This rough cut screen
treatment is now copyrighted, by placing
it on the Internet.
That said, as the Ideas here are
important, anyone who wants to is hereby
to use any part or all of this work as
they see fit. Just keep in mind that
the author
of this has a good sense of how this
should be made into a film, and anyone
to make this into a film would do well to
follow the indications of the treatment as
closely as possible, and as well consult
with the author regarding any changes.
Basically the reality of the situation is
that the most success, film-wise, will
come to those who produce this work as is,
and ahead of anyone else.

the grandmother war
a different kind of warrior, a different kind of
a story on which to base a screenplay
this is a very rough cut set of scenes
opening sequence, part one
fade in to bare stage, on which is a stool, and a man
(me) sitting on it
he speaks:
“Hi. Sometimes when someone writes a
book, the author often writes a preface, or an
introduction. That’s this. I’m the primary
creative thinker behind this movie, and I wanted to say a few
words to those who are going to watch it. Very
This is a movie about ideas, and the main
idea it is about is America. Not the America of K
Street in Washington D. C. or Wall Street in New York
City - the America of the rich and the powerful
- but the America of the American People, your America,
ordinary America.
Something has been lost to us, which
teachers 50 years ago called Civics, and meant by that
an understanding of why America came to be, and what it was
meant to be and do. Knowing this, and loving movies
myself, I wrote this, so that instead of a lecture on
Civics, you’d get a story, a drama, about Civics in
action, in our near future. Its your story, or in
a way the story of some Americans remembering what has been
lost sight of, which is the real meaning and purpose of
I hope you enjoy my work and the work of
all the others that were necessary to make this movie. It is
our gift for you.
One bit of warning though. Some of
the dialogue may appear to be preachy, which is quite
intentional by the way. Just keep in mind that we
frame our modern understanding of Civics and Public Life out
of a conversational ecology that mostly is like a rotting
garbage dump. The intelligence with which the Founders
of our Country talked to each other, and debated the
Constitution for example, was not full of the sentimental
junk food we see regularly on television today. This
movie is intended to help us restart and reboot that way of
speaking to each other. It is not preachy. It
just appears to be, because of the low quality of that form
of debased discourse, to which our time has forced us to adapt
our thinking and speech.
Thanks for coming.”
opening sequence, part two
a black-field, some texture, but unclear -
([& means music notation &])
[& low level flute and slow Indian drum beat &]
slow and solemn narration, pauses between lines ...
reading the following words that scroll up the screen
(voice is by the character in the film: Sam walks in
“I walked in a desert, on a moonless night,
and then tripped over a black rock.
Already now on my knees,
I looked under the rock
and found a diamond,
that was not a diamond.
It was a living light that sparkled in the distant darkness of
In a bell-like whisper, it sang me this name:
Much surprised, ... I fell awake,
while beneath my feet the very grains of sand wept for joy.”
opening sequence part three
[& low level bagpipe, signaling dread and doom
split screen: Smith (Base’s supervisor at HS talking to
un-named man in a suit in a car via cell phone) In the
background of the car is the Capital Building in D.C.
Smith: “Its tied up”
man: “You’re sure? We lost a major battle over the
narrative in the press.”
Smith: “That will die down. People will just keep
doing what they always do. Most of them are
sheep. You know that.”
man: “That guy Carl wasn’t. Very bright guy to out
think and out play you.”
Smith: “An aberration. There won’t be any others.”
man: “You better hope”.
Smith, after a pause: “Somehow this seems surreal.”
man: “Surreal? You going philosophical on me?”
Smith: “Its just .... just too weird on some
level. No focus. We should have controlled the
narrative a lot better.”
man: “Smith, you might well be in the wrong
business. Do I need to replace you?”
Smith, pausing again,: “I’ve been reading this book
.... “
man, interrupting him: “Last warning Smith. Don’t
over-think this.”
Smith: “Okay, sorry, give me a few days. Been
too busy”.
man: “Write some reports. Work it out. Stop
reading books.” hangs up and throws cell phone out of
car window, after taking out the innards and breaking them
into pieces
words on dark screen
6 months earlier
opening sequence, part four
(a visual -- what was unclear begins to becomes more
clear ...)
fade in from black-field ... closeup - only a foot
or so above - overhead shot of street, - of the
tarmack, the cracks etc. only becoming clearly
visible that it is a “street” as the camera slowly pulls
back and up and away - vertically ...
[& no music ... yet, &]
street sounds ... edges of cars come into view, ...
curbs, natural street debris ... people scurrying to
get out of something’s way ...
feet marching is heard ... but not fully rhythmic ...
a kind of sloppy walking, shuffling ... tentative ...
camera continues to pull back (up) ... the facing
sidewalks come into view ... just a few cars parked next
to curbs ... some people on sidewalks scurrying and trying
to hide ....
[& snare drum, single, steady beat, funereal in a way,
gets louder as scene progresses, ends with a sudden stop
single bang &]
as this happens we see the two groups moving toward each other
down the middle of the street, ... on the far left, more
colorfully dressed, disorganized, some carrying signs -
about student debt-slavery, others have gas masks around
their necks - protesters in action, ... on the far
right, militant police, black colors, uniforms,
helmets, batons, shields, marching in columns and
the camera slows its ascent, ... at the rear of the group
on the left are a couple of ambulances, waiting, ... at
the rear of the group on the right sits some kind of huge
military vehicle, a dragon in steel and iron ...
the camera pauses, the marchers pause, ... a wind blows
between them, pushing bits of paper into that empty space
... shouting, but indistinct, voices are heard, once
again moving each group slowly forward ... on the left,
some movement ... separate and distinct from the marching
group - people with cell phones filming; on the right in
the air above street side, one or more drones move and then
another (larger) drone appears to descend ...
we see some plain-clothed police, emerge from a side street
and take a young white man, separate him from the crowd of
protesters, and start to beat him - setting off anger
and violence as the crowds cry out and rush towards each
other ...
[& sudden stop single loud bang on snare drum ...
then wind noises, getting louder as camera falls &]
the camera then falls toward the street, through and past
the not yet fully clashing groups - there is still a kind
of empty space in between, so the camera falls toward the
swirling paper in between and among the feet ... voices
seem to rise and then fade ... the camera is only focused
on the pavement now, with bits of paper twirling and
dancing ... cut to ...
Act One
Scene 1
an abrupt change - a card-table top - closeup, a
similar texture to the street ... from above, then as
camera rises, cards are being played ... the camera
rises and we seen the hands and hear the chatter ... four
women with mostly gray heads come into view .... they
begin to speak, we are in a large room in a retirement home
... camera moves as director wishes ...
[& no music yet, just the background sounds of a room
full of mostly women, chatting &]
Agnes, a black woman, speaks, while playing a card on
the table - she is casual acting, but not in her
voice: “My grandson was arrested yesterday.
Beaten too.”
[collective gasps around the table]
June: “Was it that debt protest, the one about student
Agnes: “Yes”. [pause as more cards are played]
Agnes: “I really don’t like this ... this feeling so
helpless. He’s a good boy, never been in
trouble. But now he feels like he is a prisoner of
this debt - debt-slaves they call themselves.”
June: “I think I saw some on TV, on Fox last night.
They said these were radicals, maybe even
terrorists. Everyone is obligated to pay their
[Agnes sighs. another lady at the table, Gloria,
kind of coughs ... more cards are played]
June again: “Well, if you ask me, its all on the
President. He sets a bad example. If you get
loaned money you have pay. We did, and we didn’t cry
about it.”
Rachael, the fourth player, a kind of large women,
speaks with a bossy voice” “Yes June, we all know
about that. Isn’t the reason you are here is because
you were foreclosed on, you and Stan?”
[& strings, looming tension, yet soft -
apprehension - continues through scene 2 ...
beginnings of Agnes’s theme* (Motherless Child melody)
Agnes’s theme
is series of old spirituals she remembers for childhood visits
to rural
churches in Alabama: Wade in the Water, Swing Low Sweet
Chariot, Motherless
Child, Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen, Jacob’s
Ladder, and
Go Tell it on the Mountain &]
someone enters the room at a rush... a nurse in a sort of
uniform - single colored open jacket over regular clothes
- name tag, and stethoscope in pocket of jacket, and
she comes up behind Agnes and touching her on the shoulder
says - [Agnes had her back to the door from which Teresa
Teresa (nurse): “You have a phone call. I think
its important.”
scene 2
[Agnes rises, everyone at the table looks apprehensive.
She can’t walk very well, and the nurse helps her by bringing
her walker to her ... she slowly navigates to a nurses’
station and takes up the phone. She drops it after
listening for a few moments, and starts to collapse. Two
nurses (Teresa and Donna) catch her, and help her to a nearby
chair. June, and Rachael, and Gloria walk
up, looking very concerned. Agnes is given a glass of
water. still no one speaks. Agnes almost drops the
plastic glass, but Donna (the charge nurse) catches it,
and Gloria is now kneeling in front of Agnes, looking up at
her. Agnes, lips quivering and tears forming in the
corners of her eyes speaks, hoarsely:
“He’s gone” ... long pause, “that wonderful little boy is
gone”. She looks at the others, eyes pleading: “He’s too
young, isn’t he? Too young to be dead?”
[camera inside nurses’ station, watching her friends care
for Agnes
[Gloria walks up to Donna, and asks:]
“Can you get Carl over here?”
[Donna nods and gets on phone]
[inside the nurses station they start to gossip, a
doctor (Robert) moves through the scene, glancing
around and after whispering to Donna sees he is not needed,
and exits after saying:]
Robert: “I guess I can just continue my rounds.”
[He touches Agnes on the shoulder as he passes by]
[& strings tension eases, guitar, light-hearted
a little bit of Country &]
Teresa: “Who’s Carl”
Donna: “He’s the local CR.”
Teresa: “CR?”
Donna: “The chief rascal”
[some looks exchanged]
older nurse, name tag says Peggy: “Dearie, every
place like this has a guy who is getting a lot of sex.
Here, that’s Carl”.
Teresa: “Aren’t we supposed to stop that?”
Peggy: “Not unless you want a riot on your
hands. Old people don’t rut like teenagers, but they
do rut, and if you mess up their arrangements they can make
you pay. Plus, this is a retirement home, for
those that need a lot of medical services. That’s
us. But for them, its their home, ... they’re
here by choice, and of course certain income limitations and
requirements. We work here.”
[general laughter]
Teresa, naively curious: “So, what’s this Carl guy’s
story - some kind of geriatric hunk?”
Donna: “Not at all. More the opposite in a
way. He used to get to give lectures here on old
people sex, but the management stopped it. Couldn’t
have the inmates too much in charge."
[more laughter, questioning look from Teresa ...
signaling for more information]
Peggy: “Wait a minute, you’ll see”
[& strings, add guitar, apprehension returns - bit
of melody from Stones
Sympathy for the Devil &]
[Door to unit opens, ... all the nurses turn to look at
the noise and an older man in a wheel chair, holding two
canes in his lap, is wheeled in by a male aide, name tag
says Tigh.]
Peggy: “That’s him, that’s the chief rascal. At
any given time he’s running three or more girlfriends,
making them crazy, but at the same time very happy.”
[more laughter]
Gloria comes up to nurses station and says: “We are
going into Agnes’s room, ... if that’s not a problem.”
[Donna nods yes. Teresa has more questions running around
her face.]
Donna to Teresa: “Carl will probably just hold her in
his arms, while they lie on Agnes’s bed. Everyone
keeps their clothes on. We look the other way, even
though some of the rules suggest he’s not supposed to be in
her room. She needs to be comforted and held a long
time. Carl calls it ‘nurturing love’. Its
really good medicine, better than a lot of drugs we
otherwise peddle.”
[whole group watches Gloria help Agnes to her room -
Carl, using canes, gets out of wheel chair and goes in
- the door closes almost all the way, but not fully.
Gloria looks out, and sees that no one is going to
interfere, but still leaves the door open a crack.]
[scene fades]
scene 3
[& no music, only room and tv sounds &]
camera on a TV screen, news reader speaking (pictures in
the background behind the reader are of the protests - not
favorable to the protesters.) then camera pov shifts
180 degrees and shows faces of Agnes and her
friends Gloria and Rachael watching. They look sad and
confused. There are others behind them and to the
side, also watching.
Voice over from TV: “More protests today by the terrorist
anti-student loan group that calls themselves the
Debt-Slaves. Violence in Washington, and San
Francisco. After the break, we’ll go next to a story
about the stalker that hit former Oscar winner John
Longsdale. last night with an apple pie, while John was
getting out of his limo at his moms house.”
[head shot of actor Longsdale behind newsreader, then the
whole TV cuts to commercial for female desire drugs, but
this fades after enough seconds for people to recognize its
[side view of three ladies watching TV. Gloria,
noticing Agnes’s expression, uses the remote to turn off
the TV. There are others in the TV room.
Someone tries to complain and gets shushed.]
In the silence Agnes speaks, quietly: “I don’t
understand. Why? What did he do? He
was just a boy. He just got out of college.
His whole life was in front of him, and all he did was go
to a demonstration. All he did was try to be a good
[& strings, sadness, mournful, hint of bagpipe
[camera “floats” among the mostly ladies in the room
... many different expressions on the faces, but mostly
sympathy for Agnes’s loss.
scene 4
fade to scene in Agnes’s room, that she shares with
[& strings, Agnes’s theme, Nobody Knows the Trouble
I’ve Seen &]
There are some fresh cut flowers about. Agnes is
sitting in a chair, her walker is next to it. Camera
catches a picture of Agnes and her grandson, - he is
taller and has his arm around her. She is black and he
looks very white. There is a knock on the already open
door. camera, behind Agnes, cuts to door, a
young woman is standing there knocking, ]
Agnes, speaking, before looking up: “Come in.
... Oh, Jenny, its you.”
[she starts to rise. the young woman rushes in to hug
Agnes ... to keep her sitting. pulls up a small
nearby desk chair, and sits down next to Agnes]
Agnes, seeing the tears in the young woman’s eyes, sets
aside her own sorrow: “My dear, my dear, its all
right. Its going to be all right”
[girl, sobbing a bit, tries to comfort Agnes too.
they start to hold hands and just look at each other]
Agnes: “Oh, Jenny, I forgot about you. I should
have called you to see how you were.”
[Jenny nods, camera passes over her left hand, for a
moment we see the engagement ring]
Jenny, anguished: “Is it okay if I set up the
funeral? I think it will be easier for me to do
it. There’s just you and me to do it, and I
think I should be the one.”
[Gloria walks into the room, both women notice her, but
all know there is no need to acknowledge that fact]
Jenny: “Also, I’ll take care of the costs. He had
a little insurance that I’m getting, and I have some
wealth of my own. Nothing big, just a token start
about the careful way we wanted to plan our future.
Agnes, I don’t want you to have to worry. I know
his friends. We’ll send someone to pick you up and see
you get from place to place. The funeral and the
wake. Okay?”
Jenny, turning to look at Gloria, continues
speaking: “Can you come too. I’ll call, and
you can help me get Agnes there. All right?”
[Gloria, nodding yes, sits on the end of her bed ...
relieved to see someone able to take charge]
Gloria: “Maybe Carl can come. He knew Mark
too. It would be good for Agnes if Carl came.”
[Jenny nods]
scene fades away
scene 5
[& soft, jazzy brass - muted trumpet and sax,
with a bit of plucked bass beat &]
[domestic scene, Robert the doctor from the retirement
home, sitting at kitchen table working with his
laptop. Dale, his partner, is fixing dinner for
the two of them.]
Robert, looking at screen: “That’s weird.”
Dale: “What?”
Robert: “That kid who died in police custody in
Oakland. We saw it on the news last night, on
Channel Two.”
Dale: “Yeah?”
Robert: “Well, his grandmother - I’m looking her up
here, ... she’s black. She’s a patient of mine at
the Oakland location.”
Dale: “So?”
Robert: “The kid was white, and the grandmother is
black. That’s all. I’m doing a search on her
Dale, bringing something to the table, looks over Robert’s
shoulder: “Hmm. That is odd. Wait, go
back. See that. [points to screen].”
Robert: “Oh, that explains it. She married a white
civil rights lawyer when she moved to Oakland. My
goodness, she was a bad girl back then wasn’t she.”
[cut to picture on laptop of young black girl with some black
men - looks like a group of Black Panthers]
Dale: “Sure looks like it. How old is she
now? She sure looks hot and tough in that picture.”
Robert: “Shame on you [joking]. Well, I don’t
remember much about her chart. I’m only the visiting
attending there every couple of weeks. She’s late
‘80‘s maybe, uses a walker. Bad arthritis in her
knees and feet and hands, if I’ve remembered her right.”
Dale: “Should we send flowers or something.”
Robert, scoffs.
Dale: “I know, I’m such a sentimentalist. She’s
just another number to corporate.”
[Dale sits down at table, takes hold of Robert’s hand]
Dale: “Why do we work for those people?”
Robert: “Because we are just a couple of middle-aged men,
who like good jobs and good benefits. [smiles
wickedly]. And, ... because we get to play
doctor and nurse when no one else is looking.”
scene 6
[& tenor sax, fading to flute and camera catches
Sam in the background &]
[cut to the graveyard, a view from slightly above.
we see the grave, and perhaps thirty or forty people
there. Agnes, and Gloria and Jenny are all sitting
in chairs, except for Carl, who is in his wheel
chair. Everyone else is standing. The
trees suggest the time of year is early-fall, there are some
colors and leaves on the ground - the colors contrasting
with the mostly black everyone else is wearing. a
priest leads the service, he speaks the usual - there is
nothing to be distinctly heard, so as far as the sound goes
its clarity is without significance - the camera moves to
the pov of the priest, we see what he sees, but we only
hear his words like a whisper - common words, meant to
comfort, but which do not. Sam walks in dreams in
seen 30 yards or so away from crowd, standing and
scene 7
[& some hip-hop and tech, playing on bar jukebox,
fades in and out of conversations &]
[cut to scene in a bar-restaurant - the wake/after
reception is taking place - long interior establishing
shot. Then a close up: Jenny is bringing drinks to
Agnes and Gloria and Carl - their faces show interest -
they are meeting people - friends of Mark, the
grandson. Louder voices, some of them angry.
camera cuts to point of view of Agnes, Gloria and Carl,
observing the crowd
Rooter: “We have to take more actions. We have
to keep the pressure up.”
[much nodding in agreement]
While Jenny is serving the ‘elders’ there is background
dialogue. Arguments about what to do next, what
“street action” is needed to make the police atone for
Mark’s death. Ideas about upping the level of violence
float by. The see-through close focus center of the
scene is now at the table where the old ones are - which
is a long table at which they sit at one end - there are
several empty seats. Most of the crowd is at or near
the bar - a kind of background. Jenny brings
drinks (beers to the old ones), who the young crowd
mostly ignores.
Some drift over to say hi to Jenny, get introduced to Agnes
and mumble condolences to them. A kind of social
discomfort is displayed as the young and the old are not
The door to the bar opens and three big, mostly middle-aged
men, enter. The room goes quiet, and cold.
These are police, but they are not in uniform. They
take out cell phones and start to take pictures of
everyone. Some of the young people puff up and get
ready to try to pick a fight, and there is tension as cooler
heads try to stop that from happening.
Carl asks Jenny to move his wheel chair in between the
potential combatants. He then gently pokes one of his
canes at the youngest of the cops: “Don’t I know you
from night school in Alameda?”
Michael, steps back, surprised: “Oh, professor
Algren. What are you doing here?”
Carl: “Better I should ask what you are doing here.
This is pretty intrusive. You planning to beat us
up? [waves a cane around - humorously] I’m pretty
tough guy. Think the three of you are enough to handle
an old man in a wheel chair?”
[general nervous laughter from the crowd]
Now that Carl has everyones’ attention on him: “Any
of you know the movie Shooter, ... stared Mark Wahlberg?”
[One of the cops, the older, raises his hand - not
sure what to do - all are a bit drawn now into the
realm of a practiced teacher. A couple of the
protesters raise their hands too.]
Carl: “You know what one of my favorite scenes was?
It was at the end, when Bob Lee Swagger has cornered the
bad guys, and the Senator from Montana is the only bad guy
left alive, who is trying desperately not to get shot and
killed. The Senator says: “You can’t kill me,
I’m a U.S. Senator”, to which Swagger replies, after
a pause: “Exactly” and shoots him dead.
Carl pauses, then says: “All of you, protesters and
police, need to rethink the situation here, and ask
yourselves who really are the bad guys. You should
watch that movie. None of you like what is going on,
but the real bad guys have made fools of you -
everyone, and have you fighting each other instead of
working together to really change things. ...
Remember Pogo’s wisdom, from 1970: ‘We have met the
enemy and he is us.’ “
[the young people look confused - a cultural reference
from before they were born]
Carl then nods to Jenny, who steers him back to his
Gloria, raises an eyebrow and says to Carl:
“Pogo? You’ve got to be kidding”
[Distracted by Carl’s intervention, the tension in the air
seeps out of the room, the cops make eye-contact with each
other and leave. Loud voices among the young get to
bragging about how they could have won any beat down.
Many are silent. They don’t really understand what
just happened.]
Three young men and one young woman detach themselves from the
bar and come sit at the table with Cart et. al.
Voices come and go ... there is no clarity of purpose,
and a kind of confusion exists.]
One of the new people at the table, Doc, asks:
“what just happened?”
Gloria and Agnes give Carl looks, suggesting he should
speak. He smiles and laughs, and says: “Well, we
are all in the shit, aren’t we”.
Sipping their beers, Gloria and Agnes start to
giggle. Carl laughs louder. The new people at
the table look confused. Carl looks at them and says:
“Shit in this case has a double meaning. For you its
about how fucked you think the American people are, but for
us” (looking at Gloria and Agnes), “its a joke from the
retirement home”.
More giggling from Agnes, and Gloria laughs out loud.
The young people look even more confused.
Gloria: “Imagine you are where the three of us live, and
you see one of the day rooms, where we play cards and watch
TV. 20, many 30 folks in there at any given
She laughs again, Carl and Agnes start to put their heads on
the table, between the alcohol and the release of tension
this is getting to them, because they know where Gloria is
going with this.
Gloria: “Now ask yourself, how many of those old farts in
that room are wearing depends or diapers. How many at
any given time might actually be sitting in shit.”
“So,” says the young woman, who joined them, getting the
joke as it were. “We all are in the shit then,
aren’t we”.
The other young people at the table make nervous laughter,
but finally seem to be getting the joke.
[& juke box stops, bar quiets, Agnes’s theme
softly, solo violin,
Swing Low Sweet Chariot fading to Go Tell It on the Mountain
This laughing draws forth from the bar one of the louder and
more serious and angry members of the protest group.
He comes over:
Doug: “What the fuck are you guys laughing at.
This is serious business. We’ve marched.
We’ve been beaten up. We just lost one of our
friends, and you fucks are laughing here.”
Jenny grabs his arm, suggests with her eyes he look at
Agnes. She stage whispers to him: “Stop being such a shit
(more laughter from the table), “this is Mark’s
grandmother you idiot”.
The loud man can’t give it up, ... was scared during the
tension and is now covering that over with his anger.
Still, he says, too loudly, “we paid a price here, what
have you done?”
Jenny gasps. Gloria and Carl pass a look, Agnes
stops laughing completely and if looks could kill ... she
pushes herself up out of the chair, which clearly is a quite
difficult act for her and stands tall ...
In a very cold and quiet voice she speaks, but by this point
the whole bar is silent, listening ...
[& Agnes’s theme slowly intensifies, more stringed
instruments added &]
“I was bitten by dogs in Montgomery. Fire-hosed in
Selma. I marched with Dr King, I knew Stokely
Carmichael. When we moved to Oakland, I was an
original member of the Black Panthers. Don’t
you ever let yourself think you know anything about troubles
and pain and strife.”
She paused, the loudmouth is back on his heels, ready to
“Sit down and learn something, young man.” she looks at
Gloria and Carl.
“While your parents were in diapers, those two marched
against the war. Carl was in Chicago in 1968, and
was beaten and hospitalized and imprisoned for three
years. Gloria was pregnant, and lost a baby after
being beaten there. Look at us you silly
child-man. We’ve lived more violence and more
protesting then you - hopefully - will ever see or
Now she looks at the whole crowd, who have become completely
speechless, and goes on ...
“Here you all are, plotting your juvenile plots, with no real
sense of the scale of the struggle or the costs.
There you are, the we know everything young, who have put all
their elders away in old folks homes, effectively silencing
all that hard won wisdom, as if only you know the pain of the
disconnect between justice and life. Get over
[& Agnes’s theme fades, jukebox comes back on with tech
She starts to cry, collapses back in her chair ... she’s
emotionally exhausted, but she has managed to shame them
all - we see them glancing at each other, which they
very much needed, and the scene fades away ....
scene 8
car scene on the way home from the bar
camera looking in from the front, Jenny is driving, Gloria
is beside her in the right front seat. Carl is behind
Gloria in the back, and Agnes is behind Jenny ... car
noises, everyone is silent, looking out the windows,
although Jenny needs to look forward as she is driving ...
Jenny is uncomfortable with the silence, breaks it ...
“How is everyone? Are we all okay?”
silence continues, Jenny sighs ...
Agnes frowns, speaks: “I want to do something.”
[& Agnes’s theme, Wade in the Water &]
Gloria, cautious: “About what, dear?”
Agnes: “Don’t rightly know, but I can’t sit still.”
“Just found a part of myself I lost. Don’t want to lose
it again.”
more silence, everyone is digesting this
Jenny, wants to help: “How? Got any ideas”
Agnes, after another pause ... looks over at
Carl, grins
[& Agnes's theme fades, Carl’s theme comes in, Gloria
playing with car
radio finds Credence Clearwater’s Bad Moon Rising &]
“Ask the genius over there, he’s the smart one.”
Carl, under his breath ... “Fuck”
Gloria, glad to get a conversation going
“That’s true Carl, what’s that you are always going on
about? Physics or something?”
Carl, testily, still not too loud, but gets louder as he
“Civics. Not fucking physics, ... Civics”
Gloria grins, she knew what he meant, but liked to tease
him ...
Jenny: “Huh? Civics. What’s that?”
Carl, big sigh, Gloria and Agnes are grinning
Carl leans forward, puts his head toward the front seat,
in between Gloria and Jenny, has a pissed and angry look on
his face ... pauses between sentences ...
“My first teaching gig, in Montana, was as a junior high
teacher. You call it middle-school now. 7th
and 8th graders. I taught them how and why America
was made. Called it Civics. Couple years later
the school boards all over the country, started to make
people like me teach some liberal garbage called Social
Studies. Social Studies ate Civics, and no one was
taught it much anymore. Dumbed down the whole fucking
country if you ask me. Nobody knows shit anymore.”
Carl slumps into the back seat. Agnes pats him on the
Gloria: “Jenny, you bring your friends over, just a few
to start. Carl knows stuff. Agnes has the
fire, just like your friends, but the fire has to be
pointed in the right direction, otherwise it just goes off
and wrecks things.”
turns around and looks at Carl and Agnes, continues:
“There’s thinkers and doers. Carl’s one, Agnes’s
the other. Mind and heart. Got to connect
scene fades as everyone gets a thoughtful look on their faces
scene 9
[& intro Gloria’s theme - echoes of psychedelic music
from the late 60‘s Sargent Pepper &]
cut to
camera watches from inside out through glass front door to
retirement home as Jenny lets Carl, Agnes and Gloria off.
Agnes using her walker and Gloria pushing Carl in his
chair. Cut to Wilson, the night guard on the phone
at his station, after he puts the phone down he holds open
the door so the three can come in.
[& Gloria’s theme fades, Carl’s comes back, with some
Born Under
A Bad Sign, Albert King/Cream, &]
Carl: “Wilson ... how’s it going?”
Wilson: “Same old, same old.” He looks at
the ladies and nods.
Wilson: “Gloria, Agnes ... welcome home. Have
a nice night out?”
The ladies nod and turn down one wing and a staff member comes
out of the other wing to take over Carl’s wheel chair
(that’s who Wilson was on the phone to).
humorous regular greeting between these next two, as Tigh
pushed Carl down his wing. (Tigh is pronounced ‘tie’)
Carl: “Tigh ... whatsup my man”
Tigh grinning: “Same shit, new day, honkey”.
Carl (laughing): ‘One of these days I’m going to use the
n-word on you just to see the reaction”.
another old joke.
Tigh: “That be the day you stop being the ladies best friend
around here. Be the last day. (pauses)
Bishops got her dander up. Sam went out the window
Carl: “Fuck. Oh well, sure is same shit different
Tigh: “Got that right”.
scene 10
cut to: we watch Tigh pushing Carl toward a different nurses
station than in scene two. Mature nurse leaning her
back on the outside of it, arms crossed, frowning.
[& introducing Bishops theme - Elenore Rigby, mixes with
Born Under a Bad Sign &]
Bishop: “If he doesn’t sleep in his bed, I’m going to see
to his meds getting upped. He can’t just do whatever
he wants. He’s wrecking that screen in your
Carl looks at Tigh.
Tigh: “I’m getting a smoke Bishop, if you don’t
mind. Not interested in this next
Bishop and Carl just look at each other for a while.
Carl: “Did I ever tell you he’s a shaman?”
Bishop: “A what?!?”.
Carl: “American Indian ... holy man of sorts.
His people call him Sam walks in dreams.”
Bishop just frowns, looks like she thinks Carl is feeding
her a load of shit.
Carl: “Born that way, I guess. His tribe
hardly exists anymore. Maybe only 100 poor souls
in all of Northern California”.
Bishop: “Not my problem. My problem is him
following the rules.”
Carl: “He’s a vet, you know, Vietnam. Been
homeless or put up for crazy ever since. Likes
sleeping outside, even in bad weather. I think he
just forgets sometimes exactly where he is, so just opens
the window, removes the screen and goes outside.”
long pause the two just looking at each other
Carl (grinning): “He’s been saying nice things to you
again, hasn’t he. Acting sweet on you. You
being a proper married lady, and him being a former homeless
crazy man, ... that doesn’t work for you, does it.”
more pause, Carl still grinning, Bishop fighting to keep
her frown.
Carl: “I'll get Tigh to take me outside, and then
I’ll get Sam back inside. You know this only happened
because I was gone today to the funeral and the wake, ...
so I wasn’t here.”
another pause
Carl: “You want me to tell Sam to stop hitting on
you. I’ll take his place if you like.”
Bishop (grinning now): “You just see to it he
stays inside at night. Otherwise I’ve got to write
reports and that brings down the bad from above.”
Carl nods, calls out to Tigh, who is standing in the
doorway to outside, smoking. “Time to face the
Maria, the female Spanish-looking janitor is walking by -
pushing mop and bucket, speaks, quietly. looking a bit
at Bishop: “Which one?”
Carl and Tigh both say “Hi”, almost together.
Tigh wants to stop and flirt, but Carl waves Maria on.
scene 11
cut to Tigh moving Carl around in an outside patio
[& Sam’s theme becomes more obvious, flute, tom tom drum,
to Reggae rhythm, Marley’s Talking Blues: Cold ground was
my bed last night
(bed last night) And rock was my pillow, &]
Sam hears them coming and sits up, wrapped in
blankets. Formerly homeless for years, he is long
haired, pretty much toothless and unshaven - although
like a lot of Natives he doesn’t grow much of a beard.
Carl: “Sam are you listening to the big guy that
always stands behind you, and looks over your right
shoulder, or the little dark man the sits on your left
Sam looks down, ashamed to admit he is forgetting to pay
attention to his angel. After a few moments Sam and
Carl and Tigh go in, as Carl coaxes Sam to apologize to
Sam (looking at her with innocent affection):
“Sorry, Miss Bishop. I forget sometimes I’m
getting to live inside. I like to go to sleep looking
at the sky. I won’t do it again.”
Bishop warns both of them (Carl and Sam): “If Sam
can’t keep it together, I’m going to have to ask the doctor
to increase the meds, so as to fully stop the voices.”
Tigh and Carl follow Sam to their room, - the room’s
surfaces have a few bonsai trees about - Carl’s - a
product of Carl’s art, not Sam’s. There’s also some
posters, copies of aboriginal art, such as that
from Australia.
Tigh pauses outside the room with Carl for a moment and then
he asks: “Why do you act like Sam’s voices are real?
Carl, pausing first and looking carefully at Tigh: “How do
you know they’re not?"
scene 12
cut to open area at retirement home, daylight - midday
[& Agnes’s theme - Jacob’s Ladder &]
Agnes is sitting by herself, thinking, feeling ...
some time passes ... cuts to different angles of her face
and body ....
Gloria walks into the area, and starts to sit down ...
Gloria: “Hey honey, .... can I get you anything”
Agnes, pausing ... looking carefully at Gloria:
“Yea. Get Carl. And Sam too. We
need to talk.”
Gloria gets up and leaves, camera stays on Agnes, the
breeze, the birds, the half lit slightly cloudy day.
Gloria comes back with Sam and Carl, and they sit
down. Gloria takes Agnes’s hand for a while.
No one speaks. After a bit Agnes pulls back her
hand, takes a big breath and
Agnes. “Carl, Sam, Gloria ... I want to do
something. I’m tired of just remembering what we did
in the past. I’m tired of those conversations.
I want us to sit here and I want your wildest ideas about
what we can do. Carl, I know you’ve been thinking
for years about all this shit. You know it and I know
it. We’re going to do something. Hear
me? We’re going to do something big. Something
scary even.”
Agnes looks around at the other three. Their faces
show a fire has been lit. Gloria and Sam are smiling,
and Carl is frowning.
scene 13
[& Agnes’s theme - Swing Low .... &]
fade to split screen, that evening in Agnes’s room [in all
split screens, the speaker’s screen is much smaller than the
listeners screen - size shifts as the speaker shifts]
Agnes calling Jenny on the phone
Agnes: “I want to meet with two or three leaders of your
protest group. Can you arrange that?”
Jenny: “Sure, when and where?
Agnes: “Is tomorrow too soon? Here is best for me”
Jenny: “I’ll set it up. What should I tell
them about why?”
Agnes, after a pause: “Just say someone who has been there
and done that would like to help them get what they want.”
Jenny, laughing: “It’s a date, we’ll have some
fun, right? Not get too serious, I think some of
them might be a bit afraid of you.”
Agnes, laughing too: “I should hope so.”
scene 14
[& jazz again ... like scene 5 &]
Split screen: Bishop at her nurses station desk, Dale
(Robert’s partner) - supervising nurse in Skyview’s
corporate home office, owner of the Golden Hours retirement
home set should reflect this identification.
Bishop: “Dale, this is Bishop over in Oakland. How
ya doing?”
Dale: “Okay Daisy, how about you ... how you doing?”
Bishop: “Mostly the same, but I’ve got a problem, kind
of a good book problem.”
Dale (alerted now, not comfortable):
“Okay. Shoot.”
Bishop: “One of my orderlies, Tigh, I think he’s
stealing patients meds and selling them.”
pause - nobody says anything for a moment ....
Dale: “Bishop (not Daisy) ... that shouldn’t happen,
... are you following protocol? How does he do
Bishop (nervous, she had hoped her ‘friend’ Dale might
be more sympathetic): “Well, (lying) sometimes
we are short handed - someone’s off the unit and I’ve been
letting Tigh carry the tray around the day area.”
long pause while Bishop waits, and Dale has to decide how
hard to play it ...
Dale, temporizing: “Well, we don’t want a formal
investigation then do we?”
Bishop: “No ... we don’t.”
Dale: “Look ... I have a friend in the Oakland police
... some kind of Sargent or something. Maybe I
could have him drop by and scare Tigh a little - get him
to stop, and then we don’t have to do any paperwork.
Okay? How’s that?”
Bishop (her conscience salved and she has done her
‘Christian duty’: “Right. Yeah.
Good. Have him come see me and I’ll point the
situation out to him. Will that work for you?’
Dale: “It better, I don’t want to hear any more
about this, Daisy. Nothing more. Got it.”
Bishop (relieved): “Yeah, got it.”
scene fades
scene 15
next day, outside in an open area at the retirement home:
Carl is there, with Agnes and Gloria, and even Sam, who
sits in the back ground.
[& mix of previous themes &]
Jenny comes with Doug (the guy who made Agnes mad), a
young fellow they call Rooter, and someone older, they
call him Doc. He’s not as old as the retirement home
folks, more like late ‘40‘s, early ‘50‘s.
The usual handshakes etc, and Gloria does some fussing
getting teas and coffees as needed, and a sweater for Agnes.
Doug introduces himself, sits down:
Doug: “Agnes. Sorry about the other day.
Really I’m sorry. You were right.”
Agnes: “That’s alright son. Take me months to tell
you all about our mistakes. In a little bit, in
fact, I’m going to have Carl tell you about the big one -
the scary one. Right now he needs you to do some
thinking for him first.”
Looks at Carl. Carl hands out four sheets of paper,
and some pens.
Carl: “I need you to write down some names - people in
your group. I don’t want you to look at each other’s
papers either, while you do this. Not a test, so
much as a way for me to solve a puzzle. I want you to
write the names of the ones that tend to urge the most risky
actions. Who think violence is the answer most of the
time. Reckless things. Write down those names
and give ‘um to me. I've a use for them that I’ll
explain later.”
Rooter (speaking to Carl): “Why do you care so
much about this, man? Why is it so important we not
imitate what you guys did? Why is protest and violent
confrontations bad?”
Carl (with a rush of passion): “We blew it
Rooter. I didn’t see if for a couple of decades, but we
were wrong. We did change the world, but we drove
America toward the Right, not toward the Left. We
got Nixon, and Ford, and even Carter worked for the
Council on Foreign Relations. Then we had
Reagan, and Bush I, and then Clinton who was in the
banks’ pockets too. Then Bush II, and now Obama,
whose administration is full of Goldman-Sachs people..
Everyone of those presidencies is either far Right or
clearly right of Center. Clinton even bragged about
“What we did caused there to be no effective political Left in
America for almost 50 fucking years. All because
we didn’t think it through. We didn’t
understand. You guys are making the same fucking
mistake. We have to do something completely
new. We have to look back, understand our history,
and learn and then create. And, that my friends is
what Americans do ... we innovate, we create, we make
something that wasn’t there before. That’s where our
thinking has to go ... not into the past, but into a
future no one has seen or even imagined before.”
Agnes: “Amen brother. Amen.”
Sam, kind of whispering: “Yo.”
Gloria: “Jenny, Doug, Rooter, Doc ... we see
you. We see your pain. We understand your
concern over being what you call ‘debt slaves’. We
used to call it being a ‘wage slave’. Not really
any difference. Any of you know the song ‘16
Tons'? Merle Travis, Tennessee Ernie Ford?”
All the young people shake their heads in a negative fashion.
Gloria: “Well, maybe you should down-load it
sometime. Americans have been up that creek for
Doc plays with his cell phone.
Agnes: “I want Carl to say some more here. Kind of
talky, there’s something you all need to understand -
get your collective heads around. Makes a great deal
of difference.”
Looks to Carl, the others nod assent for him to
speak. Sam moves his chair closer.
Carl: “You have way more power than you realize. Way
more. Enough so that marching and protesting and
violent confrontation isn’t even necessary.”
Carl looks at the whole group, the four mostly young people.
Carl: “What’s your complaint?”
Both Doug and Doc start to talk. Doug stops and leaves
the floor to Doc.
Doc: “To have good jobs we believed we had best go to
college. But to go to college we needed a lot of
money, and there was money to be borrowed. So
we borrowed it, but then when we got out of college there
were no jobs. I guess, maybe, because the economy
Doc looks around at his friends.
Doc: “Two of us live at home now. I’m 47, and I
had to move back in with my mom and dad, who are retired and
on social security. Somethings not right about this,
not right at all.
Carl: “Where did the money come from that was loaned to
you? Do you know?”
The four look back and forth among each other.
Doug: “Well, we borrowed it from special programs for
student loans, I guess, but seems like the money actually
came from some banks that specialized in those kinds of
loans. We’ve been protesting to get the government to
pass laws to make the loans more easy to pay. Give us
more time to pay, and adjust maybe the interest
rates. Nobody is listening, so we couldn’t think of
what else to do but march and stuff.”
Carl looks at the group. Lets them sit with that idea
for a bit, then ...
Carl: “Where did the bank get the money it loaned you?”
Jenny, after a pause: “I guess its on deposit
there. From other peoples savings and stuff.”
Rooter: “We have to find some way to fuck these people
up. They aren’t treating us right. These are
predatory loans just like with the all those home buyers that
got fucked before the banks all got saved by the
government. When is the government going to save us?”
Gloria: “Slow down Rooter, we are getting to the best
part, so to speak, but you got to put some reins on your
passion and pay attention, ... and think.”
Gloria nods to Carl to continue. She’s
grinning. Carl looks sour. He’s not sure how
these kids are going to take this.
Carl: “The banks don’t loan you money that is on deposit.”
Long pause - confusion on the faces of several
Doc: “I’ve heard about this. You know how it really
Carl: “The loan creates the money. It didn’t even
exist before the loan. Banks get to make money out of
nothing, and loan it to you, and then charge as much
interest as they can on the debt-money, that is almost
completely free to them, ... as much interest as they can
get away with.”
Amazed looks. Gloria is grinning. Sam and
Agnes are sad. Carl looks weary. Where this
goes next could be dangerous.
Carl: “Its the big secret of the whole financial
collapse. Everyone in finance, all economists, -
all over the world. They know these loans that fuel
the economies of the world are made of hot air, and that the
whole system only works because people believe it
works. This has been going on for centuries - the
banks loaning money they didn’t have. Used to be just
a more or less unscrupulous practice, and then slowly became
fully legal, with the final links in our wage/debt slavery
being forged when the Federal Reserve system was set up in
America during the 2nd decade of the 20th Century.”
After another even longer pause, as these young student loan
holders try to get their heads around this idea ...
Carl: “During the crisis of 2008 and afterward, the
Fed loaned/created out of nothing trillions of dollars for
other banks and corporations - for everybody but the
homeowner who was about to drown when their mortgage went
underwater as the housing market collapsed.”
The protest group “kids” are speechless. Rooter
seems mostly confused, like he doesn’t get it.
Gloria gets up, makes sure everyone gets something to
drink, even offers to find some wine.
Carl leans in ...
Carl: “The thing is ... this debt that you have.
That’s a two edged sword. Its a lot of power placed
in your hands, especially if you choose to default on
it. Banks and corporations default all the
time. Imagine what happens if half the holders of
student debt in the United States say fuck you to the banks
and the government, and are demanding changes not through
protest marches, but through a refusal to honor the
debt. There are big consequences to that, but that’s
another story for another time.”
Gloria: “You’d be defaulting on the debt-money, the fake
money. Not someone’s savings, but the banks mostly
free-to-them wealth."
Agnes: “You all need to digest this. Get used to
what it means. Sleep on it for a couple of days, and
then we get back together and talk about your power, ‘cause
my dears, none of you is really all that helpless.
You act together, and its the banks and their friends in
Congress that is helpless.”
[& 16 Tons starts up &]
Doc puts his cell phone on the table and we hear the song:
16 Tons: (while this song is playing, the camera is on
one of those crane things, so it rises up and starts to look
around where the retirement home is ... sees the older
houses, the industrial buildings, the people driving to
and from work ... pans slowly in circles so it can capture
all that is possible of the surrounding’s semi-industrial
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man’s made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that’s a-weak and a back that’s strong
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine
I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine
I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal
And the straw boss said “Well, a-bless my soul”
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
I was born one mornin’, it was drizzlin’ rain
Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name
I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion
Cain’t no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
If you see me comin’, better step aside
A lotta men didn’t, a lotta men died
One fist of iron, the other of steel
If the right one don’t a-get you
Then the left one will
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
scene 16
[& low level bagpipe - dread and woe &]
fade to split screen
Rooter on his cell phone, in his car outside the retirement
home, talking to a cop in an office.
Rooter: “I think they’re crazy. A bunch of crazy old
coots. Living in some dreams of days gone-bye and
opportunities missed. Talked about banks and money and
shit. Didn’t make any sense to me”
Sargent Salieri (the older cop, who we saw at the
wake): “Well, good. You’re in, all the way
in. So just write it up, and I’ll forward it to
Base, the guy at Homeland Security. Still might be
something useful we can do, even if they don’t go for the
violence. If the talk is getting too complicated,
maybe we need to finally wire you up. I’ll talk to
some others about it. Good work, John ... good
scene 17
[& Moody Blues, (K)Nights in White Satin &]
fade to Sam and Carl in their room
Carl: “Hey crazy man.”
Sam: “Hey brother,”
Carl: “Futures coming fast now.”
Sam: “Maybe. Just ‘cause the wind blows hard don’t
mean we have to jump on a kite and fly it.”
Carl: “I think I nailed the spy.”
Sam: “Those lists you got them to write up?”
Carl: “Yea.”
Sam: “Rooter?”
Carl: “How’d you guess? Bad angel likes to brag?”
Sam: “A little bit, but mostly Rooter’s ... I don’t
know ... provocative.”
Carl: “Yea. Le Agent Provocateur. Had to be at
least one. Jenny, Doug and Doc, all listed Rooter
as promoting violence, two of them wrote him down first on
their lists as if he was the first one they thought of -
he didn’t list himself at all. Only one name on all
four lists. The rest spread around. I’ll be checking
high-school yearbooks and stuff, but my guess is Rooter’s
background is a big lie. Probably the one that’s on
all four lists wants to be a revolutionary ‘cause he thinks
its romantic.”
Sam: “Hard times, stranger choices. Strange
times, harder choices.”
Carl, raising an eyebrow: “Glad we’re old fucks
tho’. Time to pass the baton.”
Sam: “If they don’t drop it. Always that could
happen. We fucked up seriously, you know.
Carl: “Well in my case it was just too many drugs, and
then of course, you were born a crazy shaman, so there’s
that too.”
Sam (laughing): “Fuck you man, fuck you.”
Carl walks out of the room laughing (past his parked
wheelchair) giving Sam the finger, but first Carl looks
into darkened hallway to make sure no one sees him before he
walks quickly across to the day area to get some snacks.
scene 18
fade to meeting with Jenny, Doug, Doc, Rooter and a
bunch of others in the student debt group
[& hip-hop and tech, like in Bar Scene &]
Rooter: “Them old folks is crazy.”
Jenny makes a face.
Doc: “No, ... they just made crazy sense, that’s
Jenny: “Doug, you think you can make a reasonable story of
that. I saw you playing on the Internet for several
hours. Were you able to confirm what Carl said about
the banks and loans and stuff?
Doug (worn down a little bit): “I’ll try. Makes
me want to burn the banks down, but I can see that won’t
play. So sit back folks (looking at the others -
a dozen or so), tighten your seat belts, this is going
to be a very wild ride. The Lords of Finance have some
very interesting out in the open secrets”
scene 19
[& strings, low level background - The First Time Ever I
Saw Your Face &]
fade to Carl and Agnes lying in bed in a motel
Agnes: What’cha thinking ‘bout.
Carl: “Stuff.”
Agnes: “Don’t give me that shit, I know that face ...
that ‘I have secrets and I am plotting’ face.”
Carl: “Okay. Its a chess game.”
Agnes: “Chess? I didn’t know you play chess.”
Carl: “No. Real life. Our life. What we
are doing with the protest take-over thing.”
Agnes (paying more attention): “Alright.
Something going on I should know about?”
Carl: “Well ... think about it this way. I am
playing chess with a guy I can’t see and who I do not
know. He doesn’t even know I am playing chess with
him. Moves and counter-moves all taking place in the
Agnes: “This is a real person?”
Carl: “Yeah. Remember that kid, Rooter?”
Agnes: “Sure. Sort of.”
Carl: “He’s a plant from the cops. I want to turn
Agnes: “What?”
Carl: “Real life spy stuff. The cops had to be
watching already the group where Mark was killed. Had
to know stuff about it, otherwise the way that went down
wouldn’t have happened the way it did.”
Agnes (thoughtful pause): “I think I can see
that. So this kid, was a fucking spy on them ...
and now on us?”
Carl: “Yeah. And, I want to turn him. Make
for him what the old timers in the spy game would call a
double agent. So that he works for us now, not for
Agnes: “Jesus. How would you do that?”
Carl (smiling): “Blackmail him.”
Agnes: “How? Wait I minute, do I want to know?”
Carl: “Probably not.”
Agnes: “Shit. Tell me anyway.”
Carl: “Old business, really, these kids today never read
books, so don’t have a clue. Used to be called a
honey trap. Turns out Rooter’s got a wife and
kids. I found a picture of him on-line, in an old
high school year book. Know his real name now. We’ll
have him seduced by someone not his wife and take
pictures. After which he belongs to us.”
Agnes: “That’s terrible.”
Carl: “So was what he’s been doing. This kid’s boss
in the Oakland police probably has him writing reports to
someone in Homeland Security about what we are
planning. Those two - Rooter’s boss and the
probable homeland guy - those are the guys I’m playing
chess with. They don’t know it, but I do.”
Agnes: “Are we going to be in trouble?”
Carl: “I don’t think so. I think they don’t
see us as much of a threat. Bunch of old farts in an
retirement home, plotting with some kids about taking over
some unused property as a protest thing. Fuck, in
France and other places in Europe, squatting is legal in the
winter. For us tho’, no bombs. Nothing
that dangerous. Yet.”
Agnes: “Yet? Fucking yet?”
Carl: “Chess. Agnes, chess. Make them
think we are doing one thing, when we are doing something
else. Something they don’t see coming. But I
have to think this out, and nobody is to know. Sam
knows. He’s helping. But I have to think
a couple of dozen moves ahead, with all the different ways
it might play out. See all the possible paths.
Even then, I also have to assume some fuckups on our
Agnes: “The stakes are high, aren’t they.”
Carl: “Yeah, sweety. They are. But they
don’t know us. They think we’ve retired. They
don’t even know there’s a game on.”
Turns to her and kisses her. They look at each other.
Agnes: “Makes me feel alive, ya know?”
Carl: “Yeah, why do you think I’ve been so horny lately.”
She pokes him in the ribs.
Agnes: “You are a very bad boy, a very bad boy.”
Carl: “And you my dear, ... you love it don’t
Agnes: “Well, maybe. ... I don’t want you to
turn him tho’. No honey trap. Makes us just
like them. Maybe you can Godfather him?
Carl: “Huh?”
Agnes: “You know ... keep your friends close, but your
enemies closer?”
Carl (frowning, thoughtful): “You’re
right. When you’re right, you’re right.
Okay. Are you hungry?”
Agnes: “About time you took me out to dinner.
You know, you’re supposed to do that before you get the
scene 20
[& Jazz, Brubeck: Time Out &]
split screen, Dale talking on his office phone to his friend
in the Oakland police:
Dale: “Hey Al, what’s up?”
set for Al shows him behind a desk with his name (Alfredo
“Al” Sanchez) on a nameplate ... other set items
suggest he is a SWAT commander in the Oakland Police, as
well as some pictures with other soldiers from original Iraq
Al: “Dale, damn girl, long time no see. What’s
Dale: “Sorry to ask, but knowing you are as discrete as
you are, and as - shall we say - as tough as you
are (both laugh) - I need you to talk to a guy at our
Oakland home - the Golden Hours facility. His
charge nurse thinks this orderly is taking meds from the
patients, but I just want him leaned on a little bit -
get him to back away.”
Al: “Hmmm. Well, if we did turn it over to Vice
they will be more aggressive that’s for sure. Make him
into a snitch. So, ... me personally?”
Dale: “After hours maybe, ... not in uniform, just
have your badge. He’s got two strikes and we have no
definite proof. Maybe save the guy from his own bad
Al: “That seems simple enough.”
Dale: “He works the evening shift - 3 to 11, you
drop by and seek out a charge nurse there named Bishop.
She’ll point you in the right direction.”
Al: “Okay, ... in fact I could do it tonight.
What’s the address?”
scene fades ...
scene 21
cut to scene inside restaurant in the motel, Carl and Agnes
having dinner. A man comes to sit at their table -
wearing a blazer, with a name tag: ‘Tom Millett, Motel
Manager’ written on it.
[& uncomplicated tech, with a steady beat &]
Carl: “Tom”
Tom: “Boss”
Agnes: “Carl, I still can’t believe this.
You having money and living in that home with us.”
Tom: “Carl likes to play games, ma’am. Not
serious games, but fun games. Keeps his mind
Agnes (with a sly grin): “Hmmm. Well, I get
it. He’s a social butterfly he is, and likes good
company and his jokes. No point living home
alone. There’s a little bit of trickster spirit
in him.”
Carl: “Thanks for dropping by, Tom. I need you to
order some electronics for me. Surveillance
stuff. Multiple small cameras, wifi linked to a
local server, and the local server set up to broadcast what
is recorded into the cloud. A dozen and a half sets,
with three or more cameras for each server etc. Bill
it to the corporation.”
Tom: “Sure boss. Need anything else?”
Carl: “Yeah, ... a not too-legal tech or programmer
guy. Set up a control place, and make sure its all
encrypted. I’ll give him the details. I expect
he knows someone who can install the stuff.
Tom: “Sure. We’ve used this guy here for our
security. Likes money though.”
Carl (laughing): “Most of us do.”
Agnes: “Amen to that.”
scene 22
fade to retirement home patio, mid-afternoon. Doug,
Rooter, Doc, Jenny and a few others, meeting with
Gloria and Agnes
[& Gloria’s theme, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds &]
Doug: “Gloria, I heard you say to Rooter the other day
that the barbarians were insides the gate. What did
you mean by that?
Gloria: “Used to be that invasions came from outside a
nation. If you were a tribe or a people, you hung
together against an enemy beating on the door. Now
- in the good old US of A - the barbarians - the
morally compromised and vicious - are down the street in a
gated community, and will ride, in their limousine,
right by you begging on a street corner and not blink an
“The thing is that the idea we are advocating - the
refusing to pay a money debt - is not much different from
what the banks do, or the stock brokers do. The
banks don’t tell you the money is basically free to them,
basically a perpetual ponzi scheme, or that they’ve lobbied
the hell out of Washington for decades in order to get
benefits for themselves that screw you.”
“Any of you heard of the idea of the social contract?”
(Doug and company all shake heads in a negative fashion,
some look a bit confused.)
Gloria: “Its a basic idea the so-called Founders
understood. All societies were based on agreements,
not always overt, or written down. Our Founders tried to
make an important part of our basic agreement written down
- i.e. the Constitution and so forth. At its root
was the concept that all were to be bound to the same rule of
law. Not one kind of law for some, and a different
kind of law for others.”
Agnes: “And don’t get me started on the Supreme
Court. A five year old child knows the difference
between the bank corporation on the corner and their kindly
Gloria, passionately: “We’ve barbarians running
Congress, living in the White House, sitting on the
Supreme Court, all the while paid by corporations to find
legal niceties to justify harming ordinary people, and
getting and keeping everything good for themselves. Torture
and spying on us and drone killing American citizens
overseas. That’s not a government, that’s a
tyranny. We’re the frog in the slowly boiling
pot. About to die from creeping systemic injustice
Doc, after a long pause with everyone trying to deal with
the passion. “We’ve got some questions.”
Agnes: “I won’t say we’ve got all the answers, but we’ll
scene 23
[& Agnes’s theme - hints of Amazing Grace &]
Gloria, putting on a coat, in her room with Agnes, ...
Gloria: “Going out with the twins tonight. They’re
taking me out for pizza. Liked that story I told them
about you at the wake and then some stuff I told about
afterward, and they want to know more. I’m not sure
how far to let them get involved though. What’d you
Agnes, after a pause: “You’re their
grandmother. What kind of grandmother do you want to
be? Protective and scared, or some kind of in your
face Jane Fonda? They’re going to live in the future
that’s coming. Maybe they should start to have a say
in it.”
scene 24
[& Gloria’s theme Strawberry Fields &]
cut to Gloria going out the door of the retirement home with a
boy and a girl about age 16. Sam is coming in from
some outside errand, and pulls Gloria aside for a moment
Gloria, to the girls: “Go get the car dears, this man
... well, ... this very nice man wants a word.”
Sam: “Carl’s using again.”
Gloria: “Shit. How bad?”
Sam: “Not too bad, but he’s been making some masks and you
know he likes to wander in dreams when he does art.
Even though I try to tell him otherwise. But he’s
also just using it in the morning sometimes. Lies in
bed. Thinking and dreaming. Doesn’t want to
say what, which is best. But I thought you should
know, in case Agnes starts to notice or to worry.”
Gloria: “He’s not talking?”
Sam: “Well, not exactly. He talks about getting
ready for the blow-off. Tries to talk about
what we are doing as if its some complicated con, which it
is I suppose. But still - his thinking is getting
fuzzy, and I’m not sure we need that just now. I
think we need him bright and focused, not all fuzzy and
Gloria: “I’ll talk to Agnes. She’ll know what to
fade to
scene 25
[& Dylan - Blowing on the Wind &]
Carl, Agnes, Sam and Gloria, huddled together in the
corner of a retirement home day area
Sam: “We’re getting looks. Doing these
meetings more often is drawing attention.”
(everyone looking thoughtful)
Gloria: “I’ve an idea. We need names for what we are
doing. And ... I don't know ... something
official, like T-shirts or something.”
Gloria: “Now don’t make fun of me. We can’t be doing
this in a closet. We know that doesn’t work.”
Carl: “I’ve some ideas. Let’s come back here after
lunch and I’ll show you something.”
(nods all around)
scene 26
[& continue Blowing on the Wind &]
(back at same table later, Agnes and Gloria in different
clothes, Sam has a big grin, and Carl puts a little box,
wrapped like a present, in the center of the table)
Carl: “Okay, ... we’re thinking of borrowing a page from
the young and doing an occupation of some sort, right?”
(nods of assent)
Carl: “They call them ‘actions’, and I want to name
this one: ‘a second declaration of independence’.
You all know the theories, the civics of it. We
just bring them on board, and some others, and we name it
- this action/occupation: “the second
declaration”. That’s how we talk about it among our
selves. Its a kind of actions speak louder than words
thing - this 2nd declaration. Okay so far?”
Gloria: “So far.”
(Agnes nods assent)
Carl: “We also have to include others. Not just us
old people, and the college debt people, but maybe some
homeless and some unemployed. Anyone who feels
disenfranchised. Maybe ex-cons who can’t vote.
... Sam, ... you tell the rest.”
Sam: “We take a page from my people. Some of the
Founders understood it. At least Ben Franklin
did. If you’ve heard of the Iroquois Confederacy,
you’ve heard of this. Strength through intentional
cooperation. That’s why we not only have a 2nd
declaration, but a new Confederation, ... made up of all
the people whose needs the government could meet, but
(pause ... people thinking, Carl plays absentmindedly
with the box)
Agnes: “Jeez Carl, what’s with the damn box?”
Carl, pushing it toward Agnes: “Open it.”
(Agnes does, finds a political-like button in it, one you
can pin on yourself. Its clearly hand made, and
Agnes passes it around)
Gloria reads it: “I don’t consent anymore. I don’t
Carl: “I thought about having a bunch made, and then I
realized people had to care enough to go to the trouble to
make their own. If they do that, they can say
anything they want. Maybe some say: ‘I don’t consent
anymore to there not being free health coverage’. I
don’t know. Just feels right for people to make their
own and start to wear it around here.”
Agnes, getting it: “That’s how we come out of the closet,
and make our meetings more open. Right? We
start wearing these homemade buttons, and people can ask or
not, but its there - that we’re a group. We’re
political, and not all that noisy either. Just a
button and some conversations.”.
Gloria (laughing): “I love it. I fucking love
(she gets up from the table and grabs Agnes’s hand)
Gloria: “Lets go make some buttons dear. This one
looks cheap. We can do better.”
(everyone laughs)
scene 27
[& guitar, blues - touch of cajan &]
Al walks into Bishops nurses station ... we see them from
a distance and she points Tigh out to him, then calls out:
Bishop: “Tigh, come over here, there’s someone I
want you to meet.”
Again from a distance: Tigh and Al talking. Al
flashes badge. Tigh kind of slumps, sits down in a
chair. His expression changes as it is clear this is
just a warning. Al gives him a business card, and
then leaves. Tigh tries to look hard at Bishop, and
she just stares back, her arms folded. Tigh walks
away. Pulls out his cell phone and calls someone.
Camera moves close and we hear his side of the conversation:
Tigh: “We be out of business. .... “Look shit head,
I’m busted with only a warning. No way am I going
permanently inside just to keep you high.” ....
You’ll have to find someone else.” closes phone,
angry look on face...
Second Act
scene 1
[& Bridge Over Troubled Waters - barely heard - the twins
are close &]
Joy and Joey - Gloria’s twin grandchildren - playing a
video game in their living room - pushing buttons on
controllers, making noises, but still talking ...
Joey: “What do you think of Grammy’s thing?”
Joy: “The protest thing?”
Joey: “Yeah.”
Joy: “I don’t know ... maybe its just old people
stuff. What’s it got to do with us?”
Joey (referring to game): “Fuck me. Watch
my six.”
Joy, teasing: “I’ve got it. Can’t you talk and
play at the same time.”
Joey: “Listen dumb sister, I can play and talk and do sums
in my head. Can you?”
Joy: “Who’s national honor society this year?”
Joey: “Well, I’m not the one wearing trainers
under my dress.”
Joy: “You couldn’t wear a dress, if you tried.” pauses,
“There, I’ve got him, go left.”
Joey: “Crap I’m dead.”
Joy: “I told you to go left.”
Joey (throws pillow from sofa at her): “Well, this
war’s over for the day. Want to go play in Grammy’s
Joy: “Yeah, why not.”
Joey: “I know that guy that’s in the debt-slave group or
whatever that is. You know, the old bald guy.
He’s been chatting on our dark-net Tor group. Seems
to know his stuff.”
Joy: “Okay, hook up with him, and find us a way
Joey (getting up to leave room): “Right, ... your
turn to do dishes.”
Joy (following him): “Is not.”
Joey (lite punch to her arm): “Is too”
scene 2
[& Beatles Rocky Raccoon &]
(nurse station, evening, Gloria has come over to get Sam
and Carl to come to a meeting. All three are wearing
their buttons, as they pass by the nurses station)
Bishop (kind of getting in their way) “What’s this
then (looking at buttons)? Some kind of
Gloria (sarcasm): “Oh Bishop. You are so
right. We are going to take over the retirement
home. Any day now.”
Bishop (frowning): “Can’t do political stuff
here. You know that”.
Gloria: “Were you asleep last year, ... last
November. Everyone was wearing buttons. All
you guys did was say no posters on the walls, and we were to
not have loud arguments. Free speech, Bishop.
Its called free speech. Us old people ... we love
to vote. Got to vote. Got to keep our
social security from being taken away. You do like
getting paid, don’t you?”
fade to:
scene 3
[& Gloria - theme - Back in the USSR &]
Carl, Agnes, Sam and Gloria talk to the student loan
protest group, in a motel conference room - a larger
group than usual with some new people, even a couple of
teenagers (Joey and Joy) playing with their phones ...
Gloria: “We’ve been talking and we have an idea for what you
call an ‘action'. Are you interested?”
Doug looks around the room, sees nods of ascent: “Sure,
... go for it. But what’s with the buttons?”
Jenny (putting one on): “You make your own, put on it
whatever you want. Sometimes makes conversations
happen. People get curious.”
Gloria (after a pause): “One of the ideas we work with
is about strength through association. Ben Franklin
knew about that through his meetings with the Iroquois
Confederacy Nations. In the labor movement it was
supportive walkouts. We propose that this next action
include at least two additional groups, which are not as
organized as you all, but have a similar interest to us:
homeless people and unemployed people. You with me so
[noises of assent]
Gloria: “Then we’ll have us four, some of you -
or all of you if you want, some homeless people - Sam
will bring them on, and some unemployed. Agnes and I
both know some individuals who might want to
participate. Four different groups, elders and
students and homeless and seriously out of work. A
kind of Confederacy of the disenfranchised. Nobody in
Washington takes our issues seriously.”
Rooter: “Okay, but what do we do with all these
people? Some kind of non-violent sit in?”
Agnes: “No, we are going to borrow a page from you
guys - we want to do an occupation kind of event.”
Sam: “The homeless need places to live and Carl has an
idea - or two or three or a dozen. You know how he
is (laughter).”
Doug, others, look to Carl.
Carl: “I’ll try to be brief”
cat call from audience “good luck with that Carl”
Carl (smiling): “Here goes, ... There’s this
law, called eminent domain. You’ve all heard of
it. In general, it lets the State take property for
public use, if there is a reason for it. All local
municipalities and State governments could use this to take
unused property in order to have housing for the
homeless. From foreclosed homes to empty businesses
and warehouses. We want to take our new Confederacy
and occupy an empty warehouse in Emeryville.
“Our legal-like argument is that the Constitution is over,
the Republic has been wrecked, and this makes the people free
to make any new social contracts they want to make. In
our new social contract, we claim the same eminent domain
power to take unused property for the benefit of human
needs. Since the current situation arose without the
People’s real consent, we are free to make new laws. Of
course, we will get arrested and perhaps jailed, and are
unlikely to make that legal-like argument succeed in
court. But in the meantime we’ve brought attention to
something important, and - in my view the most important part
- acted together. We form a Confederacy of free
individuals no longer bound to the old rule of law, ... not
bound because so many others act outside the law themselves,
including the NSA, the CIA, the Military, Corporations and all
the branches of government. Obviously there are a lot of
details to work out.”
Agnes: “Our hearts want to take action. Our heads
know we need to not be stupid, and cause riots which are
terrible, and can end in death, like for my
grandson. I need you to try this out in Mark’s
memory. Will you do it, ... please?”
(Agnes isn’t pleading, such is saying this with a kind of
understood ferocity-emphasis, and kindly all the same)
Rooter: “I think we need to talk among ourselves first.”
Doc: “I’m okay with that, but for myself, I’m in
Doug: “Me to, ... lets talk, but I’m in.”
Jenny raises her hand in a gesture of agreement, as do
several others. The meeting breaks up.
scene 4
[& snare drum, like in the fourth part of opening
sequence &]
After a different meeting with Doug, Doc, Jenny,
Rooter, et. al. Carl takes Rooter aside:
Carl: “Rooter, I could use some help in understanding your
group. You have a lot of passion and I appreciate
that, so I'd like it if sometimes before I talk to everyone
in your group, I can run things by you for your reaction
first. What do you think?”
Rooter (cautious, but excited too, for his private spy
reasons): “Sure Carl, sure. I'd like
scene 5
[& Simon and Garfunkle - Old Friends &]
Carl and Sam take a walk. Sam is pushing the
Carl: “Time to go dark”
Sam: “To bad, in a way, but I get it. You and
I, we can’t use cell phones or e-mails or any electronic
connection anymore. The Nasty Spy Assholes think they
know everything. What a bunch of dorks.”
Carl: “The Shadow Warriors up and running?”
Sam: “Yup, ... enough anyway. Got some
connections to unemployed folk too. Just a few,
though. ‘Til we go public have to keep this
close. You buy all the electronics you need?”
Carl: “Yeah. Its been delivered. Did it as
upgrades to security at my motels. Nobody will
notice. Some hacker friends are prepping that
equipment now. We’ll be go soon.”
Sam: “Nice to be back in the game, old
friend. Hopefully we really are wiser and smarter this
Carl: “Well, if this works, because of social media the
whole world will be watching on a scale nobody ever imagined
before. Going to be costs, tho’. Do the
dance, pay the piper.”
Sam: “New kind of Ghost Dance to my way of seeing.
Might not be as costly as you suspect.”
Carl (laughing): “Well, if I go out, might as well
have my boots on.”
Sam: “Shit man. Cowboys and Indians in
combination. Toughest dudes in this hemisphere to the
rescue. Nobody be expecting that.”
fade to
scene 7
[& bagpipes of doom &]
Rooter in his car, talking to Sargent Salieri (split
Rooter: “Carl wants to confide in me. Get my advice
about how to work with our group. Also, they’re
planning on bringing other folks in, maybe some homeless and
unemployed. Some more political crap.”
Sargent: “Good, good. Write it up and e-mail me
with a copy to Base over at HS. See if you can get
Carl to make a date for your next conversation, so we can
wire you up. I want to get him on the record.
What a bunch of old fools. Playing at revolutionaries
again. Jeez.”
Rooter: “Yeah. That’s for sure.”
fade to
scene 8
[& more snare drum - marching toward destruction &]
Carl and the news reporter Rider - split screen
Rider (in a Newsroom, at a TV station): “Hello,
Rider Murphy.”
Carl (in a motel room): “Might have a scoop for
you. Can give you some details now, but we
ultimately should meet face to face. You interested?”
Rider: “Okay, shoot. Got to have a name
Carl: “Carl, Carl Algren. Its a novel political
protest. A surprise bit. Involves young and
old together. Something really different. You
meet me and a friends of mine from our Retirement Home. We
were activists in the ‘60‘s and ‘70‘s - this is
our comeback kick off. Give you background on who we are and
some hints about the stunt. Obviously we want
coverage, but that part is tricky. Why we have to
talk face to face. Still interested?”
Rider: “Maybe, where and when do we get together ...
you and your friends? Tell me some more ‘tho.”
Carl: “Hmmm ... okay. We’re doing a stunt going
to pull the pants down on - shall we say some people who
deserve it. Should have real good visuals. Our
people will be wired up, and you - when the time comes
- can get a direct feed. Can’t predict what
the other folks will do - law of unintended
consequences. Still, we want to have real time
coverage, rather than after the fact.
Rider: “Okay, send me an e-mail with the particulars.”
Carl: “No e-mails, no more calls either. Too many
people might end up watching. Someone will hand you a
message in the next couple of days.”
scene 9
[& America the Beautiful &]
Wilson on his night rounds stops to chat with Bishop at her
station ... Maria walks by, wearing a “I do not
consent” button.
Bishop: “Maria, you work here, you don’t live
here. Take that button off.”
Maria, trying to resist - stubborn: “I just passed my
citizenship tests. I’m going to take the Oath this
Sunday. I am free to speak what I want.”
Wilson, somewhat sympathetic: “Not at work Maria.
No free speech at work. Outside yes, but where you
work, no.”
Maria looks flustered and confused ...
Bishop, still bossy: “Them’s the rules girly.
Them’s the rules. I can’t be reading out of my bible
here to these folks, or preaching the good Lord’s
teachings, though a lot of them need it very much.
Going to hell, especially the button wearers. I
can’t preach at work, you can’t be political at work.”
Maria: “But some of the patients are wearing buttons?”
Wilson: “They live here. This is their home.
We, ... you and I and Bishop, we work here.
Makes some kind of difference.”
Maria takes off her button, sad. Walks away.
Bishop: “Wilson, I think Tigh is stealing some residents’
Wilson: “What?”
Bishop: “You heard me. Some of the residents don’t
seem rightly medicated. I told you before, we don’t
run too tight a ship here. We’ve been letting Tigh
carry around a tray with their pills in little cups, and I
think he takes a few out of the cups and he’s being real
clever about it. I watch him and sometimes he turns
his back to me just at the moment he hands over the cup with
the pills and then the cup with the water. I’m just
Wilson: “You going to report it?”
Bishop: “I did, and I arranged for him to get a talking
to, too. I like Tigh, and I know he has two
strikes, but the good book tells me I have to turn him in.”
Wilson: “What book? Some kind of company book
Bishop: “No you jackass, the good book. That
Wilson, makes a sour face: “Turn him into who?”
Bishop: “Management. Did it, but I’m not sure it
worked. Still don’t trust him. I want you to
watch out ... when you make your rounds.”
The two kind of stare at each other. Wilson drops his
eyes first.
scene 10
[& more snare drum of doom &]
Rider gets a message: Rider walks up out of a Bart
train entrance in downtown Oakland. Crosses
street. Stops at vendor for coffee. Gets
panhandled by a beggar. Beggar calls her by name and
hands her a piece of paper. Visual of paper in her
hand: address and phone number of a of retirement
home, says ask for Carl Algren, any afternoon this
week. Beggar hands Rider a cell phone ... says
“This is a burner phone. Can’t be traced. Use
it. Do not fuck this up.”
scene 11
[& flute, no words, Jeff Buckley’s Hallelujah
Sam and Carl’s room. Only Sam is there. On
Carl’s bed are some masks in the process of being made.
There is no dialogue. We just watch Sam take up
Carl’s canes, and while talking to himself (too low to
catch all the words), Sam decorates the canes, like they
were somehow hatchet-like weapons used by some Indians.
But tiny, bits of feathers, beads, paint,
symbols. Scene is made up of short cuts, with
camera pov changing bit by bit, and the canes change rapidly
from ordinary to something magical. The changes are
subtle though. Not easy to see. Exterior light
through window changes, as does the cloud background of the
outside sky to show the “time-lapse” element.
scene 12
Gloria and the twins in a small conference room at one of
Carl’s motels. The twins are helping Carl and Agnes
make some videos to go up on servers for after the “action”
Gloria: “ We want to make a couple of short videos.
With the help of some other young people, like yourselves,
we are getting material onto the Cloud, for later video
streaming after our 2nd Declaration protest event.”
Joy not knowing much about this, yet: “2nd
Declaration? Some kind of protest thing?”
Joey, : “Jeez girl. Haven’t you been paying
attention. Why do you think Mom is so edgy ‘bout all
this time we’re spending with Grammy? If she wasn’t so
busy with her new boyfriend she’d be all over us.” -
pauses, looking at what Joy is doing, correcting some
connection placements. “Yeah, that’s got it.
We’re good to go Grammy. Whose up first?”
Carl moves into range of the laptop’s camera eye, sits on a
chair. A few minor adjustments of position are made.
Gloria: “Action, take one”.
Everyone gives her a weird look.
Gloria: “I just always wanted to say that. Can’t a
girl have some fun. - pauses, looks at Agnes -
“Considering ... you know ... what might happen.”
Joy and Joey together: “Grammy!
Joy, pleading: “This needs to be fun and not so
dangerous. You promised.”
Agnes: “We just might go to jail, girl, ... you
too. That’s all. We’ve all three - me and
Carl and your grammy - done that before. Don’t
worry. Okay?”
the twins nod, unsure what is really going on, but liking
being part of this ...
Joey: “Grammy, I remember your stories. Bad stuff
happened. We’re not dumb (looking at Joy) ... we
know you wouldn’t be being so careful if there wasn’t cause
for it.” (holds up some burner phones they were just given)
Agnes, rescuing Gloria: “No sense crying over milk not
spilled yet. This what we are doing here. Milk
not yet spilled. This is going to help. You’re
pause in conversation ... everyone looking at each other
Carl using his fingers counts down from three to two to one
and ...
Carl, looking at laptop camera: “America is an
idea. Its always been an idea. A main element
of this idea was to answer this simple question: How does a
free people govern itself? We’ve been engaged in
that experiment for over 200 years. An
experiment testing whether self-interest could be wise.
This has been true among most ordinary people. We
play by the rules, we work hard, and we mind our own
business. Some people have chosen to not play by
the rules, and to corrupt our political life with money and
to steal our freedom, essentially making us wage slaves in a
great big version of the Company Store. Corporations
and money rule, not the American People.
“This is wrong. Can it be fixed? Yes, and without
violence. We just change the nature of the
conversation. We talk about the real ideas; and, ...
because we are many and those who try to rule are few, we will
prevail, without violence, just with peaceful and politically
real conversations. No b.s., just plain talk.”
movement in room as Agnes takes Carl’s place in the chair
Agnes: “We can’t make a perfect world. Its a
wish of the heart, but the mind must remind the heart that
not all wishes can come true. Right now the political
conversation has no heart. But the interesting
situation is that politicians need our votes. We are a
constitutional democratic republic, and no one gets in
government unless we vote them in. We also have free
speech. We will be heard, and a main thing we need
to realize is that the divisions created among us are
false. We are all human beings living with other human
beings, and the plain fact is that human beings are
more important than property or things.”
“A lot depends on the names we give things, the heart songs
- the poetry we try to apply to our way of life.
Right now we are an accidental disorganized convocation of
individuals often set against each other. We are
liberals and conservatives and gays and religious and
intellectuals and people who create with their hands.
We all need to eat, and to have shelter, and to have the
freedom to raise our children in peace.”
“We need a government that works for, and represents, our
interests. But such changes take time, so we have
something coming - something with new names: the
grandmother war, the shadow warriors, the army of the
unemployed - all kinds of people that can create a new
confederation - a cooperative political movement that
starts with these simple words: We no longer consent.”
“But the heart of it is the ‘We’ part. Ordinary
people taking the trouble to realize that they have many
common interests, and are no longer willing to be tricked
into believing - by politicians and money interests
- that they have to be enemies. The tricksters are
our enemies, but even they can join the new confederation
that is going to be following from the 2nd
Declaration. The first revolution took eight years,
and a lot of blood. We change the conversation, and
the 2nd revolution can do more, and be completely
bloodless. We just have to want it. Do you
want real change? Do you consent anymore?
I sure don’t. Not a bit.”
Agnes moves to another chair. Joy and Joey play with
the equipment
Joy: “Grammy, ... what’s a shadow warrior?”
Gloria: “Carl?”
Carl: “Oh its a name I made up years ago for the homeless in
somethings I wrote. I saw them as collateral damage in
the economic wars of corporations over who controls the most
wealth. The homeless were shoved into the shadows,
and became people others didn’t even want to look at or
acknowledge. But since they were economic collateral
damage, I thought a better name for them would be shadow
warriors - or warriors in the shadow of a larger more epic
economic kind of warfare. Sam likes it, and some of
his friends. Maybe it will catch on.”
Joy: “Wow ... and weird.”
Joey: “Grammy. Those buttons you’re wearing.
Can we wear them? I know we’re only 16, but I
believe in what you are doing.”
Joy: “Yeah, Grammy, ... do we have to be able to
vote, to wear a button?”
Agnes: “No sweety. Not at all. In fact,
being involved in this way is very wise. You are
going to live in the future that’s coming, and if you want
to have a say in it, no time like the present to start.”
scene 13
Rider does some investigative journalism ...
Rider: “Whitman, come over here."
elderly man, with a white beard gets up from nearby desk and
comes over
Whitman, somewhat sarcastically: “Sure boss.”
Rider, a little chagrined: “Sorry. I need some
Internet research, and you do it far better than me.
Can you find stuff out about people over in this retirement
home. (hands him the paper she got from the homeless
person) Some guy named Carl. There’s a
connection to that debt-slave protest thing. See what
you can dig up. Okay? I’ll owe you.”
scene 14
Whitman corrals Rider later that same day as she walks through
the Newsroom, ... has a bunch of papers in his hand.
Whitman: “Well, there’s something there. The kid
that died, his grandmother is in that home, and so’s this
Carl guy. I did some deep background, and yes you do
owe me ... a lot. There’s three of them that were
radicals in the ‘60‘s and ‘70‘s The
grandmother was even a Black Panther.
Rider, takes papers, interested expression on her
face. Looks at Whitman for a moment.
“Let me know what you want”
Whitman nods his head.
scene 15
Carl and Rider ... they meet in an underground Bart
station, siting besides each other, Sam is pushing his
chair, and then steps back out of scene ...
Rider: “Hi”
Carl: “Hi”
Rider: “So what’s up? and ... while we are at
it, what’s with the canes? They look really weird to me”
Carl: “Next week, not sure of day, but probably
Thursday, we are going to do a protest kind of
thing.” Hands her a cell phone. “This is
another pre-paid burner phone, I’ll call you when we are
Rider (laughing): “Are you serious? What the
fuck are you guys up to. I need more information if
I’m going to show up and cover this.”
Carl: “Its like a prank, but pranks can go wrong.
You know, the law of unintended consequences. Some
people inside the Oakland Police have a spy in our group,
and we are pretty sure that Homeland Security is being kept
informed. To them we are a bunch of old farts from a
retirement home, aligned with some student-debt protesters
and a few others - could be 25 or 30 folks all
together. We are planning to trespass, and take over
some property - occupy an empty warehouse. There
are some philosophical and political issues. We have
papers written. We have Youtube videos
prepared. We have press releases. All of
that for after. For you, ... we want you
outside with your camera crew watching the police and any
other players when they move in to take us down and arrest
us. The danger is the last time the police
interacted with the student debt protesters, one of them got
killed. In fact, the leader of our group at the home
is the grandmother of the student that got killed.
Some of us call what we are doing: the grandmother
war. Our view is that modern protests need to be led
by our eldest women, because they have the most natural
moral authority. Like I said, we have a lot of
philosophical ideas.
Rider: “Jeez Carl, that’s a lot of
words. The grandmother war? So, when
you trespass, you’ll give me a heads up?”
Carl: “Maybe six hours before - so you can get ready and
then get in place. Also I’ll send your burner phone a
map, and some instructions for the best place to hide your
TV van, but still have a good view. The cops will
know in advance where we are going to trespass, but they
won’t be there until after we go in, otherwise we’d see them
and split. You will hide before even we get there,
then we’ll get there and then the cops and whoever will come
to arrest us, while you take your pictures.”
Rider: “Carl, that seems very smart. I hope
you’ve thought of everything.”
Carl: “Me too. That’s what the canes are for -
to help me think of everything.” - pauses -
“I’ve been getting high a bit too much and a friend made this
for me, for “medicine”. He’s a shaman.
[looks over at Sam] You'll get to meet him. Very
interesting guy.”
Rider gives him a look. As a trained cynic she doesn’t
know what to make of this as her eyes go back and forth from
Carl to the canes, to Sam and then back again.
Smiles though. Interested.
scene 16
Rooter and Sargent Salieri ... split screen
Rooter: “Something strange is going on.”
Sargent: “Oh?”
Rooter: “Yeah. Carl just talked to me about his plans for
this occupation of a warehouse. They’re calling it
the 2nd Declaration - which makes no sense to me.
But that’s not the weird thing.”
Sargent, bored with the already too long story: “Go
on. Get to the point.”
Rooter, upset at being chastised: “Listen this is getting
dangerous. They expect you to come in after the
occupation, and arrest them, but he told me they are
wiring the warehouse up, with secret video recording
devices. If you guys get violent or anything, they
expect to record it and use it later. Now do you get
Sargent, pausing to digest this: “Do we know the location
Rooter: “Yes. Its in Emeryville.”
Sargent: “Okay, we’ll send in some tech people the day
before hand and disable their stuff. Do you know the
Rooter, testy: “Yeah, ... and the equipment is already
in place too. Next Thursday they expect to occupy with
about 30 people. I’ll be with them. Maybe
you can give me some equipment and I can keep you informed as
it goes down. Your people need to know I’m there
too. I don’t want them getting rough with me.
Sargent: “Settle down John. The checks still get in
your wife’s account. Right?”
Rooter: “Yeah.”
Sargent: “Look, we’re on top of this. We’ve got
back-up too. Homeland Security is very
interested. Might mean promotions for all of
us. Calm down.”
Rooter, mollified: “Yeah, ... okay.
Later then.”
Sargent: “Sure, later.”
scene 17
Gloria talks to Tigh, Maria, Bishop, Roger and Wilson
... Scene is a small meeting room in a “motel” owned by
Carl. They sit around a large circular table, and
there is a side-board with different kinds of cups and small
plates etc., a bowl of iced sodas and juices, a tall hot
water/coffee-like maker, some packages of tea and coffee,
and some muffins, and butter and sugar and cream
containers - stuff just like in a motel that offers a
free “continental breakfast”.
Gloria: “Thanks for coming. You all know each
other, at least a little bit, and you all have wondered,
seriously in some cases, what Carl, and Agnes and even
Sam and I are up to. You saw our buttons and asked
questions. Since this is happening in your work
space, you justly need to know some details. I’m
hoping you can keep some confidences here, but basically we
want to trust you to use your own discretion and judgment.”
Wilson (looking at the others): “I don’t like some of
you. A bit of a bigot I might be, but at my age I
don’t care. Keep to myself, tho’. Don’t
want to be in any one’s business, and don’t want anyone in
my business either.”
Bishop: “Can this get us fired?”
Gloria: “Honestly, I don’t know. I really
Roger: “I know the retirement home’s owners. We are
good friends. We’d have to commit some kind of crime,
and put them at risk - or their businesses at
risk. Skyway owns more homes than just Golden Hours.”
Gloria: “Honestly, crimes might be involved. The
worst would be called “domestic terrorism”. But at
the same time, you might even think the risk is worth
it. Please hear me out. Make your own
decisions, and after this you don’t even have to talk about
any of it again - with me or each other.”
Tigh (standing up): “I’ve got two strikes.
A son in prison. Ain’t nothing worth mess’n with
Gloria walks over to him, and puts a hand on the side of his
upper arm.
Gloria: “Tigh, please sit. This might change some
of that. Didn’t you tell me Rolle was in for a minor
drug offense? You must follow the news some.
Lots of people want to change all this bad war on drugs
stuff. What we are doing might help that along.
Just listen a bit. Okay?”
Wilson grunts rather loudly, as if disgusted. Maria
fidgets with her purse. Bishop sits with her arms
crossed, keeping her own council.
Roger: “Do we need a lawyer? I know some good
ones.” This is said with a bit of obvious sarcasm,
and gets some grins.’
Bishop: ‘Just get on with it. This is my time
off, and I’ve got other stuff to do.’
Gloria looks around the room - everyone seems ready -
sort of
Gloria: “Ever hear of the rule of law or the social
contract? [pauses] What about this: ‘the
only just laws come from the consent of the governed.’?
Maria (who had recently become a citizen), in a
surprised voice that she had anything to contribute: “I know
that, from my citizenship classes ... that’s from the
Declaration of Independence, isn’t it”
Gloria: “That’s exactly right Maria.
Gloria: “Here’s the thing. When our esteemed
Founders (looking at Wilson), who were mostly rich and
elitist, wrote the Constitution, they understood
implicitly that they were taking certain aspects of what they
understood as a general social contract that all societies
need in order to function, and writing part of it down in
words - the part needed to make a government.”
“Now a government is there to do things we
as individuals can’t do, one of which is legislate rules to
which all agree to follow. So the rule of law comes
down to an agreement by all to abide by the same rules -
to be equally bound by them.”
“What’s happened is that a lot of folks,
out of expectable hungers for money and power, found ways
to not follow the same rule of law as everyone else.
Over time we’ve even forgotten to talk about stuff this
way. So for most of you, when you learned of the
social contract and the rule of law while growing up, it
took the form of something like this: work hard, play by
the rules and mind your own business.”
“Sound familiar?”
Everyone nods.
Gloria: “Sam and Carl and Agnes and I are getting involved
in a kind of protest-like thing, that seeks to remind as
many people as possible about what were some of the basic
ideas that were meant to inhabit our Democracy”
She fiddles with her button.
Gloria: “Most of the serious laws passed for over a century
now, were done without the people’s real consent. Money
hijacked our government - our Republic - and then money
started getting everything it wanted at the expense of all of
the folks like us. We are the ones that create the
wealth with our labor, and raise the children, and make the
future. We are the real givers, and the money folks are
just takers. So, some of us are organizing a political
movement based on the idea that we don’t consent
“Basically everything the government does
these days - if it does anything at all - is without
our consent. Even Wilson knows that (looking
at him).”
Gloria: “One last thing. Do what you feel is
right. We aren’t selling anything. Any
scene fades ...
scene 18
split screen: Wilson at home, Drush in the studio ...
(an amalgam of Rush Limbaugh and Drudge)
Drush: “Hello Mr. Wilson. Friends, this a
regular caller, over many years. A working man,
lets get a working man’s views. Go for it Wilson.”
Wilson: “Thanks Mr. Drush. I’m in the Tea Party as
you know, and which you support. Now those
of us, who were there from the beginning, knew that
government has failed, and fail and failed ... and
again, you have agreed. Right?”
Drush: “Damn right, Wilson. Damn right.”
Wilson: Well, I’ve been hanging out with some people we
all would call liberals, but these folks too think the
government has failed ... and failed big time.
Like with the bankers and all getting away without going to
jail, while the little guy loses his house. Now my
question is if we all agree the government has failed, how
come we are fighting each other, instead of working
Drush, pausing to ‘think(?)’: “Well, Wilson, ...
aahhh ... its about the job creators and the takers
see? Them commie liberals are all takers. The
job creators have a right to their wealth, because if they
didn’t do what they do, then no one would have jobs.
Am I right? Am I right?”
Wilson: “So, if working folks, like me and my
neighbors, are losing our homes and our children are
fighting in foreign wars over oil fields, then (Drush cuts
him off and goes to a commercial - while Wilson - not
knowing - keeps talking) then everyone with wealth,
such as yourself, gets to keep theirs, and the rest of us
have to suck it up. Right? Right? Are you
there? Oh, fuck it.”
slams down phone
scene 19
Carl, Sam, Agnes and Gloria have a meeting in a coffee
shop on Telegraph Ave., near the UC Berkeley Campus...
Carl: “We used to devise revolutionary plots here, 50
years ago. Funny that this same place still stands.”
Agnes: “Well, the Panthers met in some funky bars down on
7th Avenue in Oakland once in a while, but mostly just in
dank apartments with ten kids running around half dressed,
some still in diapers.”
everyone looks at Gloria, for her memories ...
Gloria: “Grosse Pointe, for me. Rich kids left
alone in big houses, smoking dope and listening to the
Stones and the Beatles. After Chicago, when I lost
the baby, I came home for a time. Wounded I
guess. Then I went to Woodstock, and never came back
home again.”
Agnes: “Sam, (pauses), maybe you don’t want to
remember. Be okay that.”
Sam: “Southern Laos, Ho Chi Minh trail. Seriously
good dope, heroin too if you wanted. They called it
Indian Country, because ... well if you were a long
haired Indian it was thought you could feel your way in the
jungles better than any others, which was true.
There was a bunch of us “native” Americans spread around
in the scouting platoons. Wandering around by
ourselves, trying not to get shot. Wading through
swamps. Leaches as big as your fist. V.C.
were crazy though, hiding in tunnels by the
hundreds. Wander into the wrong place and out they
pour like a stirred up bunch of deadly black ants.
(pauses, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath).
After a fire fight, blood in the water attracts a lot of
weird large insects. When we plotted our version of
the revolution, it was about which of our own officers to
frag - to kill, if you never heard the term frag
before. Did one myself once. Cut his throat
with a knife. Survival of the strangest, maybe.
(everyone wants him to stop, but can’t say it) Be
okay, but for the fact that I brought all the ghosts home
with me. Sometimes when you see me talking to the
air, its to one or more of them. All the people I
killed. V.C.; own officers; villagers;
children; enemy could be anyone ... any time ...
any where.”
Agnes puts a hand on his arm. Draws him back to the
Now, and he opens his eyes a bit wider to focus, but for a
time doesn’t see the present day world at all.
Gloria, after a pause, changes the subject: “Maria is
the only one besides us from the Home that wants to
occupy. The others don’t want to talk about it.
I’m still trying to recruit Robert, ... we might need
some medical folks.”
Agnes: “The debt-slave kids can bring at least 18.
Jenny tells me that. They’re really committed.”
Carl (looking at Sam): “Sam’s recruited about half dozen
homeless, and another half dozen unemployed - long time
unemployed. Some people wanted to bring families and I
said not for this first one. Maybe later, but not
now. This goes south and some kids get hurt, we
loose whatever moral high-ground we might have gained.”
Sam shakes himself into the present. Looks around at
everyone like he’s waking from a dream.
Sam: “There’s spirits paying attention to us. Not
trying to tell us what to do. Just interested in what
we are going to do. A lot of ‘um. I saw one
wearing some kind of hat, like a kind of revolutionary war
hat. Others too, in uniform. Ladies in
aprons, with worried looks on their faces. There was
some humming, a tune, like a religious spiritual
maybe. Different tunes, they sort of bled into each
other. Wade in the Water, was one, I think.
Another maybe, Jacob’s Ladder. The humming,
and singing if you will, had a kind of sad joy about it.”
He shudders looking out into space in that 1000 yard
stare, while the others look down, everywhere but at each
scene fades
scene 20
Doc meets with Joey and Joy ...
Doc: “No, sorry. You can’t go. Can’t be
with us. Too dangerous.”
Joy, trying out a whinny voice: “Please. Come on
Doc. This is too cool to miss. If its in the
news we want to be able to tell our friends we were there.”
Joey, a bit anguished and confused - he knows that he’s
not the twin that always is taking risks - thinks he has a
solution: “What if we just were able to watch it go down.
(glances at Joy) Then we could still say we were
there (pauses, looking squarely at Joy). Just be
safer, that’s all. (louder and directly clearly at
Joy) And, not in the way. Not making trouble.”
Doc, doesn’t want to disappoint: “Let me think a
minute.” Gets a scrap of paper and a pencil.
Writes on it.
Doc: “This intersection has a view. A far away
view. Don’t get too close and I’m definitely not given
you the address. Look toward the bay, and you’ll see
a bunch warehouses. If you go
closer, and the police see you, you’ll screw up the whole
thing. You want to tell your Grammy how you screwed up
the whole thing?”
The twins look at each other, nod okay, but Joey looks at
Joy after she glances away and he seems doubtful.
scene 21
Large group of people gathered together in a meeting space at
one of Carl’s motels. They have back packs and
sleeping bags and stuff. This is the group getting
ready to do the 2nd Declaration Occupation ....
Doug: “Okay, everybody, listen up.”
waits for room to quiet
Doug: “In a couple of hours we are going to get on the bus
and travel to the warehouse. But I wanted you to see
one of the bits of video we have created that will be
available on-line as soon as we are in place, and the
occupation, or 2nd declaration as some like to call this
“action”, has begun. This is a kind of cartoon on
some of the underlying issues and principles. Its just
part of a lot of background info that will be available to
social media to explain what you are up to. Most of
you haven’t seen it, although some of you have heard of the
ideas. This is how we are going to present those ideas
to the general public”
[... the next “writing” is the narration and suggestions
for an animated film, which is what those going to the movie
will see, although in the film we will start seeing it from
the pov of the motel room, all watching a big screen TV
... once started the animation will “occupy” the whole
movie screen ... as you read this, just keep in mind
that it will not be another speech, which is already
dangerously boring the shit out of people, but will be an
animated video where the pictures that are hopefully worth a
thousand words ...]
title to animated film: done in the style of “electronic
white board”,
as if rendered by Joey and Joy ... I'll put potential
words and pictures together here ...
there should be narration and perhaps some music, but it has
to be a bit crude
“What is debt?
electronic whiteboard program sketches picture of hand
reaching out from inside of a cloud, holding out a bag of
money, to a kneeling person ... person is speaking
inside “caption” bubble:
“please, can I borrow some money” ... over the cloud is the
word “Bank”
the Bank replies in a bubble, “sure, just fill out some
legal papers”, which then appear
in the hand, after it has disappeared back inside the cloud
and then comes out again
kneeling man signs papers, which
papers are put in the hand, which then goes back inside the
and returns with a sack of money,
“there you go” says the Bank, and here’s you repayment
the kneeling person rises, and as they turn around, a pile
bricks is strapped to their back, labeled “debt” by the
bank’s hand
and the person walks out of scene
“lets do this again, only not hide what goes on inside the
cloud. and, to help,
let us use bags of sugar instead of bags of cash”
now the cloud is not there, although above this picture is
still the word Bank
and the man once more is back kneeling in front of it
the hand holding out the sack labeled sugar is drawn as a kind
of mechanical arm,
gears and levelers attached to a human appearing forearm and a
once more the kneeling man begs for a loan
the hand draws back and puts down the bag of sugar,
and reaches into a magician’s top hat, pulls out a rabbit,
shakes the rabbit, and it starts to shit out bags of sugar,
like it was laying eggs
“hmmm” says the narrator, “maybe we need to see inside the
hat too”
so we go back to the image of the man kneeling before the bank
with his hand out,
and the arm turns around and reaches into the magicians top
hat, and that hat is erased
by the drawing hand,
so instead we have an image somewhat like the Tardis from Dr.
Who, the police call booth ...
narrator: “this thing is bigger on the inside than it is on
the outside”
so the hand that is doing the drawings, erases the
“tardis”, and we then see it
draw a huge bank like building, with the name across and
above the massive
Greek columns: the Federal Reserve
narrator: “okay now, what is going on here, some kind of
russian doll trick?”
drawing hand makes small images of nested russian dolls
the drawing then does a review of nested images:
cloud, top hat, rabbit,
tardis and then big huge Bank
hand now erases the outer form of the bank and we see a
drawing forming of
bald headed white men sitting at a table, which itself is
sitting on a cloud
and from out of the cloud it is raining sugar that little ants
are running around
below, and collecting and throwing into bags labeled sugar
the cloud next gets a label inside it: “the endless magic
money/sugar supply device”
some of the ants are putting small bags of sugar into the
pockets of the bald men
the drawing hand now starts to draw another table, around
which sit more bald headed
white men, but they are wearing top hats and tails, like
the character in the monopoly game
most of the sugar bags are being put on their table and they
are fighting over them
some bags fall to the floor, break open, and the leavings
are swept up, and put in tiny bags and are given to the
rabbit, which goes out the door of the tardis, is pulled
by its ears out of the top hat, and then that bag of sugar
emerges from
the cloud and is given to the kneeling man, whose back is
then covered in bricks
the kneeling man then says: “Wait a fucking minute.
You mean the bank
gets its sugar basically free, and we get most of the
narrator: “yup”
kneeling man, stands up “but I get something even if I get
the bricks, right?”
narrator: “yeah. The mostly free money helps the
whole economy, because
that’s how it enters into circulation. You get the
loan, you spend it. Others get
your spending, they spend it. That’s the circulation
of currency
(drawing shows bags labeled sugar flying around in circles”
“In a way, a borrower is a kind of tube, through which
money enters into circulation,
money that didn’t exist before. the problem is the
bricks - the debt obligations -
that are left behind when the made-up money flows through
you. If you are middle-class
and down, you get more bricks, relative to your income,
than anyone else, and have to pay more interest
and generally have a harder time even getting a loan.
Just like about everything else, the money/sugar creation
system serves
the 1% at the expense of the 99%. Its a
dominance game. Controls your
whole life. If you have student debt, the system
owns you, and the system
had minimal costs getting the sugar/money in the first place.
narrator: “after the 2008 financial collapse, the
Fed, a private bank, unconstitutionally
given the power originally granted to the Legislative Branch
to coin and regulate money, created out of nothing 17
trillion dollars which they gave to other banks and big
corporations, while the regular guy got nothing but the
bricks we call debt. Anyone out there think that’s fair?”
“wait”, again says the loan seeker ... “it can’t be
that one-sided, can it?”
narrator - “no, actually, you’re right. See,
the little banks get about 10% of the total debt ...
its called the “fractional reserve”. That is they
have to have, in their banks about 10% of the total
amount of outstanding loans - if they are following the
rules. However, they don’t always follow the rules
which is why banks fail all the time. And, they can
legally recover most of those costs with the fee structures,
you know where if you bounce a check they charge you
$50 even if the check is only for $10.. That’s
why so many fees, and also why the local bank doesn’t credit
your deposits right way. Those deposits it holds on
to, longer than it has to, it gets to loan out, to sort
of “float” over night, to other banks. Unless,
of course, you are the Federal Reserve, and then all the
you print (or make up) has no cost to you at all.
Keep in mind the Federal Reserve is a private bank, and like
all Central Banks all over the world, it makes the
sugar/money out of nothing, and then puts the bricks
of debt on your back, even though it didn’t cost
them anything for the money. Its
what killed Greece.
scene 22
[& Dylan - All Along the Watchtower
repeat softer and louder through scenes 23 and 24
Rider and her camera man, Angelo are driving around,
following the map given to them by Carl via the burner
phone. Whitman is with them in the van, having
called in his “favor”.
Rider: “Jeez Angelo, turn there. And drive
slow. We don’t want to be noticed.”
van finally gets into the right place, and they turn off
most of their lights, inside and out.
Angelo, whispering: “Give me a minute to set up
here. And check the kind of signal output we’ve got”
Rider nods and Angelo moves around setting a small camera up
on the dash, in a fixed place that was made for it to
sit. Then he goes in the back of the van, turns some
switches, and sees what kind of image they are
getting. Whitman just keeps out of the way.
Rider: “Can you get me in the shot somehow?”
Angelo: “Not unless you want to stand outside. Maybe
once the thing is happening, we can have you walk around in
front of the van, and shoot that. Or I can just come
out with the regular camera like usual. Just a
minute, I’m going to call our producer, Mazer, and see
if the signal is good enough for broadcast.”
He puts on a head set with a mike, and hits a couple of
switches on his board .... split screen
Mazer: “Mazer here, is this Angelo?”
Angelo: “Yeah, are you receiving this?
Mazer: “Yeah, five by five. Let me talk to Rider.”
Angelo hands the head set to Rider ...
Rider: “Hey lady, ready to make some history?”
Mazer: “Doubt that, but hang on anyway. If no one
shows in a couple of hours, call it off and come
home. His Majesty doesn’t like paying the overtime on
these speculative kinds of shit. Okay?”
Rider: “I hear that. Well, we’re here and what
will happen will happen.”
Angelo, takes of head set and turns it off, after heaving
a deep sigh. Lights a joint, and the three of them
start to pass it around
scene 23
Bus pulls up to warehouse, and a bunch of people get out and
go in carrying their stuff. Rider and Angelo make a
tape of it, while Whitman watches.
scene 24
scene inside a parked car - its Joy and Joey, watching
the bus empty from closer than expected, sitting in the
shadow of another warehouse maybe 100 yards from the one
in scene 22
Joey: “We are way too close here. How the fuck did you
find them?”
Joy, turning her cell phone to Joey so he can see it: “I
dropped an old cell phone of mine into the mess in
Grammy’s purse, when she wasn’t looking. Just using
one of those cell phone tracker apps. It’s easy.”
scene 25
[& Mad World, by Tears of Fears &]
From pov inside the warehouse ... some of the “footage”
can be rough grained, like what the videos that will be
taken that night via the hidden cameras will reveal
Doug: “Okay folks, everyone but Carl, Agnes, Sam and
Gloria, follow me, please. We’ve planned an
interesting surprise.”
Doug and Doc and Jenny start herding people down some
stairs. Shots of people running through utility
tunnels, then going up stairs, and Doug at their head,
with Doc and Jenny behind, urging them to keep
going. Five minutes later, everyone comes out of
another door and the bus that left them off is waiting there,
and they are urged to get back on it again.
[everyone now on the bus - again, asking questions ... Doug
at the front]
Doug: “I need you to wait ten minutes. The
driver needs to get us away from here and make sure we aren’t
being followed. Then I’ll explain everything.”
Shots of anxious faces, bus starting up, driving though
back streets of the warehouse district, driver on the
phone, getting an all clear call, and then
stopping. Lots of talking, Doug just waits for
people to calm down.
Doug: “Did any of you notice that we cut Rooter out of
the group that we loaded up and the motel?”
Maria (in back): “Yes, I saw some ... looked like
homeless guys hustle him into a van. But Sam was
watching them, so I thought it must be all right.
Its going to be alright, ... isn’t it?”
Doug: “Well, I have some good news, and maybe some bad
news, so hear me out.”
[pauses for people to get quiet again]
Doug: “Carl discovered that Rooter was a spy for the
Oakland Police. (more excited talking). It gets
worse. Rooter was probably also sending reports to
Homeland Security on our coming action. The Police and
Homeland know all about us.”
lots of what the fucks, and vague questions - could let
actors in group just make shit up Doug waits for quiet
Doug: “Carl knew this was coming, but had to keep it
all quiet. That’s why we hustled you out of the
building. The Oakland Police and Homeland are going to
think we’re all still inside. So when they bust the
place it will only be Agnes and Gloria and Carl and Sam taking
the heat.”
more excited talking, some want to not have been kept out of
the action ...
Doug: “We’re not done. Not at all. This bus
will take us to a place where we can all hang low, and wait
for a couple of days. Carl and Sam, and me and Doc,
made this whole thing much bigger. In three days
there will be 12 simultaneous occupations involving about
250 people altogether ... using the same ideas and
issues we are using, and you’ll get to meet some of those
folks tonight and over the next days, and decide where you
want to go - which location.”
more clamoring for attention and many questions
Doug: “I’m not done with the information you need.
Please quiet down, please. We’ve had a lot of
trouble keeping this secret. Most of you have cell
phones, and may want to call or text your people and tell
them something. I beg you not to call them
tonight. Wait until tomorrow morning. We need
to keep this quiet until then. Okay?”
more clamoring
Doug (getting exasperated): “Look, there’s more,
... you need to have the whole picture.”
again takes time to quiet
Doug: “The warehouse we just left is wired for video
and sound. Whatever the police and Homeland do, it
is going to go instantly to the cloud and then out to social
media all over the place - streaming live video
more clamoring
Doug: “Will you just shut the fuck up. Don’t you
have any discipline at all. I’m almost for taking you
all to Stinson beach in Marin and make you go for a
swim. There’s fucking more, so calm the fuck down.”
Doc, from the back of the bus: “Jesus people. You
might well be making fucking history tonight. This is
big. Now sit your asses down and pay fucking
quiet comes again
Doug: “Carl also arranged for Rider Murphy from Channel Two
Fox news in Oakland to be hidden outside. So whatever
the police and Homeland try to do will be on TV, and there
will be a TV or two where we are going, so you are all going
to get to watch it okay. Even some social media,
because so many of you have phones. Wait, wait,
one last thing. Very cool. Carl rented the
warehouse for about ten days. They have a right to be
there tonight. No trespassing. Now the 12
places in three days, that will be trespassing. But
tonight will be legal, and we will be handing their asses to
the Oakland Police and Homeland security because Rooter made
them believe the fake out we set up for tonight.”
Maria: “Isn’t that going to make it all even more
Doug: “Yea. Carl called it confronting the law of
unintended consequences in a big way. But his hope was
that if Homeland Security and the Police all got a publicity
bloody nose with this, for illegally arresting us, then
when we really takeover by trespass 12 locations after a
three day gap, the government isn’t going to know what to
do. There’ll be a media storm already up and running,
and maybe that will make them very cautious.”
Doc: “Again, please no cell phone activity until we know
what’s happened behind us. Please, we’ve got to be
disciplined. Even texting can really screw this
up. The NSA is going to be all over this like a cheap
suit in a couple of hours. Carl’s been off the
electronic grid for a couple of months as have Doug and
I. And, every cell you are carrying can and will be
tagged and monitored if people start sharing about
tonight. They will even be able to locate us.
You’re in the big time now, so act like you can handle
Doug: “Some of you come near me, others go nearer
Doc. Raise your hands to ask your questions.
We won’t have all the answers, so give us a break.”
Doug turns to the bus driver: “Time to take us home,
Charlie, time to take us home. Everyone is going to
be up late tonight following the story as it emerges.
Might be a very long night.”
Third Act
In these first scenes my imagination says for there to be no
sound when the film is run in the movie theaters. As
written, there will be dialogue and the actors will be urged
to over-act a little bit, so that we get what their emotions
are and what they obviously have to be talking about, even
if silent The film itself should be done so that the
whether the pov is from hidden video cams in the warehouse,
or from the pov of the camera in the TV van, or from the
pov of the “movie” cameras themselves - these
different “eyes” should be obvious, so the film goer can
tell without thinking about it, from which pov he is
seeing. Again, we shoot it with the dialogue as
written, but edit out the sound completely, and let the
action tell the story. As the series of scenes
unfold, the director and the editors can add bits and pieces
of sound back, in little dribbles at first, and then in
torrents as the excitement of the situation drives the actors
emotions. Also, at the point the swat guys begin to
invade the warehouse, the film could also go into slow
motion for a while, so that the movie goer can absorb what
happens more easily.
[& as sound returns, first, during the slow motion, Ray
singing America the Beautiful as a kind of counter-point to
the action &]
scene 1
pov warehouse videos
Gloria and Sam and Agnes and Carl set up a couple of card
tables and chairs. They get ready to play cards, and
have some food and stuff on one of the tables. Each
has an individual styled mask, which Carl has made for
them, sitting on the side of the table. For the
film, I’d just let the actors design their own, and maybe
we avoid the V for Vendetta mask.
Carl, nervous: “Well folks, no going back now.”
Sam starts humming an old negro spiritual ....
Agnes has sat down at the card table and is shuffling cards
Gloria: “Agnes ... how are you feeling dear. Can
I get you something?”
Agnes: “Yes, thanks. Some of that flavored fizzy
water if we have it.”
Sam: “Is there a bathroom? I’m getting
nervous. Never got nervous like this over there, -
in the bad place. Of course I was stoned most of the
that gets some general nervous laughter from the others ...
Gloria points to a door with one of those signs that shows
both male and female figures ...
soon everyone is playing cards ... hearts if someone was
to try to figure out the game ... Agnes tosses a card that
goes off the table ... more laughter ... Sam starts to
sing a little: ‘swing low sweet chariot’ others join
scene 2
movie pov from inside the TV fan ...
Rider, somehow nervous too: “While there’s the first
act. (to Angelo) Did you see where that bus went,
after everyone got off?”
Angelo: “No, did not. Do you want me to try to
follow it (a kind of joke)?
Rider: “Oh shit, here they are, all ready. Good
thing we’ve been hiding here for a couple of hours.”
scene 3
TV camera pov, Angelo moves their camera around a little
bit, and we see that, because what it is focused on
A couple of Oakland police cars drive up. No flashing
lights. A couple of SWAT vans too. Also a
black van, which stops a bit away from the other
vehicles. Uniformed officers, including Sargent
Saliere, get out of the cars, and a couple of dozen men
exit the two SWAT vans. Another, smaller van,
drives up, and out gets a single officer, who opens the
back of his van and brings out three dogs on leashes.
All police, except for Saliere, have those knit black
masks covering their faces ...
Everyone gathers around the Sargent for final instructions.
scene 4
pov movie cameras
Sargent Saliere: “Okay, you’ve seen the maps, but just
to make sure: team A, you go to that door down there,
and get ready to ingress. Team B you go to that
door, same plan. Team C, you and the dogs surround
that garage-like door here. On my count.”
Raises hand, counts down from three fingers to none.
three SWAT break off and go to one regular door, and three
others to the other regular door. the dogs and their
handler and the other six SWAT, as well as the Sargent and
his regular uniformed police (four all together), go and
stand behind the three teams. One officer to team A
and one to team B, and two officers (including the
Sargent) to team C. The SWAT are positioned to go in
first. They have very big assault rifles, and some
are getting some kind of tubes off their belts.
scene 5
inside warehouse video feed pov
Carl, looking at an image on his cell phone: “They’re
cards are put down and masks are put on. all four fold
their hands like they are praying, heads bent over the
scene 6
a set of quick cuts from outside
Sargent, holding an electric megaphone, yells: “Now!”
we see SWAT break down each door with the door smashing
things, and some lever kinds of things are used to force up
the garage-like door.
As each door opens a couple of SWAT at each location throw in
flash-bang grenades. As these start going off we get a
quick cut in pov from video cam inside the warehouse, and
then a closeup of the scene outside the larger garage-like
door, when one of the flash bangs that was thrown in that
door hits something just inside, bounces back out and rolls
to where the dogs are being held on their leashes.
It goes off, the dogs go crazy, the handler loses control
of them and they dash into the warehouse.
The SWAT guys follow, with only some of them aware that the
dogs are loose inside because of the smoke. One of the
dogs gets in the way of one of the SWAT guys, who falls
down, and as he hits the ground his rifle, set on
automatic, goes off spraying live ammo everywhere, before
he disengages his finger and its stops.
By that time, other officers believe they were being fired
upon from those inside and several of them open up as
well. Problem is the multiple flash bangs made too
much smoke and no one can see shit.
scene 7
Joy sees the guns fire, and in a kind of panic jumps out of
their car and runs toward the warehouse, yelling “Grammy,
Grammy”. Joey follows, trying to grab her.
As Joy gets near the warehouse a stray bullet, hits her in
the hip, twists her around, and she falls to the
ground. So far no one notices they are there ...
scene 8
Inside the TV van, Whitman notices the kids running into the
chaos from the side, and Joy going down, ... opens the
side door of the van, and exits while shouting at Rider and
scene 9
from the pov of the TV camera
The Sargent stands there mouth opened and dumbfounded by how
quickly things got out of control. The only one who is
sane is the dog handler who grabs the megaphone from the
Sargent and starts yelling over and over again cease fire
cease fire cease fucking fire. After a minute or two,
the firing stops. The smoke clears, and since the
interior of the warehouse was well lit, we can see the end
result of the chaos. There are a lot of bodies, but
no more guns going off.
The TV van camera zooms in and can see this incomprehensible
mess. Then for a moment that camera turns and catches
Joy on the ground, with Joey holding her.
scene 10
movie pov of the inside of the TV van
Rider: “Fuck man, we are going to win some big journalism
award for this shit.”
Angelo: “Remind me to quit after this, you crazy fucking
broad. There’s going to be dead people in
there. Did you see those kids. One of them got
Rider looks at him, and realizes what he said is
true. Starts to shake and tear up: “Oh god, that’s
right. We’ve got to do something.” Thinks a
minute. “Angelo, you call 911 and report the
shooting and obviously injured bodies. Don’t identify
us. Just tell them they need to send cops and
ambulances right away, maybe it was some kind of gang shoot
she picks up her cell phone, and calls so that we go to
split screen (we can see Angelo making his call in the
background), and Whitman running up to Joy, off to the
side of the main scene.
Rider: “Jason, are you on duty?”
Jason, using his cell phone, not the phone on his desk:
“Yeah, ... Hi Rider what’s up”. (we can see
Jason sitting in an office wearing a Alameda County sheriffs
uniform - we can tell by what’s on the uniform and on the
walls in the background).
Rider, trying to catch her breath: “There’s been a big
shoot out in Emeryville, at a warehouse between some asshole
Oakland police SWAT folks and some protesters. I don’t
think the protesters had any guns. There’s bodies
everywhere. You guys have shared jurisdiction, in
Emeryville, right?”
Jason,: “Yeah, ... primary jurisdiction actually, they
are supposed to notify us if something is going down.
You sure about this?”
Rider: “Look asshole, I’m sitting here shooting video
that’s going to be on Channel Two in a couple of hours, and
maybe go national on CNN soon after that, so do you guys
want to get in on the action or not? Its just off the
intersection of Canal and Jerry Brown streets.”
Jason: “Fuck. Okay. I call in everyone,
even wake some people up. Say goodbye Rider.”
Rider: “Goodbye Rider” They both laugh nervously at
what is some kind of old joke between the two of them
end spite screen
scene 11
movie pov, inside the TV station: Channel Two
split screen
Mazer, calling Rider: “Did I just see what’s on the live
feed from you. You guys trying to prank us?”
Rider, answering, kind of hysterical: “God fucking
no. Jeez, there’s bodies everywhere. Angelo
called 911, and I called the Alameda Sheriff’s
office. There’s going to be all kinds of folks here
really soon. Can you wake up Terry and Ralphy?
We need another remote van here pronto, especially since
you are going to want me in there and editing and going on the
air with this right away.”
Mazer, pausing, thinking: “Yeah, you’re right.
Stick around there a while, and then go move in closer for
some film and maybe see if you can get a couple of
statements, and then you and Angelo get in here.
This is fucking massive. By the way, some other asshole
just dropped off a package for you, from some guy Carl he
said. Background material about tonight. Okay
if I open it and take a look-see?”
Rider: “Shit yes. We’ve got to be all over
this. You might want to wake up management and
legal. I think”
scene 12
Carl’s videos in the warehouse pov ... as there is more
than one camera, we get switching going on, and some
One of the SWATs is going around, checking fallen bodies for
signs of life. We can see him shake his head when he
gets to Carl and Agnes, whose masks have fallen off.
The dog guy has the dogs on the leash again.
A couple of guys in police uniforms wander about.
Sargent Salarie is still in a kind of shock. He knows
this is going down on his head. All his hopes up in
flames. The SWAT people came prepared and have
skills, so we see them bring in cases with red crosses on
them, and start to take out stuff, including stethoscopes
and bandages and the like.
Saliere tries to take charge and begins to shout
orders. One of the SWATS gets in his face, and
shoves him out of the way. We can see some of them
working on Gloria and Sam. Saliere goes outside, and
wanders in the direction of the dark van that stood off a ways
from the action.
While he’s walking one of the non-SWAT officers that came with
him runs up and shoves some papers in this hand,
which he starts to read
scene 13
pov of the TV van camera
focused on Saliere walking to the black van, which opens a
door, and Rider can see inside, gets a good picture of the
man inside that van
other vehicles start to arrive ... lights and sirens
going. Ambulances and Alameda Country sheriffs
vehicles. Chaos outside for a while, while various
people argue over whose in charge, and the EMTs try to get
to their patients and take care of them. We see
Whitman go up and grab an EMT guy, and drag him in the
direction of Joy and Joey.
scene 14
movie camera pov ... inside a room we’ve never seen
before. A couple guys looking at a bunch of computer
screens ... this is the group that was tasked with
managing the video feeds from the warehouse. they are
the ones who make those feeds move around and zoom.
One of them is on the phone, and crying ...
scene 15
split screen
crying person in scene 14 is talking on a cell phone to
Doug, who is sitting at the front of the bus, which has
stopped. people in the bus listening intently.
faces showing all kinds of emotions, but quiet - they
desperately need to hear what Doug is finding out. We
can see Maria crying, as she is sitting next to him.
Doug: “Its awful. There were gun shots. The
SWAT people went crazy. Bean (the crying guy)
seems to think Agnes and Carl are dead, and Gloria and Sam
are wounded and being tended to.” general chaos as people
all talk at once
Doug waits a while and then stands, hoping to get everyone’s
attention again.
Doug: “I know, I know. Its way too much to
process. We don’t know anything for sure. Bean
needs us to make a decision though. He was all set up
to release to the social networks the live video feed from the
warehouse. It was all set up, with introductory
material and links to background stuff, and the animation I
just showed you before we went to the warehouse. But
now, he doesn’t know. It all seems to need to be
private, like it should be nobody business.”
general noise increase and then Maria stands up ...
something strong in her posture, some kind of fire that
wasn’t there before.
Maria, her voice insistent and demanding: “I knew
them best, better than all of you. I worked at the
retirement home for a long time, as a night
custodian. I knew them, and I tell you that they
want this to go out. They gave their lives for this,
and they don’t want it hidden, like so much else is already
hidden. They went out in glory. They are
American heroes. People need to meet these heroes.
People need to know what the government does.” starts
to cry, has to sit down.
Quiet for awhile ...
Doug: “Anyone disagree?”
More quiet, sober ...
back to split screen with Bean
Doug, on the phone to Bean: “Yeah, let it loose.
Let it all loose. Live stream it until they find a
way to shut it down, if they can. You told me that
they might not be able to do that.”
Bean: “Well, we’ve tried, but we don’t know what
will happen. Homeland and the NSA and the CIA and the
FBI will be all over this in a couple of hours, if they
aren’t already, ... meanwhile we’ll see that its
going out everywhere.”
Doug: “Bean ... can you find me a cell phone number for
Rider Murphy, that Channel Two reporter. She was
supposed to be on the scene. I want to call her and
let her know about the live feed.”
Bean: “Sure. But that’s it, we’ve got work to do
here, too. A lot of work.
another split screen
Rider in her TV van. Her cell phone rings.
Rider, suspicious: “Hello. Who’s this?”
Doug: “My name is Doug. I work with Carl. We
have live streaming video of what went on in there
tonight. Live fucking streaming video from inside the
warehouse. I think Carl would want you to know that.”
Rider: “Jeez. Jesus H. fucking christ. How
do I find it?”
Doug: “I’m texting you the URL link right now. I've
got a other fish to fry. We were not expecting this
level of chaos. Did you grab my phone number?”
Rider: “Yeah. I’ve got it and the URL.”
Doug: Don’t call me for awhile, unless you know something
you want to warn us about. I’ve got to go to another
burner phone soon. After, I’ll get in touch
and you can ask questions, but right now you need to fly on
your own. I do know Carl sent you something, at the
TV station. Have you got that?”
Rider: “Not yet, but my producer is looking at it
now. When we are done here, I’ll be going to the
station and get ready for a live broadcast on
this. Is Carl dead? We can’t see much
from where we are and now the whole place is crawling with way
too many people.”
Doug: “Yes, as far as our live feed can tell us, the
SWATs checked him and Agnes out, and both are dead.
Gloria and Sam are wounded, but alive. There may be
more wounded or dead on the police side of things. I
need to go now. Good luck.”
Rider: “I’m so so sorry. So sorry.” But then
she realized the line was already dead.
Then she turns to Angelo: “Where the fuck are those two or
three dozen other people that went in there?”
scene 16
A phone in the HS command van rings, and Base answers it
- knowing from which phone that rang that it is his
superior, Agent Smith
split screen
Base: “Yes sir”.
Smith (yelling): “Do you have any fucking clue what is
going on?”
Base: “We have everything under control.”
Smith: “That whole shit storm is now on streaming video all
over the fucking Internet.”
Base: “What?!? We took down all their tech, before this
raid. Something is being faked.”
Smith: “Sure doesn’t look faked to me. We got dogs
running crazy, someone clubbing the shit out of a kneeling
man. Civilians on the floor bleeding and some fucking
old blond bitch waving some papers and going on about they
have a legal right to be there. The NSA just called
me. When that stuff hit the Internet, it set of all
kinds of bells and whistles and alarms everywhere.
[There is a knock on the van door - the Sargent is there,
with some papers. Base glances through the papers]
Base (very subdued): “Boss, I’ve got papers here
that says they have rented this place for at least the night,
from the owners.”
long pause
Smith: “You mean you don’t have a fucking court order to
evict them as trespassers.”
Base: “No sir. We didn’t think it was
necessary. Domestic terrorists and exigent
circumstances or some such legal shit. We do it all
the time. You know that.”
Smith: “Don’t be putting that shit on me you fucking
idiot. This was your great operation all the
way. Just some old people trying to relive the
fucking ‘60‘s, you said.”
Base: “Yes sir. Now what?” [still trying to get
Smith involved somehow]
Smith: “Get your people the fuck out of there now.
Leave the Oakland police in charge. Be like you were
never there, ... ever.”
scene fades
scene 17
pov the TV van camera
Rider sees Sargent exit the black van. Gets Angelo to
go for another closeup of the man inside. The black
van starts up and leaves. Sargent Saliere just stands
there, holding some papers in his hand.
scene 18
split screen: Rider calling Mazer at the station.
Rider, still semi-hysterical: “Mazer, there’s live
streaming video feed from inside the warehouse. Live
feed. I’m texting you the URL and as soon as Terry
gets here, we’re heading in. We’ve got to start
editing tape and get all of it on the air. Our stuff
and the streaming video.”
Mazer, pausing, ... digests this: “Okay,
okay. Yeah, head on in. Legal is already
here, and management will be here soon. We’re the
only ones with live outside tape, though, right?
No one else has what we have.”
Rider: “Yeah. People are dead though, fucking
dead. We’ll be able to combine the live feed with our
stuff and then only us will be broadcasting the whole thing
from both points of view. You should get CNN on the
line, they’re going to want to buy some of our stuff,
right away. The Internet stuff everyone will have,
but only us will have the outside. And, with Terry
here, we should stay ahead for a while, but other crews
will be here soon.”
Other Channel Two van drives up.
Turns her head, and yells: “Angelo. Shut things
down, and get us the fuck out of here. We need to
get to the station yesterday.”
Angelo: “What about Whitman? He’s still out there.”
Rider: “He’ll have to fend for himself. Now get the
fuck going.”
scene 19
pov the movie’s cameras
Terry’s Channel Two van drives up, and goes right inside all
the chaos of cars and vehicles.
Sargent Saliere, arguing with an Alameda Sheriff guy:
“Listen. You guys back the fuck off. This is
our operation. You’re just getting in the fucking
He grabs a rifle from one of the SWAT men, who is just
standing there. The SWAT guy thinks about it for a second,
and disarms him quickly. The SWAT guy turns to the
Sheriff, and pleads with him to get Saliere out of there.
SWAT, taking off his mask, revealing our previous
character Al Sanchez: “Please, arrest him or something,
he’s going crazy. This all went to shit right away,
and I’m afraid he’s going to hurt someone.”
Terry, followed by her camera guy, walks up and sticks a
microphone in Saliere’s face. Saliere, looking more
and more wild-eyed starts to hit her, and then the Alameda
Sheriff’s guy and the SWAT guy, have to subdue him and cuff
him. Terry’s camera captures it all.
the pov of the movie cam turns and sees Sam bandaged on his
head and thigh, being put in an ambulance, and Gloria,
with bandages on her shoulder being put in a different
ambulance. next the movie cam catches men and women in
crime scene jackets, taking pictures, trying to put up
tape, there are bodies being placed in body bags,
SWAT guys being bandaged and treated.
Another ambulance collects Joy.
Whitman, to Joey: “You got a car?”
Joey nods.
Whitman puts his arm around Joey: “Come on, I’ll go
with you to the hospital. Is there anyone we should
Joey: “Of fuck. Oh shit. I have to call our
Whitman: “Maybe not kid. Wait ‘til we get to the
hospital and know something. If you can’t do it,
I’ll do it for you. You need to calm down.
Give me the keys, I’ll drive you.”
scene 20
movie cam pov inside Rider’s van as she and Angelo drive away
We see her looking out the back windows of the van, at the
huge chaos ... dozens of vehicles, several dozen
people, no order or organization ... she sees the body
bags on the ground inside the warehouse ... tears form in
the corner of her eyes.
scene 21
Three black SUVs pull up. Guys in suits get
out, wave badges at everyone, and go into the
warehouse. Apparently they are looking for the live
feed video cams.
scene 22
Bean’s office, where they are trying to maintain the video
Bean: “Jamie, shut down three through eight. Make
‘um go quiet. They’ve got some detectors
there. Switch on the verticals in the rafters -
yeah, that’s 9 through 12.”
we see the screens in front of Bean change their pov
Jamie: “Fuck man, Carl was right. How many
camera’s have you got in there?”
Bean: “We’ve got 21 inside, three sets of seven
each. That’s after they took out the ones we wanted
them to find. Run up 22, 23, and 24.
Those are outside. They won’t know those are there,
except we are live streaming it.”
Bean moves/slides his chair to another table. Watches
his screens and turns stuff on and off.
Bean: “Oh fuck man. Jamie, see that suit there,
going outside to the back. They’re going to turn off
the power to the whole warehouse. All them EMT guys
and police and sheriffs are going to shit”.
Just as Bean predicted, the whole warehouse plunges into
Bean: “Okay, backup batteries on everything ... up
Jamie, looking at screens with Bean: “Okay, mostly
nothing, wait, what’s that green shit?”
Bean: “Four of them are set up with night vision
capacities. Carl and I tried to think of everything
that could go wrong .... well maybe not everything.”
scene 23
movie cam, outside the warehouse.
SWAT guy: “What the fuck! Who turned off the
Sees the suits, goes at them with his rifle pointed in their
direction: “We’ve got wounded we’re trying to treat.
What the hell are you doing?”
Suit, actually wearing sunglasses as do most of the rest of
them: “Turn your vehicles around to face their headlights
into the warehouse, dickhead. We’ve got a national
security situation here, and we had to shut the power
scene 24
TV Two Terry cam/ and movie cam
Suit approaches them, demanding they stop recording.
Tussle over the camera, and it falls to the ground.
Terry, screaming: “We’re the press you shit fuck
face. We’re the press.”
Suit picks up camera and takes it away.
scene 25
split screen - Terry on her cell phone to Mazer back at
the studio.
Terry: “Mazer, you get any of that?”
Mazer: “Most of it. Legal is having a shit fit
here, there are some suits trying to force their way into
the studio, demanding Rider’s tapes. Claiming
national security shit. I’ve got Rider making copies,
... back in the old studio section. We’ll let them
take some stuff, and then we’ll still broadcast in about
30 minutes. They are clearly guessing about what we
have or don’t have. Everyone here is using either our
regular cameras, or the cell phones to record this
stuff. Owner just walked in. He’s getting on
the phone to some politicians, in an office out of sight.”
Terry: “Want me to stay here?”
Mazer: “You and Tim got your cell phones?”
Terry: “Sure do.”
Mazer: “Okay, use those but don’t let them see you.
Is CNN there yet?”
Terry: “No, or at least I don’t see them.”
Mazer: “Share everything if you can with them when they get
there. We’ve made a deal. Rider’s making
copies for them too. Everyone else has been saving
that live feed, so these suits are just idiots in a state of
panic, running around making things worse.
Tomorrow, when dust has cleared, this is going to
dominate the News cycle for days, if not
scene 26
room in a seedy Oakland hotel ... couple of homeless
looking guys, sitting across from Rooter, who is tied up
in a chair.
One of the homeless puts down his cell phone ...
Rooter looks very scared, although trying to show
otherwise: “I’m an undercover cop you fucks. I’m on
the job. You are all going to be in a lot of
trouble. You better let me go. Soon.”
homeless with phone, very sad look on his face: “Rooter,
you are lucky you were not there. You’re bosses
fucked up big time. People are dead. Carl and
Agnes are dead.”
pauses to let that sink in
Rooter, confused, still trying to fake it: “You better
let me go. Now. I’m going to remember your
faces. You’ll be in jail by the end of business
homeless guy: “Rooter, pay attention here. That
police raid ended up killing people, cops included.
It was all on the Internet too. A live feed.”
Turns the cell phone toward him and shows some of the reruns
of the feed, still being broadcast.
Rooter’s face falls: “That’s not my fault. I
didn’t do that.”
homeless guy: “Rooter, stop, think. Your people
are going to look for someone to blame. They are not
going to accept responsibility. Think about it.
You disappeared before the shit hit the fan. No one
knows where you are. This is on CNN and local
news. Your bosses will blame you, whatever the truth
homeless guy nods to other homeless guy, who proceeds to
take the duct tape off of Rooter, and set him free.
homeless guy removing the tape: “Run and hide Rooter.
Run as far away as possible. You’re like Judas
man. You’re a snitch, and this is instant karma for
snitches. If you are anywhere in the SF Bay area by
tonight, you will be in jail never to get out again ...
that’s if someone doesn’t decide to just kill your ass just
to save the trouble of hearing you whine about how it isn’t
your fault. No one wanted this to go out of control,
but it did, and you are the obvious loser who will have to
take the fall for all the higher up guys. Your name
will be on the News by morning. Everyone will be
looking for you, and nobody is going to believe a word you
scene 27
Channel Two News room, going live. Rider in the
center chair. The regular news readers to the left and
the right - one male, one female.
Rider: “Here’s channel two’s exclusive tapes of a shootout
in Oakland tonight. Pictures tell the whole
while the pictures she and Angelo got are running - the
pictures of the Oakland police and SWAT and the dogs and the
gunfire, Rider is talking to legal, who just walked up to
her from outside camera range
Legal: “The suits are gone. We are running the whole
thing, just like you edited it.”
when he says this, Rider looks at his suit, as if he
doesn’t realize he’s wearing one too
Rider, back on camera: “And here is from the live feed
that the protesters made, protesters that had a legal right
to be in that building”
we watch the four older folks, seemingly in prayer, yet
wearing masks, the flash-bangs go off, the dogs rush,
and the shit hits the fan, Sam is shot in the thigh, and
then when he’s trying to protect Agnes, SWAT clubs him in
the head; Gloria screaming, holding paper,
saying we have a legal right be here, and she gets shot in
the shoulder. the streaming video had several
perspectives. We see the SWAT check Carl and Agnes,
and then cover their faces because they are dead.
Rider, back on camera: “Four elderly Oakland
retirement home residents: Carl Algren, Agnes Johnson,
Sam Abraham .... and Gloria Stephenson .... were shot
tonight, or early this morning, by Oakland SWAT forces,
falsely asserting these four were trespassing.
SWAT had no warrants, for any of this. Two are
dead, Carl age 81 and Agnes age 89. Sam and
Gloria, both age 79, are being held in Oakland General,
under arrest apparently, and no one is being allowed to see
them. Yes, this was a protest action in solidarity
with the Student Debt-slave movement, and we will have a
representative of that on in a moment, but first let me do
this: “
Rider reaches into her purse, and pulls out a “I no longer
consent” button and puts it on. She’s crying “Its time
to take a stand. Its time to be counted. When
our militarized police kill our elderly without any
justification, its time to see something is horribly wrong
in this country.”
In the control room we see the owner demanding the live show
be stopped and a commercial inserted. This happens.
back to studio ... the legal suit comes up, sets aside
the cell phone he was taking instructions from the owner
through, and tells Rider she’s fired. She smiles,
gets up and leaves the studio to applause from most of the
staff gathered there to see the broadcast.
scene 28
tracking shot, down by the Oakland side of the Bay ...
Rider sitting on a bench, looking at the waves lap against
the shore, with the sun rising behind her, and throwing
its light on San Francisco. She’s drinking
coffee. Its a new day. the camera lingers
... the movie viewer is spent as well, they need and want
the calm of the sea and the Bay and the rising sun.
This scene should watch the gulls fly around, notice the
joggers running by, hear the car noises on the nearby
freeway ... all kinds of ordinary life, with
nobody murdering anyone else. [music to calm the savage
[this was kind of a raw “climax”, and to give a more
hopeful feeling to the movie-goer, these next scenes will
endeavor to take care of a lot of loose ends in a less savage
scene 29
Lawyer’s interview on CNN, at noon the day after ...
reading from a prepared statement.
“As you are mostly aware, four of our elders were attacked in
that building over there, by SWAT-like teams of the Oakland
police. You’ve seen the streaming videos on social
media, as well as the coverage by Channel Two. In
addition, the granddaughter of one them was also shot, and is
“Two of these people, Agnes Johnson, and Carl Algren are
dead. No one is presently being allowed to gather their
bodies for burial. Two others, Gloria Stephenson, and
Sam Abraham, were apparently wounded, and are being held
incognito in Oakland General Hospital by the Oakland
Police. The granddaughter is not being held, although is
still in the hospital.
“All four had a legal right to be in the building, yet the
Police have produced no warrants for anyone’s arrest or any
warrant that would have allowed the police to enter that
building armed to the teeth. I am the lawyer for all
four, and I have been refused any contact either at the
coroner’s offices where the bodies presumable are, or at the
hospital were the wounded clearly are. Hospital
authorities, as you know, have stated they were admitted late
last night.
“Again, these people are our elders. Agnes was
86, Carl was 81, Gloria is 79, and Sam is 79 as
well. They were all residents of the Golden Hours
retirement home in Oakland. No charges have been
filed, and almost nothing has been said by the Oakland
police about this tragedy, except to act as if these four
elders were somehow dangerous domestic terrorists and deserved
everything they got.
“I urge the members of the media to confront relentlessly the
Oakland authorities as to why this happened, and why they
are holding the two wounded individuals out of sight, and
refusing to allow any family members to see the bodies of the
two that are dead, and begin to make arrangements.
[starts to read from a prepared statement]
“There is a war going on, in America. One of its main
battlegrounds is in the legal sphere. This war involves
the efforts of an oligarchy of elite rich people to abuse,
control, enslave and harm, the ordinary citizens of
America. Why?
“Because they are afraid of us. The rich and powerful
know they take more than they need, and that they can’t
continue to do this unless they oppress us. Government
is huge. Its a giant. And, it wants to step on
people that insist on thinking free. That’s what
happened last night. The giant foot of an out of control
government stepped on and killed people. Without a
thought, and for no other purpose than to try to force us into
blind and frightened obedience. That’s wrong.
“One of those who died, my friend Carl Algren, said during the
work to get ready for last night, that whatever happened,
there was no way we could lose. Whatever was to happen
last night, he told me, it would be a victory, and we need to
declare it to be a victory. Why?
“Because we didn’t give up and we didn’t surrender. The
giant can get all mad and stomp and stomp, but there are more
of us than there are of them. Every act of stomp is a
victory. Every act of oppression and government
overreaching is a victory. Because only a real loser
would need to do to us, what our government does. Its
the surest sign they have lost already. We are not
consenting anymore, and that’s all it takes. This war is
over, and it will just take the oligarchy a while to get it,
because that’s how stupid and venal they are. Losers
all. Lacking all the ordinary virtues required to be
“Thank you, I’ll not be answering questions at this time.”
scene 30
Oakland police chief gets his marching orders:
(split screen)
Walter: “Regis, this is Walter with the Mayor’s office.
Regis (clearly angry and frustrated): “Yes,
sir. How can I help you.” [we can tell from his
uniform and the room this is the Oakland chief of police]
Walter (raising his voice authoritatively): “Are these
people you are holding at the hospital dangerous? Are
they going to bomb something?”
Regis: “No sir, but they were up to something
illegal. I know it. We’ve had an operative on
the inside for weeks. We have tapes of
Walter: “Did you have warrants for those tapes?”
Regis (pausing): “Well, my information is that this
was a joint operation with Homeland Security, and we were
operating under cover of their federal authority.”
Walter: “Have you been watching the News? Have
you? Homeland Security just issued a statement saying
they were not involved. Are you in contact with
someone over there?”
Regis: “No sir. No we are not ... at least not
at this time.”
Walter: “So, you’ve been hung out to dry.”
Regis: “It would seem so, sir.”
Walter: “The mayor wants you to let the lawyer in and do
whatever his lawyer thing is. And to release the
people in hospital as well. None of these people are
going anywhere, and if you can later make a case, then
make your case. Right now just get out of the way and
especially stay away from reporters. We are telling
them the whole thing is under investigation. You
should do the same. Any problem with that?”
Regis: “No sir, no problem. At least no problem at this
Walter: “Are you threatening me?”
Regis: “Well, I may have recorded this conversation,
... sir. By accident of course. All of us
are in need of some ass covering. Wouldn’t you agree
... sir.”
Walter (hangs up with force, first muttering) “Shit.”
scene 31
late afternoon, sun is starting to set ... motel suite,
one of Carl’s: Mason, the lawyer from scene 29,
and Gloria and Sam (he’s in a wheelchair, and has Carl’s
Mason: “I have some good news and some bad news. I’m
going to do the bad news first. The Golden Hours
retirement home, according to their corporate attorney,
does not want either of you back in residence.
That’s the bad news.”
Gloria: “What about our stuff? Where are we going to
Mason: “Maria also lost her job, as she has been seen in
some of the News coverage. Wait, hold it (both
Gloria and Sam start to make noises). Maria now
works for you, and is at this very moment collecting some of
your personal stuff and bringing it here.”
Sam: “Works for us? How’s that possible?”
Mason: “Well, that’s the good news. Carl left his
motel business to the two of you. Actually also to
Agnes, but since she isn’t with us anymore, its just the
two of you. As the executor of Carl’s will, which
means I manage these assets until they are out of probate,
I’ve hired Maria to work here, which I am also making
available to both of you as temporary residences, until you
decide on something else.”
Gloria and Sam look at each other, both start to cry ...
Mason gives them a moment ...
Mason: “There’s more.”
Gloria: “More, what more could there be for god’s sake.”
Mason: “Lawyers for the Oakland Police’s liability insurance
firm have already contacted me. They are interested in
settling any claims you might have for your injuries,
quickly if possible, and at a premium if you agree not to
make a big thing about it”
Sam: “This is somehow so not right. Why should we
Mason: “Well, you know Carl ... he had some ideas.”
Gloria and Sam laugh ...
Mason: “What he told me is that he trusts your judgment over
anyone else’s You want to turn the motels into
homeless shelters, that’s fine. You want to sell
them and make some kind of charity with the proceeds, that’s
fine too. Take the money and flee the country.
Fine. There’s no hurry. Get well first.”
Sam still shaking his head ...
Mason: “Oh, and Sam, ... Carl was in this very suite a
couple of weeks ago to sign his new will, and as a kind of
aside, he looked out the window at that great big deck,
with plants and stuff all over it, and said that if the
worst happened, I was to tell you to sleep out there anytime
you want, just for him. In fact, he said you could
cover it in dirt and grow shit there - even pot, ...
do whatever you wanted.”
Gloria gets up and pushes Sam and the wheelchair out onto the
deck. It has a good view, and the sun is setting
behind the Golden Gate Bridge across the Bay. When it
does that, the whole bridge and the headlands become golden
in color. Mason stands behind them:
“I always wondered why that was called the Golden Gate.”
scene 32
West end of University Ave. Berkeley. Camera looking
north, focuses on a bunch of people hanging out just before
the on-ramp to Hwy 80 going North. As the camera
focuses, we see Rooter, with his head saved and his beard
cut off too. He’s sitting on a back pack, with a
sign in his hands. Sigh says: “Anywhere, but
here” on it. He’s not the only one waiting there
with signs out and thumbs up.
scene 33
split screen, Smith on the phone to Base ...
Base (nervous): What’s up ... boss, I
thought I was , ... or we were done here?:
Smith: “I’m cleaning up your mess. Shit-head.
There’s a guy coming out, name’s Vince. He’s
in the air as we speak. He’ll contact you. NSA
gave us some background stuff on this. Used their
authority that comes from calling this domestic terrorism -
released a bunch of phone calls and e-mails and stuff.
Vince needs to talk to some people that work at Golden Hours
retirement home. Use your contact with Oakland police
to set this up. Today, tonight right away.”
Base (more nervous) “Who does Vince want to meet
Smith: “Two groups. At the Home, some nursing
staff folks named Bishop and Tigh, and Maria and some
security guard, name’s Wilson. Need to get them in a
room together, away from the Home. Also a couple of
fags, they’re married: Roger and Dale Enoch. They
work for the Corporation that owns the Home.
Base (relieved a bit): “Anything else?”
Smith: “No, ... now get on it. We needed
these interviews yesterday.”
scene 34
split screen Rider on the phone with Rachael Madow of MSNBC
Rider: “Glad I got through to you Rachael. I’d like
to have some stuff on your show. I copied all the
video we took that night. And, I’d like to bring
Gloria along ... I think she’d make a great interview
scene 35
Bishop, Tigh and Wilson, in a police station interview
room. Vince enters, and sits. Lays some file
folders on the table. Pauses and gives them his
“look” ...
Vince: “You are all being considered for arrest as
accomplices to an act of domestic terrorism.” waits a
beat or two
“We know you are not principals, but right now is your only
opportunity to get a pass. We need background
information on four people: Agnes Johnson, Carl Algren, Gloria
Stephenson and Sam Abraham. We need it now, today,
before you leave this room and you will be required to sign
statements as well.”
Bishop (trying to find an edge): “I didn’t do anything
wrong. We didn’t know anything but they was having
private meetings and wearing buttons.”
Tign (worried, thinking his three strikes thing is back in
play): “Sure, whatever you want. Just tell us
what you want.”
Wilson is silent, Vince notices and gives him the “look”
Wilson: “This doesn’t smell right. I want a
Vince: “Suit yourself. I’m next talking to some
higher ups - your corporate bosses. We’ll see what
they say. Domestic terrorism is a serious
crime. Everyone holding anything back will get
Wilson folds, looks at the others: “Okay, okay.
What do you want?”
Vince: “Well for starters, we need dirt on the
principals, obviously. Not just conversations over
heard and other stuff, but lets be frank, this is war,
and if there is sex or drugs going on we want that too.”
scene 36
Dale, Roger and a couple of other suits, at corporate
headquarters in SF, later that same day. Vince comes
in with another suit, who shakes his hand and says:
“Whatever you want, you have our full cooperation.”
That suit then leaves the area.
Vince, sitting down, gives his look, opens a file,
looks at Dale:
Vince: “I’ve got your Internet searches on Agnes Johnson
here. Care to explain that.”
Dale and Roger exchange some looks.
Dale, to Roger: “Anything familiar about this?”
Roger frowns, thinking, ... to Dale: “Oh,
yeah. Harvey. Long time ago. We were
very young. We still going to be those people?”
Dale nodes his head.
Vince, trying to be tough: “Care to share?”
Roger: “Ever hear of Harvey Milk, and the assassination of
him and SF Mayor George Moscone, by a nut job named Dan
Vince, unsure: “Maybe. What’s the fucking
point? That’s ancient history. This is now.”
Dale to Roger: “Why is it that the dickheads are all the
same?” turns to Vince “We’ve been harassed and
threatened before dickhead. You’re just another
blowhard trying to mind fuck scared people”
Dale, rising, and Roger with him: “We’re leaving.
If you have an arrest warrant, use it now. Otherwise
Roger, to the suits in the room: “You let him push you
around we’ll sue the corporation, and we will not be afraid
to use the gay-card either.”
Dale whispers to Roger, and Roger turns and speaks,
looking at Vince:
“We are going back to our offices, and call some people we
know. Find out who else you’ve been harassing.
Cross your fingers, ... our calls after that will be to the
scene 37
Base and Vince in car. Split screen, Vince on phone
to Smith.
Vince: “There’s some push back from the fags.
The others caved, I got statements and some sex dirt, but
Maria didn’t show. We don’t know where she is.
How far do you want to push this. I’ve seen the
News. This may not be the best time.”
Smith: “Stay around for a couple more days. There’s
some guy named Rooter we need to find, and a whole bunch of
others are missing. Mostly from that student-debt
protest group. Ask Base about Rooter, and track him
down. Keep in touch, but don’t be seen.”
scene 38
Gloria on MSNBC, with Rachael Madow, three days
later. Rachael has just put up a couple of pictures of
Base, the Homeland Security guy (taken by Rider),
asking for people to call in if they can identify him:
Gloria: “Some of us lived through the 60‘s and the
70‘s. We threw our hearts into trying to change the
world. We failed on many levels, and the world seems
to have gotten progressively worse. Still, today,
we live in a very wealthy and talented country, but one
that can’t seem to feed the hungry or house the
homeless. That’s just plain stupid, and seriously
immoral. There’s no excuse for it.
“So some of us got older and a bit wiser,
and decided we needed a 2nd Declaration of Independence, and a
Second American Revolution. Not only that, we believed
that if we just changed the conversation a little bit ... if
we just realize that the real government was us ... was We the
People .... then we could do this 2nd Revolution without any
“We tried. We’ve had our 2nd
Declaration, yet at the cost of some horrible
sacrifices. Even so, I believe we have to keep
trying. We have to get the point across: ‘We don’t
consent anymore. We don’t consent’. Is anybody
listening? Does anyone care? Well, I think a lot
of you are listening and that you do care. That’s what I
believe. What do you believe?”
Rachael then introduces, first:
Carl’s last words on tape
Carl: “Kevin Spacey, in getting ready for his
performance in House of Cards, spent several hours talking
to actual congressmen. He asked them what was going on
there, and several of them told him, essentially, that:
all politics is theater. What ‘we the people do’
is also theater, but our theater is based on the
understanding that actions speak louder than words.
“We put ourselves at risk, something
politicians do not do. Those urging we send our young to
war, they do not volunteer to go themselves. While we do
not have universal free healthcare and inviable pension plans,
Congress essentially does. Those are their
actions. What will your’s be?”
and then, Agnes’s last words (on tape)
Agnes: “Unless we can house our own homeless and feed our
own hungry, as well as make sure everyone has the right to
vote without qualifications, then we are not America, but
something else, perhaps a dangerous beast that needs to be
put down.
“At the same time, the true government is
not in Washington, or in our State Capitals, or any
municipality. Those are the ostensible government.
The real government is us. We the People are the real
government and if we do nothing else we need to remind those
who are elected just who they really serve.
“How? Its simple. Make a button that
says in some or another fashion that you no longer
consent. Wear it proudly, for it marks you as part of
the real government. And, lastly, stop buying into the
bullshit that divides us, and sit down, break bread and talk
to each other. Just doing that will scare the bejesus
out of all those crazies who think they own us.”
scene 39
split screen Dale and Al, the SWAT guy:
Dale: “Been talking to some friends with the protesters.”
Al, curious but cautious: “And?”
Dale: “They don’t blame your people, and they know you
lost two dead, and three wounded, as well. They
want to meet with you, away from press, and see if somehow
this can move forward without more cops and regular people
hate each other shit. What do you think?”
Al, pauses thinking for a bit: “That makes a lot of
sense. Still a lot of emotions running high.
One of my people wore one of those buttons about not
consenting anymore, almost had a fight in the weight room
‘cause of it. Still, some us don’t blame your
people either. I’ll get back to you when things settle
down. Okay?”
Dale, laughing: “Well, I’m not sure anything is going to
be okay anymore for any of us. But for sure we’ve got
to work together, or that will never change.”
scene 40
[ SF side headlands, looking over at Golden Gate bridge, Sam
and un-named companion – a third person in a hodie is in
shadow ]
Sam: “The Shadow Warriors are ready.”
Companion: “So’s the Army of the Unemployed.”
Sam: “Lots of vets in both of those.”
Companion: “Its them damn grandmothers. They’s worse
than the old bald generals. Got them a grandmothers’
war now. Expecting miracles and all. Shit.”
Sam: “Carl left a lot of money, more than we even guessed
at. We getting all kinds of tools, encrypted
phones and stuff. Carl said parts of us got to stay
off the grid all the time now.”
Companion: “Smart. Still. Them grandmothers
be real motherfuckers when they gets their mad up and
going. Did not like Agnes getting offed, or what
happened to Joy too. Mother bears and shit.
Wherever I go in the hood these days, someone’s grandmother
is getting more and more bossy. Still. I like
we be doing something smarter now. Not just marching
and getting beat up. Even the drug dudes be thinking
smarter. Knows they needs allies now. Nobody
can stand alone.”
Sam: “Yeah. The confederation of the disenfranchised
and the seriously ignored. Real Americans.
Amazing how powerful a little button is - a real idea
whose time has come. The owners, ... they’ll think
this is over, when its just beginning. Just the
fucking beginning.”
(lights up, puffs and then passes a joint to companion,
who then hands it to the person in shadow – he leans
forward – it’s Joey).
Joey: “Sam? Grammy sez you are a kind of
shaman. You smoke pot? Isn't it supposed to be
bad for you?”
Sam, laughing: “Joey, … life is bad for you.
Everyone dies from it. Anything to excess will
have unwanted consequences. Too much money and power,
for example. Same with pot. Wine as a
sacrament is okay. Three bottles of rotgut a day will
kill your liver. God didn't put us here to be mean to each
other, but to love and be kind and raise wonderful
children. At the same time, Joey, I can see in
your face - the want for revenge. Is that right?”
Joey: “Yeah [looking down] … that's right. Joy’s
maybe going to lose that leg. Grammy was shot too. I
can feel it - I seriously want to fuck someone up.”
Sam: “Who you going to kill? The cops? They
lost people too In the '60's we thought it was
the “system”. If we could kill the system, the
world would get alright. We didn't see yet, what
Carl came to see. The Way the world is, is already
alright somehow. Carl tried to live the Sermon on the
Mount. Said all the answers were in living
that. Not judging. Praying in secret, and
such. Simple way to live.”
Companion: “That be right brother. That be
right. Yet, we are called to create. That
was also Carl's insight. We could create
rebelliously, so to speak. Didn't have to color
inside the lines.”
[reaches out and touches Joey]
Companion: “There's a place for the fire that burns you,
though. Christ did throw the money changers out of
the temple. Carl liked that one. He thought
the whole world was a temple and we were just fine trying to
get the money changers gone from messing with it.”
[the joint passes around some more. The camera catches
the lights from cars playing on the foggy sky moving over the
bridge. Some seagulls caw, the scene fades to
black, as ocean waves sound over and over again against the
rocks …. ]
scene 41
slow fade to Rider, being interviewed on CNN type show -
note over screen says “2 months later”
(the rest of this is shot as voice-over - what we see is
people doing this stuff she is describing in the voice-over,
wearing buttons and talking to each other):
Rider: “Well, there are already a lot of
changes. 23 municipalities have used eminent domain
to create housing for the homeless. In most of
those areas, unemployed people are volunteering to upgrade
those buildings and make them suitable. Different
communities are also seeing complex confederation
organizations spring up, where people who don’t normally end
up on the same side are working together, not just to
protest or occupy, but to solve problems the government is
not solving.
“Probably the main effect of the original
second declaration event is that people everywhere are wearing
some version of ‘we don’t consent anymore’. All
kinds of strangers are greeting and talking to each other just
because they are wearing the same button. What is also
happening is that a new vocabulary is beginning to take over
the political conversation. Questions about the social
contract and the agreement of all to be bound by the same law
are being asked by reporters of politicians. This is
making politicians formulate far different answers than the
ones they usually give. Right now I’m doing my 10th
interview this week.
“Of course, some work places don’t let
people wear their buttons at work, but lawsuits were filed
yesterday in a couple of jurisdictions specifically seeking
for the rights of workers to express themselves politically in
the work place, as long as the views expressed are not too far
outside the needs of work.
“There are also, more radical
action-events. Different people occupying unused spaces
for all kinds of reasons and purposes. Often older women
are leading these activist groups, and someone recently called
these radical forms of protest, as led by our women elders:
‘the grandmother war’. Some news people have started to
use the term ‘the army of the unemployed’.
“Something is changing the way we talk
about things, and that is changing the way we think about
things. Part of how we know this is good, is because a
lot of the money and power elites are fighting against
this. Image assassination of Agnes and Carl is
happening. You’ve seen the stories: Carl was a drug
addict and a sex fiend, and Agnes his alcoholic paramour.
“But these don’t fly anymore, especially
when it is done in front of the press, for many in the press
are finally asking honestly difficult questions. Some of
them are even wearing buttons. There is a Second
Conversation happening, which is in reality the 2nd
Constitution - a new social contract is being
formulated. We, in this studio, are part of it. We
are reminding the politicians that they work for us, not the
other way around, and some of them are admitting this is the
Line on blank screen:
3 More Months Later
scene 42
Town car limo in D.C. Man in suit in back, on
phone. Car in traffic, stops at light and
intersection. Homeless guy walks up and does the wash
your windshield thing. Driver of limo, opens
window, his hand reaches out and offers the window washer a
dollar bill. The window washer leans on the upper part
of the car window a little, while taking the bill.
We cut in a shot of him leaving what is obviously an
electronic bug in the car, just pressed inside the upper
edge of the window. We also see he has a button, not
in clear sight.
scene 43
We see Smith, Base’s boss at Homeland Security going into
his office. Just as he goes in we see a person of
color, from housekeeping, leaving his office.
Smith just barely nods
to her, and we notice she has a button, kind of hidden
behind her work coat. As Smith
sits down, we get a camera view from above - kind of
fish-eye like, as if he is being
watched by a hidden camera.
scene 44: more or less a repeat of the
scene from opening credits
opening sequence, part two
split screen: Smith (Base’s supervisor at HS talking to
un-named man in a suit in a car via cell phone) In the
background of the car is the Capital Building in D.C.
Smith: “Its tied up”
man: “You’re sure? We lost a major battle over the
narrative in the press.”
Smith: “That will die down. People will just keep
doing what they always do. Most of them are
sheep. You know that.”
man: “That guy Carl wasn’t. Very bright guy to out
think and out play you.”
Smith: “An aberration. There won’t be any others.”
man: “You better hope so. I’ve got to get back to
the White House, ... we’ve a meeting on drone strike
issues. There is far too much resistance out there,
and right now we are not sure you’ve actually contained
things at all.”
as this scene is played out, we get cuts of Gloria and Sam
listening to the conversation via their own “intelligence”
gathering resources, on a computer screen that has a banner
down below: “the above is brought to you by courtesy of
Anonymous productions”
scene 45
[background - Gloria is subpoenaed to appear before a
Congressional Committee, chaired by a Republican. The
Committee’s concern is to reassert the ongoing narrative that
the government is in charge, there is no oligarchy and
domestic terrorists are responsible for all the seeming
ongoing social anarchy. Gloria appears by herself, with
apparently no attorney. This takes place about half a
year after the “event”, and just a week or so after
the conversation between Smith and the unknown West Wing
Gloria has sat down in the chair before the microphones,
alone. She has no papers with her.
Chairman Roscoe: “Mrs. Stephenson. You seem to be
alone. Were you not advised to come with a lawyer?”
Gloria: “I am one.”
Roscoe: “What? You are what?”
Gloria: “A lawyer, Mr. Roscoe. I’m a lawyer”
Roscoe: “Oh, well .... okay, By the way my
proper title is Congressman Roscoe.”
Gloria: “Well, if we are going to do proper titles, then
maybe you should call me Citizen Stephenson.”
Roscoe (looking at aides): “Huh ... I’m
sorry. I don’t understand.”
Gloria: “I know Roscoe, ... that’s why I came here,
... to help you understand.”
more conversations among the aides and such
Matrix (the committee’s main legal council): “Mrs
Stephenson, there are certain protocols for this
place. It is proper to refer to the Chairman as either
Chairman Roscoe or Congressman Roscoe. Please do so in
the future.”
Gloria: “Really? What’s the plan then?
You going to spank me if I don’t behave?”
Matrix (showing some anger): “Mrs Stephenson,
I’ll remind you, you are under subpoena. If you
don’t follow the rules, you’ll be found in contempt of
Gloria: “Well, you are right about that, I do hold
Congress in contempt.”
bits of applause and laughter from the audience in room,
Roscoe bangs his gavel for silence.
Roscoe (trying to get his “authority” back): “Mrs.
Stephenson, we know you have ... “
Gloria (interrupting him): “That’s Citizen
Stephenson to you, Congressman, if we are going to have
titles and such. (Roscoe tries to get control back,
but Gloria just goes on, talking over him). You
see Congressman, the reason you and your groupies back there
are confused, is that you haven’t been paying
attention. I’m a Citizen of the United States of
America - you know the ones - the ‘We the People'
folks. You work for us not the other way
around. The only reason I came here today was so that
what went on between us would be on live television.
You need a lesson in Civics and I’m here to deliver it.”
more applause and laughter ... Roscoe uses the gavel,
and it is ineffective ... finally things quiet down.
Matrix and Roscoe confer, and someone comes toward Gloria
carrying a bible for her to swear on.
Matrix: “Lets get on with this, and leave the sideshows
aside. Please stand and raise your right hand and put
your left hand on the bible.”
Gloria: “Why?”
Matrix: “That’s the usual procedure Mrs. ... ah
Citizen Stephenson. People take an oath before
testifying to the Committee, ... to tell the truth.”
Gloria: “Are you and Congressman Roscoe going to take that
oath as well? If I’m supposed to swear to tell the
truth, you should swear to tell the truth too. This
is America isn’t it, and one of our fundamental legal
principles is equality for all under the law. So if
you want me to swear, then you should swear too.”
Roscoe, interrupting: “We are here to have you
testify ... ma’m ... (trying to avoid calling her
citizen). That’s why we’re here.”
Gloria: “Its not why I’m here. If you get to ask me
a question under oath, then I get to ask you a question
under oath. That’s only fair, isn’t it? The
law is supposed to be fair, right?”
more applause and laughter, Roscoe tries again to gavel
things into silence, and this time it doesn’t work, so he
and the other politicians and aides just get up and leave the
Gloria (standing up and turning to the audience):
“Shows over folks. What do you say we all just go to lunch
someplace, have a drink, or smoke a joint, and get
better acquainted.”
run credits with Maria singing Woodstock
at the start
I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me...
I’m going on down to Yasgur’s farm
I’m going to join in a rock ‘n’ roll band
I’m going to camp out on the land
I’m gonna try and get my soul free
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe it’s the time of man
I don’t know who l am
But ya know life is for learning
We are stardust
We are golden
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion-year-old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devil’s bargain
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
AND, while the credits continue to run we see People on the
film crew who had their pictures taken, wearing buttons, to go
next to their names in the credits ... even buttons
disagreeing with the other buttons. But, we also hear
Maria speaking in this voice-over ...
Maria, voice-over to credits: “There is a lot of lying, and if
not lying just plain stupidity in our public life. If a
public official says we live in a democracy, or or talking
head on TV says the same, ... they are lying, or they are
seriously stupid. There is no in between. We live
in an oligarchy, which is a system of government controlled by
an elite class, mostly rich. They control the
corporations, the media and they effectively own most of our
“A democracy would mean there is a
relationship of some kind between our voting, and the
results - the results being the actions taken by Congress
and the Senate. Anyone not entirely asleep knows that
the Congress and the Senate vote mostly for the needs of the
1%, not for us.
“Now this is not some kind of nut job
conspiracy theory bullshit. There is no
conspiracy. Its a fact of our political life that came
about because people refused to use honest language in public
affairs. They used this dishonest language for so long
that some people came to believe it, although many do not
... many know what is said in politics is a lie, whether
it is said by politicians or by News people.
“For the News people the problem is
actually fear, for if they started to ask good questions, or
speak the truth, the liars wouldn’t give them interviews
anymore. Sad, but true.
“At its best the political conversations
between the media and elected officials is badly performed
theater, - performed by both sides for their own
personal interest. It some instances, it is also
conscious cowardice and treason. Many presidents have
violated their oaths of office, and many others have committed
crimes, for it is a crime to lie to the public. I don’t
know if it is a crime to report a lie, which you know is a
lie, but perhaps it should be.
“And we, if we continue to tolerate this,
if we fail to put on that simple button that says “I no longer
consent”, then we’ve joined the liars and the stupid.
That’s the choice. Put on the button and stand for the
truth, or be a liar or seriously politically stupid.
“This is especially the case if you’ve
stopped voting, because you know your vote doesn’t mean
anything. If you know that, then you know about the
lying and the stupidity, and all you are doing, besides
not voting, is putting on the button and saying ... I
don’t consent to the lying and more, and I (if you
want), I’m not going to vote because there is no real
choice in voting.
“Almost all political parties are corrupt
- certainly the major ones, the Democrats and the
Republicans - our Founders didn’t even want them to
exist. When I don’t vote, I’m voting for none of the
above, because I know already they won’t represent
me. If they wanted to represent me, they wouldn’t
join a party and they’d wear a button too.
“Imagine a Congress and a Senate made up
entirely of independents. With term limits, and having
to run for office without any special interest money at
all. Chaos? I don’t think so. Sanity, and
service and nobody becoming a career politician and getting
rich for doing their duty as a citizen.
“Wearing one of these buttons is going to
be revolutionary, on a huge scale. It will change the
conversation. Since the politicians and the News people
can’t anymore tell the truth, then it is up to us. The
central fact is that We the People are the real government of
the United States of America, and its time for us to let the
whole world know, and claim the rights the Founders gave us
through a bloody war. Only this war - this “button-war”,
doesn’t need any blood to be spilled at all. Like Carl
said, America is an idea, and its an Idea that belongs to
us. Wear a button, change the conversation, and watch a
miracle happen.”
end credits