Read it over here.
[We] have no intention of recommending hot new CDs you should play -- we trust you and know that you'll make great decisions about which albums to buy in the future. No, we have our sights locked on the CDs that you already have. We understand that from time to time, people make mistakes and we sincerely want to help excise the guilt of a pretentious, over-hyped, and simply bad music collection from your life. More importantly, we're going to help you turn your purchasing mistakes into cold, hard cash!
In the main, we have not selected easy targets for removal -- we know that you know that the Milli Vanilli album you've got stashed away in a shoebox isn't exactly kosher. Nope, we chose critical darlings and must-have releases from the past and present.
Here's the albums I have and will immediately remove:
There's no chance I'm getting rid of these though, they encompass large amounts of my few good memories from my teenage years :\