synopsis of what is to live in the film: the Grandmother War
(the whole screen treatment can be read here)

    The Plot: A clash between student-debt protesters and Oakland police, leads to the death of the one of the protesters.  His grandmother, living in a lower class retirement home in Oakland, is drawn into action as a consequence of a confrontation between herself, along with a couple of her friends from the home, and some of the protesters at her grandson’s wake, following the funeral.  It turns out this elderly woman was a former Black Panther, and her two friends from the home had been political radicals from the 1960‘s, particularly effected by the 1968 Chicago Democrat Convention police riot.
    The students, and the old and now retired former radicals, form a partnership seeking a way to remind the American People of the fundamental reasons and means that led to the creation of the American Experiment.   The students have heart, but not wisdom.  The oldsters have wisdom but not the forces of youth.  One of their main ideas is that, as the Declaration insists: the only just laws come from the consent of the governed.
    Guided by the thoughtfulness of one of the former radicals, the two groups, students and elders, create a new Confederation, and include homeless people and unemployed people, to do an new style “occupation”.  The radicals also discern that the student protest group has already been penetrated by a spy from the Oakland police, which is likely being aided by Homeland Security.  A somewhat elaborate sting is woven, which causes the police and Homeland Security to over-reach their authority, which, however, results in tragedy.
    The radicals, expecting trouble, but not the intensity by which it arrives, arranged to have the whole illegal and immoral (from the side of the police) confrontation to be captured on digital video, which was live-streamed all over the social networks, as well as video-taped by a local News crew from an Oakland TV station.  This tragic event is presented in the opening scenes of the third act of the film
    In the aftermath, as the Oakland Police and Homeland Security try to cover up their over-reaching, the Ideas of the Confederation of elders, young students, homeless and unemployed (those least protected by our ostensible government) are able to occupy the moral high ground, with the result that all over America, in the days following that live-streamed illegal police action and tragedy, people start to wear buttons which say such as: “I no longer consent”, or "the grandmother war".  A powerful political movement is born where regular people relearn what the Founders understood over 200 years ago, by asking these questions: How does a free people govern itself?  What is the nature of the social contract?  What is the meaning of the rule of law?  What is the difference between law and morality?  How does money actually work?  And, ... that We the People, in creating the Constitution, only gave a limited grant of power to a central government, reserving all manner of powers for ourselves (see the 10th Amendment), including the power to rewrite the social contract from the ground up, whenever we want or need.  A lesson in Civics is given in this film a dramatic form.
    America, as Franklin knew, is an Idea. Those human impulses which want to dominate people, through wealth and power, want to kill that Idea.  But an Idea can’t be killed.  This Idea (in plain speech: “work hard, play by the rules, and mind your own business”) lives, in fact, in the hearts of the American People, although others try to claim it and use it, falsely, for their own selfish purposes.
    Lincoln stated it most simply in the last words of the Gettysburg Address: “ ... that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” 
    We’ve nearly lost this Idea, but this film can show how, with the most simple acts of courage, this Idea can once more live in the actions of ordinary people.  We get a second Declaration, a second Revolution, and a second Confederation, with small deeds of sacrifice, through the most simple acts of unity of purpose (E pluribus unum: out of many, one).
    Out of this struggle the embryo of a second Constitution is being generated, one in which the laws, that have been forced upon us by manufactured (fake) consent, are undone (such as that Corporations are people etc.).