We do want change, don't we.

We want the world to be free of hate and war and crime and pain.

Our heart yearns for an end to suffering - wouldn't it be wonderful if we could spend
our days in fields of wild flowers, drinking wine and holding hands while the
children play tag, with their laughter and joy making a music to put Mozart to shame.

Then we wake from the dream, to the harsh reality that the Buddha called the
First Noble Truth - "life is suffering"

Is there a secret to life?

Yes.  Life is Art, but it is an Art that has to be learned in the school of hard knocks,
whose diploma is wisdom, and whose first grade is not labled kindergarden, but responsibility.

So we end up Citizens, and members of social communities, who cannot live without mutual
trust and caring.

Thus, the change we want only comes from acts
we do together.  And the  school of wisdom tells
us that we cannot change everything.  "The poor will be with you always", He said.

Meanwhile, out of that so very hard post-graduate school called addiction comes the Serenity Prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

Celebration and Theater, Art and Rite, tragedy and comedy, activism and wisdom