Adam Wendt's Agnostic Audiophile Smorgasborg
I don't know what it means yet either.



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  Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Readers Set the Price

"John Scalzi is relying on readers to determine what his science-fiction e-book is worth. He's offering Agent to the Stars free from his website as shareware and asking for donations through Paypal. He's publicizing his offer with an advertisement at Penny Arcade, a site that's popular with video game fans.

In just a few days, more than 1,000 people have downloaded the book and those who have hit the Paypal button have paid on average $3.80 -- almost four times more than the suggested dollar amount the author requests. Authors with New York publishing houses get an average royalty of $2.50 on an e-book sale." [Wired News]

Thanks Jenny. Once again I would have missed this if it wasn't for you *heads off to read the book*
8:45:30 PM    comment []  Google It!  

How many regular-sized helium-filled balloons would it take to lift someone?. [How Stuff Works: Question of the Day]
8:01:18 PM    comment []    

'Grand Theft Auto' Sequel Coming
"Video game publisher Take-Two Interactive Software is preparing a sequel to its blockbuster "Grand Theft Auto 3" for release in late October."
7:55:37 PM    comment []  Google It!  

Hossein Derakhshan: "There are about 1000 Persian weblogs."
7:50:47 PM    comment []    

50 Greatest Bands of All Time
Most of those I would agree with but AC/DC? come on every freaking song sounds EXACTLY the same!!!
7:48:05 PM    comment []  Google It!  

CD Crack: Magic Marker Indeed
"I wonder what type of copy protection will come next?" one posting on read. "Maybe they'll ban markers."
7:41:35 PM    comment []  Google It!  

Nathan Torkington at O'Reilly just started a Radio weblog.
7:37:24 PM    comment []    

A Good Sequence, Easy to Dance To
Genomic research companies that want to own the DNA sequences they unravel -- a controversial matter, to be sure -- could conceivably protect their 'property' by encoding the info in MP3 files. By Noah Shachtman. [Wired News]

The way I see it, they could only copyright the music itself and not the genetics so It only takes one person illegally downloading it and decoding it and posting the results for it to get out.
7:28:47 PM    comment []  Google It!  

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Last update: 5/23/2002; 6:54:42 PM.

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