Law and Spirit: the Art
of Anarchy.
Canto One
I am going to create a course in the Law, for those
inclined to the spiritual and hungering for a more
moral social life. I will write this in a
series, published first to my Facebook friends,
although the ongoing/growing version will also be
found here: the Worcester Hills Gazette:
For a quick understanding of where we are today, in
America at least, this: "Economic
and Social Rebellion"
Lawyers are everywhere, as are our Courts.
Much arises from this that directly effects our
political life - laws are, after all, constantly being
created. All the same, most who write about Law
do not recognize the full existence and participation
of Spirit, which is as real as matter.
The professions that make up our legislative bodies
become a serious factor in law-creative results, and
for a long time lawyers have dominated these bodies
where laws are manufactured. The educational
processes behind those who make laws - these processes
are a kind of spirit laid into the individual.
Common ways of thought, what the word-anarchist
Owen Barfield called: collective representations,
and the socially half asleep call: memes, ... come
from educational/cultural life. Presently doctors are more
numerous, with former governmental workers joining the
As comedy notices, lots of chaos and anarchy among the
feeble minded inhabiting our nation's Capital.
All those degrees, and no one seems to know how to
When legislators think, ... that activity is spiritual
activity, however careless. It is an
activity by which Ideas are made real - and incarnated
into our social life. The health-care
debate/farce is a perfect example.
When media conveys a story to us, its arts too
are a
spiritual activity. What-it-all-means/horse-shit
is shoveled onto the world of shared
media/experience. Commerce, by moral choice,
is all over media in order to manipulate our
experience, and gain advantage. In reply, the
Arts-anarchists are saying, often not very politely: SCREW
Politics today is a lame art, based upon
foregoing original thought, to join the big club
sucking at the teat of wealth and power. Wealth
and Power kills anarchists, with as much forethought
as lives in the quantum entanglement lurking in the
black hole of a banker’s heart.
There is no need for the Arts-anarchists to tear down
the social - it is already in full-metal jacket
decay. Rock ‘n Roll, was followed with the end
of studio films, and the Arts-anarchists led by
Warner Brother’s arch-anarchist Bugs
Bunny, became free of commerce on all its edges
- Pussy
Riot indeed, post/after Bugs and R.
The reason commerce flocks to redditors dancing the
twitter, while
also-facebooking-their-photographic-arts, is because that’s
where We are - the consumer of ... what?
If there is a place we dine for ideas, there will lurk
the liars-professional. The Collective
Imagination knows no bounds at all, however.
Disobey says Henry
David Thoreau.

AND, sez: Emily
Dickenson: "Assent, and you are
sane; Demure; - you're straightway dangerous And
handled with a chain."
The fashioning of the Ideas for laws,
and the social changes to be generated, are
spiritual activities, all of which occurs in the
absence of the general knowledge of spiritual
facts. Spirit is in fact the source
of the Law, by which the need for social order
struggles with freedom for individual human
beings. More order, less freedom.
Neighborhoods with drug dominance modes of existence,
are just a different kind of bank in the
Caymans. All
depends on what folks value, and then preserve.
The above, and coming comments, are intended to be a
kind of diary for what appears to lurk in my
consciousness as a possibly long article, perhaps even
a book. It is meant to be very pragmatic
and practical. These comments can be safely
ignored, although we
have not yet a government stamp of dis-approval,
given that these comments are actually very
People who think its time for a revolution in America
will find here a lot of useful information. It
is a series of comments for anarchists who want to
actually think, and thus succeed. First and
foremost, a true anarchist serves the rights of
all. Anarchy in practice is the opposite of
being selfish. All authentic religious leaders
are anarchists, and the births and deaths of all types
of religions - including the Love of Money, as Yeats
noticed, looses mere anarchy upon the world.
For a taste of that as a potential film, go here: The
Grandmother War.
The Bible of the Anarchists who want to Think is
The Dispossessed by Ursula K.
LeGuin. Familiarity with it offers a new
language within which authentic anarchists can talk to
each other. As much as possible that will be my
bible here, and I hope to only walk softly up to the
edge of fair use, before jumping over/in with both
Canto Two
At the Wavefront of the explosive birth of Mr.
Internet&Companies, were the forerunners - Open
Source. Information should be free to all.
The true nature of our electronic communications
should be a fully functioning anarchy. Not there
yet, though, which leads us to:
Groundhog Day.
Time, and the Laws of Spirit
different day, same shit / and then you
Existence is borne forward a day at a time.
Cycles of sun and stars alternate. Consciousness
(spirit) evolves, just as does the matter of
life. Even inert matter has consciousness.
Learn to listen to rocks. They are very wise.
The imagination cannot be contained by the laws human
beings fancy controls our existence. Through
eons, millenia, centuries, ... the human being slowly
sheds the life of quiet desperation, under the foot of
kings and queens and popes. The Constitution of
the US of A is written, and The Republic is
birthed. The source of law-creation is no longer
to be the dominance game of wealth and power.
The individual citizen is
declared sovereign.
In the US of A trust given by the Citizens to their
political servants is violated, and the Republic is
being Betrayed. To the Arts-anarchist this is no
problem. “Manure
on the Field of Bodhi”. Whatever the later
fate of the tech/communication/computer revolution is
- each and every person at this time has their own

- a gate to all the knowledge of
all the ages. Genius coughs up a
tool. Will we have the wisdom to find the
right use?
LeGuin’s: The Dispossessed,
is an imaginative study of human nature,
and our relationship to the forces of social
order. Instead of arguments, this work unveils
its themes in picture stories, including the basic
fictional conceit. It calls itself: an ambiguous
utopia. We live into the novel; and, over time
illumination fills the mind with the primal social
questions as are revealed in the dramas of an
individual life.
Two worlds are proposed. One earthlike (Urras),
the other - that earth’s unusually large moon
(Anarres) - has an atmosphere, and supports various
kinds of life. Those in rebellion against
the over-social-control of the individual, stop a
civil war by accepting exile to Anarres.
Hundreds of thousands immigrate. This event is
200 plus years before the start of the novel.
For over 200 years Anarres has been incubating human
beings whose core principle of social life is the
complete autonomy of the individual - children are
raised to remain in tune with their own natural
tendency to anarchy. The rebellious are called
Odonians, after their main philosophical thinker, a
woman named Odo (LG's Own Song).
Her art was to reinvent language and create the
words&grammar needed for expression of the
underlying principles of the relationships of
individuals to other individuals.
The novel is suggesting that we too - residents of the
less imaginative spheres - are prisoners of our
languages, as well as the requirements of social
form. Simple sentences are rich with
The main character, Shevek, is leaving Anarres to go
to Urras, as part of his own scientific
pursuits. The Odonians have acquired some very
interesting ways of seeing/meaning (ideas) concerning
the sexual aspects of life, and Shevek observes that
many the objects he sees and touches on the spaceship,
which brings him to Urras, have curves like the female
body. Of course, ... just like our own modern
An Odonian would consider such an object
non-functional. But then Odonians have spent the
last two centuries on a world of little drinkable
water, and limited food sources. Something
non-functional costs lives.
Ursula K. Le Guin is one of the wisest creators of
modern literature. Writing in the alleged genre
of Science Fiction and Fantasy, which the elites in
the old written arts have failed to appreciate,
the powers of Le Guinn’s mind gifts us with so much,
through lectures and books.
A group of potential
American-Arts-Anarchists might enjoy
sharing/readingoutloud the potent modern conceptual
music in the novel: The Dispossessed. We
the People own the primal lawmaking power - the
Constitution is ours, yet are ruled by a vain
oligarchy that views us as prey. Toward
what star will we steer our Ship of State so as to
lift it free of the Swamp of Lies?
Anarchists on Anarres do not own anything
personal. To own is not to share, and a main
insult is to call someone a “propertarian”.
These folk then, have chosen to become
voluntarily "dispossessed"
Wealth&Power loath the truth, in fiction and in
reality. Shall we show them some here and now
America-truth? How? What? Who the
fuck cares - an arts-anarchist places no
boundaries on their personal creative imagination.
“Consent, you’re sane; Demure, you’re
straightway dangerous And handled with a chain.”
Emily Dickenson
Raven, Coyote, and Loki walk
into a bar to discuss how a low-caste member of
their trickster folk-tribe got permission
from the f'n Big/Picture Idiots, to incarnate and
mess with folk-folks, a genius obviously, although
he is more cold than
warmth and light ... these days, when self love reaches
this level, it shows might, but little wisdom,
irritating smoke and mirrors is after all the best a
trickster can do, anyway, being otherwise
bored silly/goofy .... so, poo, dry tears please for
now anyone is allowed to play, and ... well ... "so
it goes" means YOU TOO!
Canto Three
Law and
Spirit: the Arts of Anarchy
Control - social control:::
" ... there is no true self government, in a
political sense,
if there is not an equal proportion of self-governing
by the individual, of whatever~!~self, in a
moral sense."
Governments tend to need to control human
beings. In a sense, when the Founders of the
Republic finished the Constitution, their conception
was that the forming of our form of government had one
basic goal - the granting of limited powers
to the central government, which was tasked
quite expressly: We the People of the United
States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defence, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain
and establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.
Founders did not want there to be political parties,
for their experiences up to that time had revealed the
inherent follies of such an approach. We now
live in the
Trump-disaster, which was created by the
political parties, who have basically failed in all
senses to have established justice, or domestic
Instead, the political Parties systematically lied,
fought over power, committed crimes to gain control -
everything but take care of the real needs of the
Citizens. Some details are here: “Uncommon
Sense: the Degeneration, and the Redemption, of
political life in America”
The basic Arts of Anarchy concern how to be liberated
in spite of the efforts of Wealth&Power to
control: Woodstock:
Joni Mitchell.
Existence is meant to be
lived slow. 
every day at 6 a.m.
life starts all over again. no hurry, tho'
The Trump-disaster is a
blessing, because the underlying Spirit of
America is in rebellion against the power of
Real historical change does not occur overnight, and
healing the ravages of Party Politics first requires
that the Parties be forced by divine circumstance to
enter failure-mode. Dis-array benefits future
potential, because the connections that maintain power
among elites are failing.
The arts-anarchist appreciates that his/her
enemy is not one’s fellow Citizens.
Yet, the political Parties have been so busy for many
generations, we take for granted that there is a
reality to all the Ways We the People have been
divided against each other. Liberals, for
example, caught off balance by events they did not
understand, blamed those who voted for Trump.
In this sense Liberals were not well led by either
Clinton or Sanders, and their own Party: the
Democrats. The Parties have always favored their
own interests in Wealth&Power over the needs of
the People. As the Parties strive to recover
from the Trump-disaster, among themselves they
flounder and fight. The Senate and the Congress
are seemingly controlled by the Republican Party, but
they have become factious in the extreme.
When the Tea Party candidates took office, they no
longer accepted Party leadership, and although not in
name, we now have effectively a form of government
split into multiple small factions. Ideologies
triumph over the search for real solutions, and the
former grid lock that came with the Republican
leadership’s refusal to support Obama, now has broken
down into a complete inability of the no longer viable
Republican Party to actually produce legislation.
Gridlock has become chaos, which is more and more lost
in suits, and counter-suits, mistrust and infighting,
and flying accusations and subpoenas. Trump’s
possible ability to appoint another conservative
justice, worrisome for many, is actually just more
chaos. The Court really is not a cohesive
Republican or conservative operation. Justices
are not predictable, and have views of the Law and the
Constitution that have a great deal of reasonable
depth and value.
It is a meme of the flailing Democrats, that the
Republicans are all bad people. Meanwhile the
Citizens are being forced by divine circumstance to
face the perception of divisions, and rediscover our
common peril.
This New Story, of the
What-Is-Coming, is not found where major Media plays
its infotainment games, but out there in the jungles
of Facebook and Google and Twitter and Reddit where
each person is sovereign, and possess their
own personal role in painting social media with
Yes, there is a war on over Net Neutrality,
transparency, ... over commercialization, ...
but for all that drama, ..., for all the pains
in the ass's, Fubars&Such, I can still
mostly write what I want, upload the pictures
that I want, and connect/interconnect/and dance
America is aging in certain circles, and
being reborn in others. The personal is the
political, and all politics, even for anarchists, is
local. Think for yourself, and disobey as much
as possible. Don’t follow anyone. Be a
politically sovereign individual - that is your
spiritual legacy from the Founders. All
of Them ...
meanwhile back with the "Dispossessd"
Shevek, on arriving at Urras, is housed on a major
university campus, while various factions try to pry
from his mind, the mathematics he has created: Which
combines a physics of the Now (i.e. the simultaneous),
with a physics rooted in Liner time (i.e. the
sequential). Along with his rooms on the campus
came a servant. The rooms were so huge, Shevek
wondered if he was to have roommates, having been
raised in the sharing required by always living in
On Urras he did not acquire roommates, but rather a
servant. There is a beautiful scene where Shevek
tries to explain to this “servant”, that he (Shevek)
does not know how to give orders. Nobody on
Anarres gives orders to anyone else.
“The Dispossessed” is full of wonders. Buy it!
Canto Four
Scale. Perspective. Idealism. Think
globally, act locally, means understand how the world
works, but apply that understanding right into the
closest aspects of your life.
We can’t fix Putin. He’s a bogeyman, and not
human. NOT! Whenever our political
thinking strongly dislikes someone, or some group, the
highest likelihood is that we are being totally
clueless. Seems an old tale, but when you judge,
you only see the judgment - something you made in your
own mind (the Beam). Trump can be understood,
but only if you consciously choose to respect his
skills. He won, and yes They lost, but divine
circumstance seems, in its basic operating principles,
to appear to tolerate much chaos.
If you do not think Earth Existence comes with
considerable divine order, then you won’t get what’s
going on. If you
are a sovereign individual, so must every other
human be.
Putin has karma, just as does ISIS and all
“terrorists”, corporate leaders, lawyers, thieves,
rock stars, and perhaps even our pets. From the
‘60‘s: “my karma just ran over your dogma”.
All the same, public figures choose to be open to
criticism. If you make a big display of SELF,
there will be consequences, many predictable.
Major Media treats our existence as actually
describable, when it is not. For every home
reported as burned to the ground on local TV, 33,213
homes did not even have a power outage. For
every idiot the News gets to interview to make a point
- this person or that person = everyone the News uses
- tens of thousands of people don’t think the same,
and many others don’t even care.
After much worry and years of wishing the world was
otherwise than it obviously was, I gave up,
surrendered to Life, and tried to work out what
it/he/she was actually teaching me. Basic point,
that shows up over and over again: Take
care of what is in front of me, and leave the Big
Picture to the Big Picture folks - the Gods and
Goddesses being far wiser than I will ever even hope
to become.
All the same, all humans shaman - we make the medicine
by which we live and see and act in the world.
The arts-anarchist also knows wizardry, under many
various names: From
<oh-boy that Arcata Train-wreck Sativa is very
effective in helping me figure out what to really
bother with and care about>; To
<if you want a friend, be a friend>.
The basic laws, which the Founders accepted and hoped
to count upon, are not written down. They are
social-laws, and we create/regenerate them in every
action/thought we take - 24/7. An example,
especially true for modern individuals, wherever
possible: <work hard; play by the
rules; and mind your own business>.
Whenever anyone argues that a recent action of theirs
was “perfectly legal”, it is the above social laws
that are being ignored and/or violated. These
social laws - which are the Spirit of the
Law, are higher than the Letter
of the Law, and it is from our
individual higher sovereign Spirit nature that the
power came by which we Temporarily granted parts of it
away, given the Scale of many of our needs.
What we gave, we can take back. The
Citizen is the Sovereign.
Some details on the “shaman” question can be found
here: “Americans, ... among the Lost - notes from
inner-space, ... the true Final Frontier”
Let us return to Le Guin’s The Dispossessed: the first
two paragraphs:
“There was a wall. It did not look
important. It was built of uncut rocks roughly
mortared. An adult could look right over it,
and even a child could climb it. Where it
crossed the roadway, instead of having a gate it
degenerated into mere geometry, a line, an idea of a
boundary. But the idea was real. It was
important. For seven generations there had been
nothing in the world more important than that wall.
“Like all walls it was ambiguous,
two-faced. What was inside it and what was
outside it depended upon which side of it you were
What side of which walls, do you dear reader occupy
today? Arts-anarchist, in normal social
interchanges, can be less habitual and instead more
creative. Walls of social separation can be
bridged. A mild intoxicant is helpful for those
of us who are shy.
A tale from my life: I went to get my monthly
(sometimes weekly) blood test for my anti-coagulation
factors (taking rat poison to thin my blood - to treat
A-fib). I was what I like today to call: Toasted
- relaxed, poetic of speech/thought, and delighted by
the ordinary. Each day begins by getting high -
now a new career.
Most of those at the clinic are elders, and I came in,
using a cane, to a room with several us needing to
stand. A chair opened up and the late
middle-aged woman who was next in line, offered me the
seat. I declined. She insisted. We
were being over-heard. I decline again, and when
she started to insist once more I raised a palm,
slightly, to suggest pause, and then spoke - not
loudly, but the room was small: “Thank you sweet lady,
but were my mother to see me accept, I would be in a
lot of trouble.” This brought laughter, and most
amazingly, while the two of us bantered, another lady,
a bit younger but broader of beam, took the seat.
Social Convention has room for much creative
anarchy. A joke warms, and draws folk closer,
while whiny/anger lends coldness, and furthers
separation. The social proliferation of steel
magnolias (see The Good Wife TV Show) features fierce
warrior-women, the hallmark of no more shit
tolerated/allowed, as The Grandmother War heats
up. Walls go up, walls go down. Walls get
exploded. The social is the perfect
canvas for the arts-anarchist.
Canto Five
The artistic anarchy of all the gods and goddesses,
including all human beings, squirrels, trees,
viruses, and rocks - all my relations - weaves an
odd symphony of unpredictable impossibleness
Global Warming is generated by emotional and/or
psychic powers, interconnected via Spirit through a
matrix of laws naive science doesn’t yet know.
All physical processes are the end result of the
actions of Beings, many of which are not visible ...
at least to the i/eye of those trained to read words,
instead of the what-is. Mother Earth can
self-regulate the sphere of life, if it gets too hot,
... She just farts some volcano dust, and the albedo
of the atmosphere changes, leading to cooling. It
is known that it happens, what's not known is that
it is purposeful activity.
Help can be found here: “Electricity and the
Spirit in Nature”:
Cause and Effect is simply not imaginative enough, as
an Idea, especially the more abstract it gets, such as
in mathematics. Only the poet sees the true
causes and effects. Titans and Furies, and
a whole mockery of jokers hiding in woodpiles - the
world is “Demon
Haunted”, just as Carl Sagan feared.
Meanwhile the
world gets more and more dangerous (apparently),
as mad men with powers proliferate.
What the f’ are the gods and
goddesses, and all my relations, up to?
The Tale the Media Tells is False, yet a kind of
religion for many. Who regularly watches the
evening news, or 60 Minutes? Many of us get to
design our factoid inputs - social media is/has
replacing major media. We get to create Our
Own Bubble, and most people live lives
far quieter than those the News sensationalizes.
Terrible events
haunt us all - lurid to picture, and fearful in
anticipation. Are we willing to trust the
divine mystery with the direction and workings of
the whole?
The arts-anarchist recognizes his personal
LG Again: Even in The Dispossessed,
the life on the Moon/Anarres still sees social-power
aggregate, in spite of individual freedom.
Confronted by a individual, who has acquired some
social position by default and cleverness, Shevek
listens to a mind making up stuff, in order to refuse
Shevek that for which he must ask. Read
carefully - it reminded me of bosses giving me a job
review, and then saying no to a salary up-tick, simply
for reasons of dominance - just because they could.
“What worked against you was a combination of
things. The abstruse, irrelevant nature of the
research you’ve done these last several years.
Plus a certain feeling, not necessarily justified, but
existing among many student and teaching members of
the Institute, that both your teaching and your
behavior reflect a certain disaffection, a degree of
privatism, of nonalturism. This was spoken of in
meeting. I spoke for you, of course. But
I’m only one syndic among many.”
“Since when was altruism an Odonian virtue?”
Shevek said. “Well, never mind. I see what you
It makes a great deal of difference whether or not we
recognize the divine order in the world, free of the
take that religions requires. We can be entirely
scientific in understanding: “The
Art of God: an actual theory of everything”.
<That is a social science text based on
spiritual perception of how reality actually works.
It walks the reader through the maze of scientific
error, directly to who/what it is that is an actual
human being, via our individual paths and lives.
I'm a book, you're a
book, tell a story, be a story, memory is not meant to
be exact,
only soft and dreamlike, which is why
ganja is medicine for souls
i'nI beholdening
"We Dream America
We Sing Her Darkness and Her Light
We Dream America, and
America Dreams Us"
out of many: 0ne .... government of the people, by the
people, for the people
slowing down is an art, try it
Mother Earth is working very Hard For Us, not
really being as WEAK as
those who, dis-enchant the world of consciousness
and will,
while claiming to own it,and ruin it at their
Will. A Vain Fancy -
Whole lot of folk been abusing the
coolest Gift - the Ever Bountiful Harvest
makes for karma for all, where
do you think drill Sargents
get their Moxy, at being
Not 0ur Mother.
Still the G&G'suses
set themselves and us free as birds
a rather amazing promise
which sadly requires
some occasional
labor -
being as when the End of all Ends comes, we be a
bit prepared
All the same, no one reading this should actually do
any thing other than read it. Or Not.
This i'nI Read a few thousand books, followed some
curious paths, and everybody is apparently presently
immortal-dancing in matter (I've seen no evidence
otherwise, all tho' Ideas like: The Last Judgment can
bother us. The Traveler VT tells that Tale thus:
a) we have to face all our shit, from all our
b) WE then get to decide, Either an
eternity in hell's fires, Or forgiving the whole
creation - including yourself - you know part of the
weight of wanting to come back all the time is that
the existence in Matter is such a Hoot - exactly right
the metaphor Cosmic Virtual Reality, its just that
when the player dies, oBoY! Much unexpectedness
between death and a new life, although Rudolf Steiner
investigated it as carefully as he was able.
We decide - neither gods, goddesses or those who want
to rule get to tell us what to do. Of course, we
can obey, if we choose. Our freedom is a coin,
that can be well spent if we awake to our potential as
an arts-anarchist. Yes - there are no rules
except gravity, levity, sorrow, pain, laughter,
singing, and keeping each other company as the Hopi
Prophecy Day of Purification (the same as the
Christian Third Millennium), unfolds its trials and
treasures in each human heart.
Who are you going
to decide to be?
Canto Six
Law and Spirit and Property
- an arts-anarchist play-dough ...
Things. When Shevek first meets his nemesis -
the unofficial leading bureaucrat of Shevek’s physics
syndic (who dressed our hero down in the Canto5, by
saying Shevek failed to live up to a faked up Odonian
virtue of altruism, ... at this first meeting, Shevek
has a hard time understanding this
unofficial/official’s office. It is full of
things. We are collectors, ... I once wrote,
something on the order of:
I Have too much
It makes no difference be they
things or ideas,
they are all stones ...
I will then Have nothing ...
Yet - I
am surrounded by stuff, including my avatar
body, this being a cosmically/comicley virtual reality
- this fall into matter journey. The Earth was
made attractive for a purpose, which only purpose is
Beauty, while the Rest is Up to Us.
It matters to me,
for Matter to be,
and that I,
to Matter,
do matter
LG Again: Most people’s rooms
on Anarres have few things - material objects.
No clutter, for among the Dispossessed, possessing
more than what one needs is to be a propertarian.
The bureaucrat in a world that abhors bureaucrats
seems to have a room full of stuff others surely need
and can use, but somehow or another stuff flows into
that office but does not flow through.
Somehow “occupations of space” (Shevek’s wife’s name
for her hanging mobiles), have meaning - they tell a
story. What stories do our personal collection
of things tell about us?
Of course, my own rooms will not only not meet that
standard, but as a member of the People of Plenty
(Americans), most people I know have their own
dragon’s hoard.
I wrote a poem, a later revision, of a forgegotton
earlier trip there>:
We have too much
If we are not careful
things will possesses us
if they are lost
so are we
and we drag them
everywhere we move.
it makes no difference
be these things, or ideas
they can all be stones
so ... we will Have nothing
thus, the “dispossessed” become truly free
an essay on property, which itself is part of other
essays: “the Word, the Idea of Property, and the
Creation of a True American Culture”
Red Kachina one kachina two kachina three
Blue Kachina nine kachina eight kachina free
Target Earth: trailer
Moontrap Target Earth: a visionary artist's remarkable
whatthefuck'n-ever: a
detailed reflection.
So many dreamers ... so many Ways to see ... in
visions color contrasts sometimes suggest
fundamentals: red = will; blue = life of
feeling. Seers worry over the
Moon ... ~!~!~!- SPACE 1999
blasts the Moon out of orbit, ... Red
Kachina/Blue Kachina moon dance, bringing back the
haunting of the world by the Fey and Faerie.
The Mother brings a party/festival/mystery, with
ceremony, and many many many forgotten friends.
Nature sees us better, than we see Nature.
Unnatural Science is failing/falling away. Gates
are being opened everywhere/when, hearts are filled
with wonder&amazement.
On a macro social scale, the U.S. Constitution
is fine. But that law is only a
skeleton on which we hang the living body social. Save
the own positive and exuberant cheerleader, and save
the world. There is nothing
wrong with America,
She’s hip hoping right along
having been gods&goddesses-sent/crowned
with a fool to ruin party politics. Liar, Liar,
Hair on Fire - the fool/tool. Boys with
toys are falling flat on their faces all over, and it
is the Age for girls with causes to wrestle and tame
the social dragons ... The Mother is
more than back - She’s kicking Ass.
How we treat each other IS as a
matter of fact, outside of the letter of the law,
becomes the living higher law - such as work hard,
play by the rules and mind your own business.
That core reality has been kept at bay, by those
excessive owners and thieves of anything not tied
down, and their tame political chorus of liars.
Getting along is a lot less work than not
getting along/alone.
In the US of A, the fool/tool wrecked the Parties, and
in the evolving chaos women are rushing
in. “Women
Move, World Improves” Gail Collins, NYT
July 6, 2017.
In the Dispossessed, the changes in language come from
the genius of a single woman: Odo. Can’t imagine
what a few million angry arts-anarchist’s women might
be getting up to, which is guaranteed not to make the
daily snooze news. America is in seriously good
hands, many of which are invisible, and therefore all
the more effective. We
dream America. We sing Her shadow and
Her light. We dream America, and
America dreams us.
Canto Seven
the one you write yourself