Instant Satori, guaranteed,
just read it through, three times, while singing prayers
in private ...
tried to make it easy, and even billionaires can do it
if they are wise ...
Zydeco Dragons ...
our real evolutionary history ~~~
only viable when read aloud, with some music in the

bones are not flesh, or movement or evidence of
anything about
the nature of the Consciousness which lived then ...
in the way back long ago when before ...
Sure, layers, all the way back to atoms ... but did
you fail to ask the great “what-if” ...
hidden in all the math: rhythm, symmetry, with a
dose of incautiousness, we have
carbon (form) dancing with oxygen (fire), ... then there
is hydrogen, kind of in-between carbon (form) and oxygen
(the formed) lies hydrogen (the forming process). -
life/air/water elemental processes even to the smallest
until Altered-Carbon comes along (()=
})], but that gets ahead of our story ...

geometric laws of light
weave color in space, allowing
all form to turn inside out, and outside in,
at whim and upon divine
why do we not wonder about the Eros
movements of projective/synthetic/geometry?
generation through exotic and sensual form changes
take the above image inside, and practice
visualizing it fucking itself,
two central points move through the space of the
pulling that rest through with it in topological
you can, while reading this get your
smart-whats-it to cough up some Zydeco/Cajun mood
music ...
goths dancing to zydeco

Life=Live -d ~!~!~! - Danced in the Beginning,
and is still dancing. Never been still ever
... Modern scientific theory too
much carbon (theoretical form), over substance (too little
hydrogen-fire-passion for the truth, and not enough
What?Want To Be Sure - just take a deep breath -
take in the oxygen&nitrogen, give back the
carbon-dioxide , your avatar body knows - tap the
feet, .... that’s it ... four elements
dancing/Zydeco ...
Cosmic Fire H: hydrogen
Cosmic Life O: oxygen Sun
Cosmic Form C: carbon
Cosmic Mobility N:
For details, get and read this book of how
properly understanding what "chemistry" teaches makes
for wonders: The
Nature of Substance
the Gospel of Matter

tragicallty, the essential book is
out of print and expensive ... way to go
anthroposophical society!!!
the Gospel of Human Form
wants 100's of dollars
libraries seem to have it
hot damn for a hootenanny, carnival,
groundhog~day~time in which to whateverthefuck, ...
maybe not in your day, outside in speech, but in the
mind another life wanting to be lived ~!~!!~ dancing
thoughts daydreaming, remembering when were were
dragons zydeco dancing 0R dinosaurs swimming in
geometric waters ...

underground & lost to singularity-of-thought, in
bondage to/by the tale of something from
nothing whose vain Temple is in Cern,
not to Far From Where Realty and Truth also made a
Temple in Dornach.

There was a Big Bang, with the Father
screwing/impregnating the Mother, both gleefully
surrendering simultaneously, for One~1 always only can
be, if Two~2 is there as well, such that the combine
=( the result of the actual ComicCosmic Big Fuck, ...
the result is 3 Father&Mother&Son
Folks not quite ready to meditate of/inn/on the
fundamental nature of Number ... scientific
materialism having reached a dead end at the limits of
untrained&undisciplined Imagination ... projective
geometry yoga-stretches the mind: point/line/plane
becomes everything ...
and gosh&bother: for balance three~3 must be
... for the miracle of the ONE ... the Creation
is not an explosion, but rather only an appearance of
someone from no-one, into the One~~and
brightly dancing still ... Many, ... birthing light
and life, shattering the What was into the What Is,
forever, one day at a time ....

Want to wrestle stuff into form with
mathematical symbolisms??????????? Start
with Thomas Taylor's: The
Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans.
then go to Dornach,
at least in books ....
knows/knowing/singing/dancing ~!~ ~!~
singularities together ~!~!~ ceremony
a little every day if you can, in the mind
only if this must be ... the hardest roads are when
we are alone, with only air to breath, and life to
feel .... dirt was my bed last night, and rock was
my pillow ...
Mother’s avatar body - the living Earth Being Planet
Evolution fully conscious, and sending us
day&night~tripping, down from our star for a
temporary ride in the earlier avatar-bodies, ... our
pre-human consciousness wanting ~!~ fully aware of
being fire, then air, then water, last earth -
aware of the elements, being a star-to-earth-drifter
all of us visiting and dancing to the music > ~!~
< even in the oh so long ago when before,,,
where we were Zydeco Dragons surely ...
the West is Best tho', for the dreaming/while awake -
a kiva is a far better temple than Cern, or Dornach

Hopi were great astronomers&dreamers in the
dreaming ... Navajo too, Pueblo as well, the American
Southwest being both home to the oldest Ways, ... all
this not to far from Alamogordo where crazy-minds blew
a hole in the living substance of space, opening Gates
for Wonders Beyond, some of them liars/lying ... every
other possible tale but the truth ... flying saucers
indeed, truly rude-boys taking advantage of a stitch
in time
and space ...
... everything has consciousness&will
... Stars, tin cans, rocks, plants, obviously animals
and man, but when we started to imagine that the only
consciousness that mattered was ours&pleasures
the mystery finished the
process of kicking us out of the garden,
By/bye/buy ...
The 1,2,3, mode of
existence, lent Earth a power - the God of Number,
made mists divine: numbers&counting
fascinated/enchanted/deceived the early pioneers
of the scientific mind potentials ...
Now imagine all those folks given to us by
Disney/Lucas/Spielberg et. .. .. ..>>>
all those herds of ancients powers tyrannosaurus
rex-dancing to the music of life, swaying, floating,
swimming, for their oxygen/carbon mix was buoyant, ...
the atmosphere where they lived was, shall we
see/say/sea - more like seas of seed-laden-albumin ...
pods of life/design seeds, themselves awake with many
varied kinds of consciousness, a sea alive, thriving,
... no true death yet, the "sleeves"/avatar
bodies-material, all inhabited by spirit from smallest
to largest dancing to the musics multiplying ...
the geological "record" needs to be read more
imaginatively - with meta (over&above&superior)
physics - scientists who dare the adventure of really
facing the nature and content of the own
mind-soul-consciousness ... falling in love not a bad
idea, which is what mostly - sometimes more buying
power - draws
folks to science ... ambitions
to be scientific rock-stars, for
we prize the intellect - but
run and hide from the shaman ...
link gives you Rupert Sheldrake's: The Science
this one Grahman Hancock's: The War on Consciousness
both banned Ted Talks (about 18 minutes each)
birds, the old avatar bodies are, and the squirrels, we
all once had been one, and thus the yearning and the woe
and the loss and the grief needing party and gratitute,
and maybe ceremony we arrive in a new/notyet/when/because
we be now the music moment to moment breathing, knowing
the secret/sacred world >inside direction<
mind~!~@mind dancing
all/many a point locus for a star group that plays the
earth song from beyond the beyond to where the music is
born in the light between the stars/descending into matter
for fun and learning and play ... life and death for a
while, then later not even that, and certainly never
Good&Evil in fact, but rather for the Children to be
truly free of Gods&Goddesses ~!~!~!~ dancing, division
of the One must be made, sensed, felt, endured, disliked,
until discorporation choices made - the avatar body to
dust and decay, yet not, for the send endures - sons and
daughters - the many~manying ... population explosion for
sure, but that comes from the stars wanting to be here for
the party ....
for out of the one the many can only appear in the
singular ... us/you/me/them/i ‘n I = the many, including
all our relations such as stones and dreams ...
which is why we then surrender the joys of those earlier
avatar bodies, who never died -
science knows but does not yet see - too many loose facts,
and not enough imagination,
who were on the path for becoming , still
seeking the right mix - weight/and light - still dancing
... now our friends the birds, we feed them in New
England, the white/culture sliding into compost, for the
next passions to act out their own singular wonders ...
while the atmosphere breathed us, until the water fell out
of the sky, and we became early hominoids, gosh such
voices and granial chambers for songs/singing them - eyes
so wide open letting in all, joined to all, united in
consciousness to all, to voice the sound of all-joined
surround ... the music of the stars in every move you see
a animal make, for every
earth/water/carbon-oxygen/fireform that joins The Plant,
the creator of more heart shaped leaves than single sands
by the seas ...
Crop Circles be the Grains-star-group swooning in the
slowest dance of all - Plant at groot/root creating the
matter of soil, as well as consciously breathing/metering
all the needed oxygen, for the physical requires burning
fires to dance slow and fast, forests, deserts, and seas
slow-dancing on the granite love of the Mother~may~i ...
Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Floods, Famine, Death ... the
Four Horsemen Ride bybye - driven/whipped/in gilded reins,
by our Mother as loving bitch’s Carriage, separating some
from others for differing paths, taking many home, and on
back to their star group, the dead go dancing heavenward,
and those after can clean up and care for each other, or
loss essence in selfishness, and heartless uncaring ...
Still the naked fact of population really a sign of so
many wanting - think on it ... dream it in the dreaming as
each singularity can/does, holding their own magic
lantern-smart-phone-gift of the gnomes arts&crafts of
forge/iron/metalmagics ... the thinker dreams a question,
reigns in a thought drifting by, reduces it to
words/spoken/written/shared - soon the Many dancing and
Silicon Valley becomes a local party center, but
everywhere in the world there are party centers - Sense8
differentiation/in wholeness, 8, written for me, a
gesture of the hand that is latent with endlessness ...
Time of these NOWs butts full of choices - assholeness,
and bitchness exist - they are moods of style of
walk^&talking singularities, the moral music of the
Age of HIM hymming His “<only the sword - no
peace>”, the song the ancient voices remember ... now
here ... The Day of Purification ....
more dancing to self-generate meaning ... every
single action 24/7/365 - a day at a time, being also a
long or short year/century is we take it slow, save agree
dancing for the Mardi Gras part of the day, home along, in
private dancing and praying, woe/joy singing to the all,
in gratitude or anger, ...
only the disconnected singular appearing-mind dancing door
closed sharing language and Ideas be real to inner
observation, day-dreaming good mind~!~dancing,
seize the moments/magic, attend carefully, opportunities
for beauty abound ... surrender to the fates you
participating in casting, knowing the music is also the
unknowing of the next moment, the more you/dance/are this
one~your~are in& the more the dancing mind notices,
and grows, “trees growing branches at the speed of light”
gnomes hold the doors and gates open to those who begin to
treat all material substance as
conscious&alive&willfully dancing to a chosen
place: Leibniz’s Monads, the only logical choice to the
observe problem of the one and the many, which even Newton
wondered at looking to ancient manners
magical/alchemical/philosophersstone, which is where we
look and find the mirror (see recent Last Jedi art) and a
well of darkness, the weight and mystery of being singular
among an oberved unity, finding that the only doorway is
where ... the king~dome of heaven is inside you as luke
tells the tale ...
let yourself remember those former avatar bodies, and the
related progeny with gratefulness, go to the ... grocery
store and there be the harvest gods&goddesses made and
make with the help of our arts&hands ... how is food
denatured?//??????? by taking away the human hands
in helping make it ...
leave the cities my children, it is the heartland that
suffered/suffers the deepest woes from when you fled and
left them to their old age, elders dancing to forgotten
musics, get your dads and moms in clothes of yesteryear -
play their music -- slight some candles, share a bit of
intoxicant, ask for stories ... city folk looking for home
a????? go to the source, nurture it by hand, put the love
back in - go to the forest primeval, slow time dancing,
bring your magic cell phone, and other amazing tools, but
spread out, kick the Company folk out of your heritage ...
Mom belongs to Us, not them, ... crop circles swoon
dancing the language of the gnomes, PAY ATTention, Nature
still very talkative, and has many kinds of worshipers ...
Inside us the Water person, the floating remembering
person from the long ago when before Even timeand/orspace
... winning Oscars this season ... Zydeco Dragons
... coming back ..... inside-out take no such shit I don’t
give a flying Fuck..,,,,..... in your facebook
... it being then Now - No wonder we much need to get
happy dancing ... if we are going to slide out of Western
Civilization, and its oh so no longer workable ways of
deciding stuff that effects all of us, ... all
connections across cultures be blooming flowers ... can’t
stop the music, ever ... so waves crash, skies fall,
people fade in and out of becoming ... still, for the
heart, the music ...
Women getting frisky - lots of folk been liking that
coming - I’m happy to stay home and rub my Lady’s
feet, although still have to work too - idle hands
and all, the devil has a place, ... just ... ... well,
actions have consequences in the Mothers~may~i Medicine of
Tsunami-social chaos&Change ...
practicing my zen/zydeco/medicine/dances - on pages empty
... singing to the glory which are we all, from the
smallest to the most limitless, mobius-strip dancing in
time ...
bored, want to go to a farthest star and have a chat with
someone from there ... ???????
lots of elders being ignored, and everyone who is still
surviving the shit they have been through - talk about
been there/done that - better Yet: What music did they
dance to? Those folk also still know the practical
... think/dream the re-ruraling of America, vote with your
hands .... 2018 the Year of the Women, and Mom most of all
needs all our care ... Where or Where Will you lead us
Whatever the reproductive equipment with which your avatar
body was graced, your personal choices of actions defines
you, so if you actually care about wreaking Trump,
go visiting the elderly in the heartland, give back to the
where-they-live, from which roots so many hearts spring
... as to Men - folk who thinking kicking and breaking
stuff really works, --- I suggest graceful exists into
retirement, with small ambitions, like actually making
stuff out of all the junk and tools you collected ...
beautify something, anything, it is the task of men
to love the women from whom they sprang, the Goddess of
Mothering, still maintains the Temple of Earth Life, but
you know, the Song, certain kinds of Springs need a Strong
Climate Change?~?~??~ ... SOMEONE is sending a message,
and do not worry too much human beings, but notice your
own actions - you seek tribes of shared meaning and
dreaming, amongst chaos, and the worst bullies are the
local bullies ... who are you going to call??? ... leave,
take grandma and find some land to love with a garden ...
referencences in order of mental pressence while writing
light-artificial on desk, the forest to my left, gold lit
bark/shapes dancing so slow, so so slow - for 6 years I
have been listening to the songs of forest&trees ...
remarkable teachers, and the best book in my library ....
still - the empty page, some ganja, My Lady coming home
today, after receiving a fixed/new~knee
titanium&concrete replacing what ??? chronos-crete for
the bone that needs to be removed, so that the more living
substance, but still - cartage dancing/with/metal - whoa,
promises of less pain in knee in future, by pilling up
some pain now, with a dusting of oxy maybe ...
dog and I shared the house, empty, closest to wear
memories lurked, ... sometimes near each other, but mostly
during the day he roosted at the front of the house, where
Lady rules the night, and among her smells he takes up
guard duties, although, someone did get close enough to
house to ring door bell ... dangerous mysterious men ???
carrying some kind of rods, well covered for the cold (it
was about 20 F), wearing outside some heavy duty stripes
reflective, no car in sight,
wanting to tell me some kind of story - trolling
neighborhood for whose at home, and coming later, or,
maybe from some dark lord who wants to steal from my magic
library all the secrets there .... I interpreted
him, said forcefully: You have come at a bad time, please
leave” and turned and shut the door in his face, slowly,
while all of us did eye-watching dancing ...
apparitions on a cold night in the snow in late January,
knocking at my door doing seeking/needing/ what/which good
or ill ... trust hard .... later think to move hard
club-like object near to front door ~ looks like a good ~
anticipation, house is full of stuff, speaking of which
time to feed the birds and the squirrels ...