Wednesday, May 15, 2002
What could we do with tcp.im? Heres an idea, when your weblog gets a hit RCS IMs Radio and sends the referal information plus the IP (or a unique ID if people are worried about security). Radio then looks at the referal url and tries to match it to the URL of one of your OPML Buddies, if a match is found you IM the buddies Radio (if they are online, if not queue it up for sending later maybe) and tell them that you got a hit from them, if they are there they respond with 'Yea I know that person, they came from someOtherPlace' (because RCS IM'd them with the same unique ID).
The purpose is twofold:
- You find out where people go instead of just how they got to you!
- A trail of bread crumbs is created so not only can you tell where someone came from but how they got there, and how they got there, etc.
The trail could be displayed beautifully in the outliner.
I'll add more details later but right now I'm watching Enterprise and West Wing :)
8:20:46 PM
The Free State Project. The Free State Project aims to coordinate the move of approximately 20,000 "liberty-oriented" people to a state such as New Hampshire, and then proceed towards secession by "first reforming state law, opting out of federal mandates, and finally negotiating directly with the federal government for appropriate political autonomy."
I already live in New Hampshire so up next reform state law...*falls asleep*
5:08:55 PM
IBM wants a few good nano start-ups. Emphasis on both "few" and "good." Big Blue sets up a group in its semiconductor unit to work with nanotechnology upstarts that have working prototypes.
I have uh a working uh prototype that uh does stuff with uh nanotechnology yeeaaa.
4:32:52 PM
Particle Physics For DummiesTM. And interesting discussions follow.
4:18:02 PM
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Last update: 6/1/2002; 1:26:30 AM.