Contact: Joel A. Wendt
6 Monticello Drive Paxton,
MA 01612
{916} 671-5727
familiar with Zoom, have
GMail Chat, on Facebook ... etc.
coming soon Podcast
conversation* only ...
visitors to the actual
the begging
bowl see the Lady
of the House
near the top of the
there should be an exchange, of sorts ...
should call ahead.
I'm 77, my lady is a dozen years
gifts grow in the giving,
and we like our privacy
from freedom flows flowers of thought,
while a well cultivated soul-soil summons spirit,
has medicinal
and ceremonial attitudes are
useful, but not
surprises dance wonders ...
laughing good, not so much dancing given failing knees...
tea&company, and the house always has too
much food,
and with a bar in the great room, ... Visitors
too rude to call ahead and make an appointment will be shot
... I kid you knot ... there will be Fire, ... that's to be sure ,,,
... PLUS ... my works are a kind of "school", and I am a kind of
"teacher" (although "coach" is more accurate) ... we can discuss
Practice & the Nature of the Game, which includes study, so if you
are not reading at least four books - don't have to read them, just
have to be seeking to own them and read them, otherwise we have no
shared vocabulary on which to base intelligent and real conversation
matters to me, for Matter to be, and that I, to Matter, do matter".
At the same time, there is another hunger, a
hunger to understand why we exist, as well as to know: what is the
"What Is" for? Every
day's events are birthday
presents, from Anthroposophia ... all learning,
falling, getting up and learning some more happens not just one day at
a time, but one moment at a time: Seize the Moment.
the Gospel of Matter
the Gospel of Seeing the Gospel of the Soul
Mirror of
both dark&light &grey &strange
magical/mystical @paganism for millennials

sample classified ad: buy
one for me, yes?
Joel A. Wendt
usual services***>

***> usual services, ... my
main models for how to teach/coach are three Americans ... I study
their "arts" as it were. Bill Belichek, John Wooden, and Herb
Brooks. They are worth paying attention to. Patriots can't
be beat over the long haul, as long as you practice and know&do
what "your" job is. UCLA Bruins under Wooden studied how to put
on socks and tennis shoes carefully, and then do the same practice
drills over and over&over again&again, meanwhile Herb Brooks
helped some young people turn a dream into a reality ... with
grandmotherly kindness (take no prisoners) - showing individuals how to
play~{be~a~team}~together in a rather tough and demanding game.
Coachs teach life skills, ... still/yet @@@~in the coming times, we
party, and pray - Shamans ~!~!!~!~~!!~~!!!~~!~~!!~~!~@ home
The Gate to the Deeper Mysteries Lies Here,
with HER@everything

through a glass darkly, but then face to face