholic or Christian or whatever. To take full human responsibility for moral choices is to be Graced by Holy Breath, which comes not as an idea, but as a renewed strength of will.
and television Arts&Crafts get this. It is
perceived by the hearts of the actors, writers, and
directors - here's a little commentary on Clint
Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby" and "Gran
Torino". All film arts all over the world get
this too, just watch some "foreign" films and
participate in the perception of the meaning crafted
by the artisans ...
MDB and GT Eastwood directs and acts, Same male
character, settled, thinks he knows himself, and then
life hits him upside the head with an awful
In both films Eastwood plays a life time
Catholic. In MDB the priest is mature, in GT
Both speak only in pieties, and while trying to be
helpful prove to be useless.
Priest, of any kind, is any longer to stand between us
and our personal relationship to Christ & The Holy
Mother, although
I am fairly certain that as human
beings, any priest - guru - master - mullah -
whatever, ........................
is welcome to Climb the Hill with the
rest of us failing&struggling&uncertain human
of this, by the way [baptism by fire and holy breath,
gifted to us by the dude who promised not peace but a
sword] ...
can happen in an instant. Life
confronts us with many moral dilemmas and
choices. The more we practice taking
responsibility, the more confidence we gain in the
practice of our version of
religion. Even the atheist will be graced in
this way, because the event of the Second Eucharist is
invisible, and cannot be known unless we start to look
for it. Not having the idea of it, the atheist
will not see it, but this grace is not denied anyone
who chooses to be moral out of
their own insight.
Steiner put it this Way, in his remarkable book: A
Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World
[Chapter XIX: Human Freedom} "Man is not behaving in
accordance with the purposes of the Guiding Power of
the World when he investigates one or another of His
Commandments, but when he behaves in accordance with
his own insight . For in him the Guiding Power
of the World manifests Himself. He does not live
as will somewhere outside of man; He has renouced his
own will in order that all might depend upon the will
of man. If man is to be enabled to become his
own lawgiver, all thought about world-determinations
outside of man must be abandoned."
Barfield called this book the least read most
important book, Steiner ever wrote.}
Owen Barfield - a must read - even aloud with friends -
Meaning for an appetizer, then ... hmm,
the Appearances: a study in idolatry
after which World's
Apart , described by T.S. Elliot as: "a journey
into seas of thought very far from ordinary routes of
intellectual shipping" ...
&@#~!~!~~ in this
little books of four lectures delivered in America,
Barfield shows/argues that if we
listen/read/love/cultivate the gift of the word:
Language ... She tells a story or two - The Great
Myths - have to be fully true, because the Great Myths
were born in the youth of language, in its youth
language only names what its speakers actually
experience ... not metaphorical theories about
gods&goddesses, since the little folk were always
around, the Mother being so careful ... all the
stories in all the mansions in all the world of worlds
that earth existence hold's dear [Newton studied
gravity, reduced it to wonderful and beautiful
abstractions, searched the ancient lore for
philosopher stones and emerald tablets, but didn't
make it fit. He spent too much time inside
huts&such reading books, and not enough time going
outside and recognizing that the What Is got to be
that Way because the What Is is wayWay
wiser/smarter/magical/stupendous and everywhere people
with invisible beings whose affects you notice but
dis-ensoul ... Dear Newton Fans - gravity is Mom's
love, harsh as every child soon learns, if you do not
obey that law/rule/gift, and ... well, poets know we
are all stars, and hermits have trouble containing
treasures ....
someone think this will lead to all kinds of moral
relativism and all the other complaints made by modern
priests of institutional religions, the facts of
experience are otherwise. These, who assert moral
authority, judge, when having been taught in the Sermon
on the Mount not to judge. We pray in secret and
are rewarded in secret and it is no one else's
business. By the same rule, {practice} another's
motes are not our business either.
we re-ensoul the Cosmos, ... no time, no space, no
me/only us??? Each of us share the same basic curses,
passed down to us by antiquity. A birth in a life
in a human body, which cycles through endless days,
sevens of days, fours of sevens of days, among fours of
sun changes, the Now has rhythm and sameness, each each
of billions&billions seeking entry ... still happens
not only a day at a time, but a moment at at time, fours
again for we: breathe in, rest/pause; breathe out,
rest/pause, ... power in the
bloods singing, while sensation everywhere
overloads, and some delicate souls/folks just break -
Las Vegas ...
don't think you/me/us are going to get it right
all the time. Life hasn't ever taught
such a lesson, and to live truly in life is to live
in Christ. To learn authentic prayer and to
discover and have confidence in our own capacity for
knowing the right course of moral action is to bear
a Cross - to follow Him and take up our own
and weeping by the river of the holy grail
This: the Quest for the Holy Grail, which exists beyond imagination, for we return&return&return ... until we don't ... each birth to death biography the locus/focus of all the love/light/dark/mysterious/unknowns, from moment to moment, roller coasting among skies and lands and flowers and languages and culture and strife and family and self - each biography in each life is all of a singularity becoming - the human ~!~ spirit time&space dancing to the music of the moment ...
Eternal had Forever, just as do we, being born of the
eternal-forever of the glorious now alive - then dead
... in-mystery, just like each nights sleep ....
are such ideas anything fully mysteries and
hidden. Again, one need only watch those two films
of Clint Eastwood to see how artists perceive this
reality, without ever having to grasp it in ideas:
Million Dollar Baby and Gran Torino. Eastwood
plays in both these roles the human face of someone who
can't quite get it what the priests of the Roman Church
have to say. His deepest questions, they can't
answer. Not because they lack experience,
so much as they are not him.
Baptism by fire in our biography is personal.
Its not for another, its just for us. We
are individual and loved as an individual which is why
moral choices have a very tricky time coming down to
universal principles to which all must be obedient.
For example, all abortions take place in an
individual context and it is that individual which
must deal with the question - the meaning of the moral
question is meant for them, and this includes the
dilemma of those who want to preserve life.
Their dilemma too is individual.
is a caution, however. Which again is
related to the absence of actually practicing the Catholic (Christian) Religion.
For example, the anti-abortion movement frequently
shapes itself in the form of a mob. Not always,
but frequently. As a mob it is more like the folks
in the Gospels who Christ appears before and says: He who is
without sin, let him cast the first stone. Its a teaching story that gives a
concrete example of the problem of the mote and the beam
- the problem of judging lest ye be judged. An
anti-abortion mob really ought to look to their own
beam, first. Once they understand that, then
Christ says, will they be able to help the person with
the mote.
similar thing is true when we think about any current
Pope and/or any of the innocence shattering priests.
Let's not become a mob.
Let's instead understand that within the larger
scale of things, it is time for the Body of
Christ, the laity and the religious, in the
Catholic Religion, to do something the
institutional Church cannot do. Walk
up the Hill and consciously let the old die.
Stop leaning on the institutional Church as a
moral authority, and take up the Cross yourself.
doesn't need to be a reformative mob-like revolution in
the Roman Church for there to be a metamorphosis of the
Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion. Carry
your own cross, don't throw stones and have faith.
The rest will take care of itself.
The institutional Roman Church will then become more and more irrelevant. Already it has had to let go all manner of buildings, because the material costs of the tragedy of child abuse have been so high. All over are empty spaces, some once Churches. The City is falling into ruin. Who said God only shows up in a Cathedral? Nothing prevents the laity and the religious from gathering together in small circles to actually practice the Catholic (universal&Christian) Religion.
Gathering together to practice, to study, to seek, ask
and knock ... only needs people, the rest, the dress,
the laying on of hands,
the large buildings, none of that draws anyone nearer to
God, who turns out to be all the folks everywhere ...
institutional religion
being irrelevant ... nothing exists that was not
Authored by the Mother ... existence comes this
Way, as a dear friend points out:
“ ... the traditional kabbalistic worlds of
Emanation, Creation, Formation & Existence as
depicted in shorthand in Genesis) can be seen as
having their parallel “tree-rings” in the building up
of successive inner-earth layers corresponding to
Saturn, Sun, Moon, and, finally, the surface world of
Nature, all
inhabited at their core and in every particle by
divinity in its immanent maternal aspect.”
individual heart is its own mansion for the divine, free
to choose
own Way into the forever-now .... the local context
necessary, but the essence the same for all ...
we can expect the male authority driven hierarchies to
threaten excommunication - that is to deny the
celebration of the Mass and the transubstantiation of
matter during this rite. Let them. Christ
doesn't follow the Pope, or the Bishops or the Priests.
They have no authority whatsoever over
Him ... who only serves ...
come together right always-Now ...
He is life creating light, and She makes sure all that
exists has a part to play themselves ... everywhere
music & dancing throughout the whole of the
Creation, whatever your life, culture, race, speech,
work, family, and religion ...
Join in community with others and once
more struggle to practice
the Religion. Let the Church built on sand
wash away in the storms of the present times.
Walk up the Hill. Carry the Cross.
Keep company with others of a like intention.
But pray in secret. He will be with us,
and She will be with us. The Religion is
actually very simple. Savor its simplicity.
in secret and individually. Meditate (have
thoughtful conversations about the Truth) in
community. And last, but certainly not least:
Love each other.