Friday, May 24, 2002
School Blogs. Marcus Mauller. Why doesn't each student get an iPod or equivalent to store all their work, and more importantly Radio? That would allow students to roam with their published work, personal music, and docs etc from shared computer to shared computer. A storage device is less expensive and more robust than a laptop, particularly for high school students. For professionals, this solves the home/work computer problem. [John Robb's Radio Weblog]
This definatly deserves more thought and discussion.
10:18:13 PM
Keebler Elves Own You
Google failed me on this one, so I had to make the image myself, blogs don't fail me now, does anyone remember an image like this? I think it was put on the front of a hacked webpage or something, anyone?
10:00:07 PM Google It!
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Last update: 6/1/2002; 1:27:43 AM.