Tuesday, May 28, 2002
A Better Aggregator. How many times do you see stories in your Radio News Aggregator that you'd like to be able to save for later? For me, these are usually things that I'd really like to read and/or think about a bit before I post something about them. Yet often when I'm running through the pile-up in the aggregator I'm in a hurry, just trying to thin things out. So wouldn't it be great if there was a second check box that would allow you to "save for later"? Those stories would go to a "saved" page completely separate from your aggregator page so you wouldn't have to keep checking them off time and time again. Wouldn't that be great? [there is no spoon]
Yup that would be great, I would also like a way to turn on/off the option to automagically check all the boxes directly from the news page rather than having to go threw 5 pages just to check all the boxes or stop checking all the boxes.
4:06:26 PM
Extreme Microtech. You often hear that the Space Shuttle uses aged computers, but you don't often hear why, or what they could use instead. You sometimes hear that computers can't operate outside of a narrow range of temperatures (much to the disgust of overclockers), but often the explanation is a bit thin on the ground. So, what DO extreme technophiles use on their systems, to get them to work under these sorts of conditions? [kuro5hin.org]
6:05:05 AM
© Copyright 2002 Adam Wendt.
Last update: 6/1/2002; 1:28:14 AM.